Go see your dentist once a year

We must go at least once a year with his dentist, at least for a routine visit. Your dentist can see small cavities possible start on enamel, it is nothing to treat.

Caries prevention

In terms of decay, still the best prevention: Avoid eating sugar and brush your teeth after each meal.

Do not eat between meals

It is true that we must avoid eating sugar, sweets, cakes, jam, sugary drinks, ... especially between meals and especially at night before bed.

During the meal, there is nothing not to take a sweet dessert if they can brush their teeth afterwards.

The teeth

Children are very prone to cavities, the teeth are the first teeth appear.

The teeth are important, first of all they can eat as big and then they are the way of teeth.

They are beautiful, white, like porcelain, they are fragile, take care for them.

Small children eat a lot (too much) of sugar products, particularly bottles of soft drinks, sweets, cakes, .... They like that.

Some have their bottle (from soft drink) in the mouth all day, sleeping with others. What happiness for the bacteria in dental plaque!

It is we adults who are responsible for their cavities.

While not completely eliminate sugar from their diet, be reasonable: no bottles of soft drinks at the end of field, especially not in the evening by going to bed. No candy going to bed.

The bottles are given at meal times, for against, between meals, it is logical to give them water only if they are thirsty.

It is a habit to give them at an early age, in addition, apart from the prevention of caries, it is the right way to feed them.