Dentists recommendations

Without wanting to alarm you, when I saw the same catastrophic event.

Needless to say, these people did not know about the defects as they are not skilled professionals and they can not distinguish good from bad prosthesis.

Add to this the choice prosthetic little that could be adapted to them, certainly influenced by the dentist.

Finally, to cap it all, given the exorbitant price of prostheses, they paid a fortune their prosthesis.

Other people, who never had dentures, came to see me because they need dental advice, for example:

- For aesthetic problems: teeth, overlapping, teeth, too yellow, etc.
- For decayed teeth to be replaced by prostheses, etc..

And they are afraid of being abused on tariffs on prosthetic choice, on the longevity of the prosthesis on its quality ...

They also feel that their dentist inflated prices and they ask me my opinion on the subject.

In talking with them, I had some surprises and even in some cases, I was speechless!

Today, I propose immediately accessible information that is to say that you can access at any time (evenings, Sundays, holidays ,...)

The information that I am willing to reveal is unique for an obvious reason. No dental supposed do reveal the existence of defects on both sides, bad choices prosthetic possible from dentists and their prohibitive tariffs for fear of upsetting and losing customers dentists.

After all, nobody broke her own home.

You can find this information anywhere else!

Basically you, you're probably in the process to ask you ... "why, he tells us what others did not dare?"

Simply because my clientele is composed of dentists. Otherwise, I would you like all the others!

But this is not the only reason that pushed me in this.

This is the story of my neighbor "Christine" I was shocked.

One Sunday evening, someone knocks on my door.
It was my neighbor Christine. It was panic.
She had just lost all his upper front teeth.
His bridge suddenly fell, leading to its roots were still stuck.

It took great courage and humility to see me in such an embarrassing situation. I was embarrassed for her.

Imagine a beautiful lady of 42 years who appeared in 30 or 40 years!

She had her hand at all times in front of her mouth, she could not articulate (phonetic problems associated with the loss of his teeth), his face had increased and had lost chewing function.

It took him to make urgent provisional prosthesis. The next day, as part of her work, she managed a very important to 80 people.