The gingival graft can treat people suffering from gum disease

The gingival graft can treat people suffering from gum disease: gingival recession. This means they do not cover enough teeth.

A priori, it is not unusual but the consequences of this disease are not insignificant: unsightly appearance, significant pain, difficulty in washing their teeth properly. In the long term, teeth can even shoes and fall. It is quite normal because the gums have primary role to protect teeth.


A tooth is attached to said alveolar bone. It is maintained right through a set of gums and ligaments surrounding the root of the tooth.

The gingival recession is a loss of tissue that covers the roots of the tooth. The gum back and gradually discovered the tooth. This affects both the upper teeth than the bottom.

As a result, the gums no longer have to protect the tooth. The sensitivity to cold, warm and sweet is exacerbated. The roots of the tooth are less stable. And the smile is less pretty.

The causes

Gingival recession may be linked to the fineness of the gum, which comes from genetics, trauma or the inflammation caused by plaque, for example.

An aggressive brushing can also lead to a recession. Therefore, we must brush up and down, for teeth top and bottom to top to the bottom. And not just making small circles or large trips, aggressive for the gums.


One way to treat this disease and prevent its consequences is the Registry of gums. It has a very good performance, we get in effect a rate of 70% to 80% recovery roots.

Only limit the heavy smokers are not made because smoking increases the risk of failure.

The price of the operation varies between 500 and 1 000, not covered by Social Security.