What is gum disease

In our mouth there are two main types of microbes: those responsible for tooth decay and those responsible for gum disease and / or periodontal (structure that surrounds the tooth, or ligaments , bone, ...) These microbes live in the bacterial plaque, a sticky colorless film that accumulates on vosdents near your gums between tissusgingivaux and between teeth. Acids produced by these germs, attack and destroy the gum tissue healthy. Children may also be affected by gum disease. These are the microbes that cause infectious disease called gingivitis and periodontitis. In the longer term they can cause your teeth loose or even fall if nothing is done to control or eliminate maladie.En short, gum disease, or gum, is a broad term used to describe a condition of gingivitis from minor to serious maladieparodontale.
What is the difference between gingivitis and periodontitis? The gingiva covers the jawbone. It estsolidement tied around the tooth. A small decline between the gum and tooth is always present. If this decline is less than 3 millimeters in depth, it is normal and it is called sulcus. If more than 3 millimeters in depth may indicate a problem of gum and then calls on the poche.Lorsqu a gums are healthy, it fits well around the tooth, is a beautiful pink, not not bleeding and is not sensitive. But when there is a disease, it is otherwise, depending on the stage reached in the maladie.La gingivitis is the first stage of the disease. It is caused by an accumulation of plaque that irritate the gums around the tooth and cause del'inflammation. This inflammation is a response to your body against aggression. Your body sets up its defense system: the immune system.