The Ice helps to relieve the pain and inflammation

Pain of the teeth or jaws, something is wrong. You may have tooth decay or periodontitis. Sometimes betrays the way of punishment, not what might be in order.

Initially, it is perhaps only a slight pull, then comes the pain even more violent back then. If the pain is strong and remains, you should go to the dentist. Because persistent pain in teeth and pines indicate that something is wrong. If you are in great agony not do anything, it may be that teeth or die in the worst case of the jaw bone damage.

Toothache arise whenever the edgy is. This is a nerve inside the tooth. Normally this space is well sealed: To Mark the tooth sits around the tooth enamel, he believes everything happens in your mouth, from Zahnnerv away. Where the tooth enamel finish protects the gums to the teeth. The tooth roots deeply seated in the jaw and bone and tissue surrounded. Only when one of these layers of protection inflamed, perforated or destroyed,

Pochende punishment means that the tooth may die

If the tooth necks free, you can hot coffee, cold soda or candy dissolved in saliva through the tiny open Kanälchen dental neck until Zahnnerv penetrate and irritate him. They are then drawn perceive pain.

Does it only hurt when you eat sweets, you might be because of the aching tooth already in one place is rotten. Because sugar caries can reinforce the pain. Has been a sensitive tooth pulp reached in which the nerve is embedded, it starts to be painful thump. Then you should go to the dentist. Because the pain will worsen, the decay will always deeper into the tooth inside eat until the tooth dies.

Is leaking has become a filling, can bacteria in the column between dental fillings and slip. In this niche caries may arise, then you may respond to sweet and sour with pain. But even without caries can be a lack of filling torment: the gap can heat or cold to penetrate Zahnnerv - also acknowledged that the nerve with pain signals.

Even the gums may hurt

If the inflamed gums, you may be a little hurt - but it has not. Such gingivitis developed mostly by plaque, by cleaning, you can prevent worse. You do nothing, inflamed gums may be the more and more, it swells, bleeding and dissolves the tooth. Ill then even the entire surrounding tissues including the roots and the jawbone, you have a Paradontitis. That hurts.

Do you have pain only when chewing, it could be that a bridge, filling or prosthesis does not fit properly. Perhaps she is at any point too high, too low, too long or too short. Because then your teeth are not properly intertwined attacks, increased the pressure when you chew at certain points. The Zahnnerv can irritate the affected tooth. It may even be that the pain until the ear or radiate into the jaw joint. It loads on the tooth permanently, he may die: This is pretty painful, mostly concerned feel the throbbing pain.

Too much pressure like teeth generally are not. He takes to respond to the corresponding tooth or jaw with pain signals. The reasons for the pressure can be very diverse: They grind their teeth or pressing the teeth are often heavily together, the bite can be overloaded. Perhaps are also growing crooked teeth or jaw hidden wisdom teeth the culprit: You can beset other teeth and wegdrücken.

Tablets and cloves alleviate the pain

Suddenly emerging against a toothache, you can take tablets. The free sale painkillers with the active ingredients paracetamol, acetyl-Salicyl acid (ASA), or ibuprofen are all equally good. Effervescent tablets relieve pain more quickly, because the active ingredient rapidly in the cells arrived. Hold the pain, they are strong or they return again and again, you should go to the dentist.

If the tooth necks sensitive, you can paste for sensitive teeth may well do so. They contain substances such as potassium nitrate, fluoride compounds or strontium chloride. Whether these substances, which distribute the pain, but is still quite unclear. Perhaps even the seals Putzsand, in all toothpastes contained, the small tubes in the tooth neck, so that neither hot nor cold to the nerve can penetrate.

Those who prefer using natural ingredients cured, it can house resources to fall back, for example, cloves. They are chewed. This presses the herbal ingredients beyond. They dampen the pain and inhibit any existing inflammation. Have the same effect damp cloth or ice bags, you lay on your cheek.