improving access to dental care

The Public Service Mutual (MFP) and the Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale (MGEN) wanted to unify their memoranda of understanding, signed in 1996 and 1999, the National Confederation of Trade Unions Dental (NSDC).
This will harmonization on a renovated takes into account, in a concerted manner between the parties, mutual expectations of Public Service and those surgeons - dentists considering changing their current practice.

On 1 January 2007, the Mutual of Foreign Affairs includes preventing dental benefits in its accession to Annex III-A of the Memorandum of Understanding MFP-CNSD
Two examinations are planned:
• An annual review for all members
• An examination for pregnant women between the 3rd and 6th month of pregnancy
These examinations must be performed by a dentist signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding MFP-CNSD be covered up to 5 € (without providing purely mutual exemption of advance fee) in addition to the cost of a consultation (currently 21 €).
You can download the book oral and coupons to be handed to the dentist you visit.

To maintain healthy teeth,
Keep the smile,
Make a preventive oral surgeon from your dentist

• An annual review of preventive oral identifies the necessary care and can avoid future problems heavier.
• A follow-up oral is imperative during pregnancy Consult your dentist between the 3rd and 6th months of pregnancy as a preventive measure, even if you do not have any dental problems.
• These reviews are an opportunity for you to talk with your dentist also conduct a review oral depth, it can provide advice and deliver personalized hygiene requirements.
Do not hesitate to ask your dentist on the prevention of your oral health.

The mouth, a reflection of our health
Take care of his health, but also to pay special attention to oral health.

Too often neglected in pain outside the mouth and teeth are directly linked to the whole body.
Diseases of the oral cavity may be the manifestation of general diseases, or conversely, be the source or become an aggravating factor for these diseases.
Your dentist is the first in line to detect or prevent these dental diseases.
It has a role comparable to that of the physician should be consulted regularly throughout life, whether child, adult or more specifically a pregnant woman.

Your capital is to maintain smile: do not wait for trouble to consult!
Why an annual review of preventive oral?

I did not have a toothache, why go to the dentist?
This is not because you do not have a toothache that there are no problems.
The first affected by tooth decay are painless. At this stage, only your dentist is able to detect and remember the main rules of oral hygiene dentaire.Le preventive treatment is simple, fast and no pain, using local anesthesia in some cases.
In addition, an inspection is less costly preventive care that heavier and more expensive, as the fitting of a prosthesis.
It allows especially to avoid the use of prevention, care heavier.

Why poor dental can it affect my health?
Because any outbreak of infection mouth can have an impact on different organs and cause or exacerbate certain diseases. For example, some gum disease can cause premature births may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and accelerate the progression of diabetes.
Therefore, it is essential to take charge of oral inflammation in the interests not only of oral hygiene, but also for the general welfare of the individual.

Should we still be afraid of the dentist?
No. More care early, they are less painful.
Furthermore, local anesthesia is used systematically in the event of sensitivities.

And for pregnant women?
A review of oral prevention is offered by your mutual understanding between the 3rd and 6th month of pregnancy

Why an oral examination during my pregnancy?
The health of your teeth and gums may have a direct impact on the development of your baby.
In pregnant women, hormonal changes occur, particularly at the level of progesterone, which can cause gingivitis. For example, some untreated gum disease in pregnant women may be due to premature birth.

Can I receive dental care during my pregnancy?
There was no indication against major dental perform during pregnancy.
For example, X-rays made by your dentist are not dangerous to the fetus, since they require little ionizing radiation. In addition, to ensure optimal protection, a lead apron is installed for some impact on your belly, to protect your baby.
As a mother, can I contribute to good oral health of my baby?
As Mom, you have a vital role in preventing oral your child.
First by a varied diet and enough each day in order to bring the body elements necessary for its effective functioning.
Then, avoiding certain risk behaviors vis-à-vis your baby, like giving a bottle as soon he cries. In doing so, you create a breeding ground for the development of caries.