Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.

According to the World Health Organization, gum disease or periodontal disorders are one of the most common health in the world. It is estimated that 70% of the world population is more or less reached. Of these, up to 900 million suffer from periodontitis, the most serious form of the disease: In addition, periodontitis can potentially be linked to several serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular accidents disease and risk of premature birth.
What are the symptoms?
At the beginning of the disease, there are no symptoms and no pain. It is therefore important to examine your mouth regularly to detect any events such as gums red, swollen, bleeding when brushing, bad breath.
What is plaque
Bacterial plaque contains the microorganisms (bacteria) that cause tooth decay as well as gingival and periodontal infections.
In fact, adhering to the tooth surface and then multiply, these bacteria cause the one hand, the carious lesions of the email. They are also responsible for the inflammation of periodontium (plant tissue surrounding and supporting the tooth.) Which can cause tissue destruction,
What is gingivitis?
When the disease affects only the gums, it is called gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums characterized clinically by changing its color, shape, position and the presence of bleeding. It is most often caused by bacterial plaque. It is possible to arrest and reverse the effects through daily measurement of treatment applied by the patient plus a professional regular descaling.
What is periodontitis (gum disease)?
When the spread of inflammation of the gums extends to deeper structure, it is called periodontitis, which can be mild, moderate or advanced. It comes in addition to the features of gingivitis, bone resorption by a more or less depending on the type of periodontitis,
There is a slight loss of periodontal attachment, the clinical depth survey is called a pocket.
It describes the pocket of periodontal or gum. It is necessary to identify pockets to determine the type and nature of the condition which the patient is suffering and develop a plan of treatment.
Gum disease is painless and shows few symptoms. When brushing is not adequate, the plaque that accumulates around the teeth and gums hardens to form tartar that cause gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. The cause of gingivitis redness swelling and bleeding gums.
Without intervention, the disease continues to worsen, tissues and bone which support teeth are deteriorating. In advanced disease, teeth can become mobile and fall.