The wisdom teeth are what are known as third molars.

The wisdom teeth are what are known as third molars. They appeared generally between 17 and 21 years "except in some cases! ". Most often, they fail to develop normally and must be uprooted. Symptoms: When the thrust of a wisdom tooth, the gum affecting the tooth is red, swell and become painful especially when chewing, causing great difficulty to eat. The pain radiates to the jaw. There is an inflammation of the lymph nodes. The gums may be swollen pus, pain can be caused intolerable and the subject sleeps poorly. The mechanism, the output of the wisdom tooth is rarely simple because of the presence of permanent teeth, she still sometimes stuck in the gums and jaw bones. The infection of the tissues surrounding the crown of the tooth is liable to a péricoronarite acute (severe infection péricoronaire bag, which is all the tissues surrounding the crown of a tooth included in the jaw). Treatment: The tooth pain and inflammation may disappear spontaneously. If pain is intense, if the fever sets in, if it is feared infection, it is better to consult a dentist who prescribe a painkiller and antibiotics and anti inflammatory. After radiographic examination of the mouth and jaws, a surgery is sometimes necessary incision of the abscess, extraction of wisdom teeth, then drain pus. Finally, depending on the position of the wisdom tooth and ease of extraction, you will be offered either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Expect a day of rest after the extraction of wisdom teeth, because this intervention can sometimes be painful