Decayed teeth made to the index on behalf of a partial vision of the so-called holistic dentistry,

Decayed teeth made to the index on behalf of a partial vision of the so-called holistic dentistry, some try to impose systematic extraction of teeth decayed. According to these modern Digging, it would be the panacea to all problems. Make the tooth devitalised the scapegoat for our ills is simplistic qu'infondé. The deterioration of health resulting from the accumulation of many factors (pollution, lifestyle, stress, harmful habits, etc.).. What remains to take place decayed teeth in this long list. In addition, the promoters of these methods claim miraculous healings without providing evidence. Collateral damage extractions Disappointed to have sacrificed half (or more) of their capital dental without the slightest improvement, patients are responding that their status would have been worse had they kept their teeth decayed. But nothing is less certain. Because if healing is not guaranteed, the degradation of the occlusion and posture, however, is certain. Any extraction, was there a single tooth, causing a slump jaws very damaging to the articulation of the jaw, back, posture, even if restoration by a prosthesis. Studies have shown that tooth loss affects spatial memory and aging toothless people worse than others with an increased risk of dementia. Child, Premature extraction of teeth was catastrophic in terms of growth jaws, generating Mallocclusions the consequences too often irrattrapables thereafter. The reason keep decayed teeth extraction can be useful in certain cases but individuals must never be presented as a systematic and much less a cure. It must be weighed with the expected side effects caused by extractions (see below). This reduces the indication of decayed teeth extractions for people with serious illnesses or disabilities. In addition, dentistry energy uses tests (morathérapie, neuralthérapie) needed to establish causality of a tooth in a devitalised pathology and pose an indication of its mining and in the context of a truly intelligent and dentistry holistic. In children, except irreducible infection or extreme disrepair, it is imperative to keep the baby teeth decayed by treating them with essential oils. The potential damage generated by the toxins from decayed teeth are always lower than those caused by their premature loss. Choosing the dough plugged the most toxic roots in a tooth devitalised, the dough is often used to fill the roots. Rather than advocating extraction, it is wise to warn patients and dentists of the dangers of these pastes containing formaldehyde derivatives, corticosteroids, the antibacterial or other irritants and harmful to favor the use of a Paste the most neutral and most natural possible based on essential oils. Points to ponder before retrieving extraction of a tooth mutilation is irreversible and there is now no completely satisfactory way to replace lost dental body. The implants do not restore the function kinesthetic ligament (sensitivity to pressure) and present (for titanium) toxicity at least equivalent to that of a tooth devitalised, even if this toxicity is different (ion release Metallic and électrogalvanisme). The devices or removable dentures are not accepted, often uncomfortable and unstable when Edentulism important. As for bridges, they induce blocking structures opposing micro-movements of natural bone supporting them, particularly at the suture palate with sometimes disastrous consequences on health (insomnia, headache, dizziness syndrome depression). Excerpts bibliographic • Kubota K, K Nagae, Shibani S et al. Degenerative changes of primary neurons following tooth extraction. Anat Anz. 1988; 166 (1-5): 133-9 • Kato T, Usami T, Noda Y et al. The effect of the loss of molar teeth on spacial memory and acetylcholine release from the parietal cortex in aged rats. Behay Brain Res. 1997 Feb; 83 (1-2) :239-42.