To put some teeth at Halloween

Halloween, it's true candy for children ... But it can also become a nightmare for teeth! All these sweets can cause cavities. It is therefore the ideal time to discuss with your family members care to bring his teeth.

Your mouth is the gateway to your body. Take care of your mouth and teeth helps prevent tooth decay, infections, gum disease, oral pain and tooth loss. This may even have a beneficial effect on your physical health.

If your gums bleed or are painful, if you feel the pain of teeth, if you suffer from chronic oral infections or other oral health problem, consult your dentist immediately. Studies have shown that there is a direct association between oral disease and other health problems such as diabetes, pneumonia, heart disease and stroke.

You can act in several ways to avoid problems mouth and that your teeth and gums remain healthy - as well as your entire body. Below you will find information on some dental problems and gum the most common, on methods used to ensure a healthy mouth and how to take care of your children's teeth.

Oral Diseases
Recognize and understand oral disease may help to prevent and to recognize when they occur. Like any other disease, screening and early treatment can achieve better results.


Sugar is one of the main causes of dental problems, which is why Halloween is so difficult for teeth! The sugar content in food is mixed with bacteria (germs) in the mouth to form a mild acid. The acid attacks the hard layer, external, of the tooth (the enamel), which, thereafter, softens. Therefore, a bunt is formed. A cavity is a hole that develops in the tooth when the enamel is damaged.

The damage that sugar causes depend on the amount of sugar in the mouth and the period of time where it remains. More often affects your sugar tooth, and the longer it stays there, the more damage it causes. That is why it is so important to brush his teeth and using dental floss regularly.

Untreated cavities may cause pain to the teeth and, eventually, cause them to fall. Young children may develop early childhood caries, which typically attacks the previous four teeth and which may cause pain and cause speech problems and braces. Both adults and children should have good dental hygiene and see a dentist regularly - especially if dental pain or mouth.


Gingivitis is the first stage of a gum disease. Inflammation of the gums occurs when plaque - a thin, sticky substance that forms on teeth - appears.

If gingivitis is not treated, it can turn into gum disease. The gum disease is a disease that develops slowly. It is an inflammation of the gums, bones and tissues that surround and support the tooth. If left untreated, it can cause tooth loss.

You can prevent gingivitis and gum disease by brushing your teeth and gums to remove plaque. The plaque is not removed can turn into tartar and contribute to the development of a periodontist disease, a form of gum disease worse.

It is important to monitor your teeth and gums and see a dentist regularly. Gingivitis and gum disease are sometimes difficult to detect the early stages of development. Watch for these warning signs:

gums red, shiny, painful boursouflées or sensitive
pain in the gums,
bleeding when you brush your teeth or when you use dental floss.
persistent bad breath.

Bruxism is a condition that affects many adults and children; used to grind or bite the bullet. This can happen when one is asleep or awake - but many people are unaware they are affected when this occurs only during sleep. We do not know the exact causes of bruxism, although many experts believe that this is the result of psychological stress.

The signs and symptoms can range from mild to severe and irritating. They include:

sensitivity of the teeth, worn teeth, broken teeth and tooth loss,
Headaches, facial pain or cheeks,
noise caused by teeth grinding or snap sleeping.
There are many treatment options to treat bruxism - from night splints relaxation therapies - talk to your dentist for an evaluation of your condition and to discuss treatment options.

Oral cancer

The mouth and gums may be the place of occurrence of cancer, the abnormal growth of cells and their spread. The risk factors of contracting oral cancer include age, sex, diet, smoking and alcohol consumption:

Seniors over 50 are most at risk;
men are more likely to develop oral cancer than women;
a diet low in fruits and vegetables is a risk factor;
consumption of tobacco and alcohol increases the risk.
An oral cancer can be treated successfully if treated in time. Consult your dentist if you notice the warning signs include:

Mouth sores that do not heal after two weeks
red or white plates in the mouth,
lump on the lips, tongue or neck,
bleeding mouth,
a sore throat or difficulty swallowing,
numbness or tingling.
Prevention and care
Take care of your teeth and gums not give you a smile, it protects you from more serious problems and this will help you maintain a healthy and live better. Here are the most important things to do to maintain good dental health:

1. Brush your teeth and use dental floss every day. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles for brushing your teeth and your language at least twice a day. Use a fluoride toothpaste, recommended by the Canadian Dental Association (CDA). For more information on how to brush your teeth and using dental floss, please visit the website of the CDA.

2. See your dentist. A review of dental health and regular professional cleaning will prevent or detect dental problems early, before they become serious.

3. Watch your mouth. Familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of gum disease, and bruxism of oral cancer, and then regularly check if there are changes in your mouth, your gums and your teeth.

4. Watch your diet. A well balanced diet including lots of fruits and vegetables is good for your overall health and the health of your teeth. Nutritious food to help prevent oral cancer, gum disease and the cavities. Follow Canada's Food Guide for healthy eating and reduce your intake of sweets. Opt for healthy snacks, drink water between meals, reduce your intake of tea and coffee and read the labels - many foods contain sugar and other sweet substances like glucose, fructose, honey , Molasses and maple syrup.

When you eat sweets, avoid those that stick to teeth and eat more sweets at mealtime and not as a snack. Brush your teeth every time you eat a sugar, or at least rinse your mouth with water or eat fruit containing fibers or vegetable raw. The objective here is to dilute and remove as much sugar as possible so that it does not stick to teeth.

5. Eat a healthy lifestyle. Do not smoke or do not chiquez tobacco and reduce your consumption of alcohol. Tobacco can be a factor for gum disease, tooth loss and oral cancer, alcohol increases the risk of oral cancer. Protect your lips with a balm anti UV when you go in the sun.

Take care of your children's teeth
As the person responsible, you play an important role in dental care of your young children and their learning of good dental hygiene. Learning a good dental hygiene, including good eating habits and daily cleaning teeth should begin early.

Start cleaning your child's mouth before he had his first tooth. The plaque may develop caries in young children. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles baby or clean teeth and gums of your child with a towel very wet. Do not use toothpaste when your child has teeth. Brush your child's teeth until he is old enough to write his name in letters attached. For more information on how to take care of her baby teeth, please visit the Dental Care for Children.

Use a very small amount of toothpaste - equivalent to the size of a pea - especially before the age of six. Children under three years should have their teeth brushed by an adult who uses a tiny amount of toothpaste. Use a fluoride toothpaste, but make sure your child does not swallow - swallow too much toothpaste in children can cause dental fluorosis. Please see the FAQ on fluoride CDA for their position on fluoride.

The ADC promotes dental control of infants by a dentist within six months after the appearance of her first teeth, or before the age of one year. A dental health check every six months to allow dentists to detect problems early, before they develop. Once all the teeth of the child exits, the dentist can determine whether there need to consult an orthodontist.

Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay, also limit the amount of sugar that your child eats. The sugar found naturally in many foods health, it is important to drink water with your child between meals and make sure their teeth are brushed at least twice a day - the evening is brushing particularly important.

Always on hand for healthy snacks like carrot sticks, cubes of cheese, berries, small boxes of cereal (unsweetened) and small amounts of nuts and seeds. If you serve sweets, serve them with meals and do not give your child a sugar-rich foods that remain long in the mouth as suçons of chewing gum, caramel and fruit bars.

Teeth whitening
Even if the teeth are not naturally white, many people now use systems to whiten teeth. You can get treatment to whiten teeth with your dentist or you can buy a kit without a prescription treatment. The treatment kits to whiten teeth obtained pharmacy use ingredients similar to those used by dentists, but at lower doses. Recent studies have shown that individual products to whiten teeth are not dangerous if used as directed, however, you should not use this kind of product for more than 14 days and not more often than once by six months. Visit Health Canada to learn more about security on the tooth whitening.

CDA recommends consulting a dentist before using a product for bleaching teeth in order to determine the cause of discoloration and to discuss the best treatment options.

Security at the Hallowe'en
Halloween is a day very special for children and ensure that your child benefits fully safe, the CDA has compiled a list of things to do for Halloween.

Prepare a healthy meal for your child before sending search for sweets so that he avoids eating way too much. Bring all the sweets at home and inspect them before allowing your child to eat. Limit the number of daily periods where you allow your child to eat candy and other sweet snacks, and urge it to brushing your teeth after every sugary snack to avoid the formation of plaque and cavities.

Above all, spend a very happy Halloween!