The teeth that grow hurt the baby

The teeth that grow hurt the baby

The teething not hurt as parents!
The idea that the arrival of the first cohort teeth causes symptoms is widespread, since thousands of years, various problems have been attributed to teething, such as pain, fever, diarrhea, convulsions, bronchitis, ear infections, etc. . Many health professionals believe, delaying the chances of reaching a correct diagnosis quickly.

However, many studies have been conducted and have never shown a causal link between these evils and the thrust of the teeth. Thus, the observation of twenty Australian children aged 6 to 24 months for 7 months could establish no relationship between fever and teething, or with other symptoms such as mood swings the discomfort, increase in slime, coloring cheeks or body, falling asleep ... But a doubt for diarrhea, although it is certainly appeared by chance at the same time as teething.

The study concludes that further studies are teething the scapegoat for all the changes that occur after the age of 6 months: ENT problems and stomach, and the mood changes appear more frequently from this age and are a normal stage of human development. Attribute this to the teeth reassure parents who find an explanation to all these comforting embêtants and persistent symptoms.