Clove - A solution to toothache

From its etymology "Syzygium aromaticum, clove or clove tree is a family myrtacées. This tree in the conical shape is from Indonesia. Its height varies between 10 and 12m. But cloves can reach 20m in height. Its leaves are oval and leathery, while its four flower petals are white-pink

. The clove is characterized by persistent red sepals. Before the development of the plant, the flower buds are called cloves. These buttons are harvested by hand before the opening, and then dried.

These are the real cloves. The flower stalks and leaves are harvested and dried.

They are usually distilled to obtain the essential oil of cloves. Clove oil contains a significant amount of oil, water, tannins, a little starch and cellulosic materials. It is very rich in eugenol. There are also other compounds terpenic, aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic.

The essential oil of this plant is also used as an anti-inflammatory or a powerful antiseptic. It is also a tonic gastrointestinal, uterine, antinévralgique and local anesthetic. In addition, the clove treats scabies and acts as a depressant of the central nervous system.

Cloves are often used as a culinary spice. It enters the composition of curry flavor sauces, meats and some baked goods. "We use cloves in cooking mbongo. The more flavor the sauce," said Monique, a housewife.

In addition, the plant also improves breath, prevents dental infections and can also tackle the toothache. "To have a fresh breath, we must systematically leaf or cloves. Its essential oil is recommended for all those suffering from toothache.

But this evil will be eradicated if the patient joined the toothpaste with the oil. The use of two products used to kill the cavities and thus cure the disease, "says herbalist on the Naturalia in Douala.

To calm the pain, the patient must be applied on the painful tooth nail cloves crushed, or a bit of cotton soaked in oil of cloves. We find this plant in most markets, as well as in supermarkets at a price of FCFA 4775. Toothpaste, it costs 4425 CFA in supermarkets.