For teeth in good shape

For teeth in good shape

Smile, eat, talk, our teeth are working and should be in perfect health. The oral hygiene starts at an early age and do not stop ... ever! Brushing several times a day, balanced diet, annual visit to the dentist ... these are the three golden rules to live with teeth and gums healthy throughout his life.

No more fear of the dentist!
Today dentists prefer that prohibiting educate. Without doubt they reason, since the oral health of English is improving dramatically. And if today 40% of children 12 years old are free of cavities, the goal is to be 80% in 2010. However, it remains an obstacle! As everyone knows, is fear. We are in fact 85% feared the meeting to the dentist.
The vibrations of strawberries or some devices are reflected in the head, causing a fear unconscious. This is why dentists inspire fear, more than all other health practitioners. They are ill-loved and feared by many patients. Hervé Caron dental surgeon in Paris. For him, there are several kinds of pain: "There is pain before treatment, those in the care and after. Pain during treatment and after care are part of the doctor-patient cooperation. Pain before treatment, we will say that 80% or 90% it is the responsibility of the patient. If pain is that it has been most often neglect. A tooth does not deteriorate in one fell swoop in one night. So pain can be prevented by screening and regular follow-ups. Now the pain during the task, we can not always avoid it. You should know that now we can do a lot of care under anesthesia. We are not going to say that the total insensitivity to a dental chair exists. But compared to what people think or what they have experienced, it has no report. "
Today, the dentist can fully take over all the pain associated with the oral sphere. Because the techniques of care and pain treatment have made enormous progress. The fear of the dentist can often be equated with the fantasy. But it should not be scorned for it.
And if you do not want to be afraid to go to the dentist, it's simple! Just brush your teeth three times a day. You will have healthy teeth and healthy. So when you go to your annual visit of control, you will not fear, because you will not hurt you ... But brushing is not a formality that you can send to rush. It should last from 3 to 5 minutes. In the ideal, do it three times a day after meals. And twice, it's really a minimum.

The method!
Do not matter how "there are teeth on the top, bottom, right, left, front, basically, all you need to brush. We will apply a very simple method which is used a mnemonic. It said the method BROS. Ie B as low, I brush first down and then I paint a top. After R, by a rotary or roll, that is my toothbrush made rotary motion in a circle on the surface and roll from the gum to the tooth, therefore, from bottom to top to bottom and from top to bottom to the top jaw. Then O, ie as oblique, ie that the hair, the strands of the toothbrush are inclined at an angle of 45 degrees on the gums and from this position they will start back to the tooth. "In the evening, once brushed his teeth, no sweets or drinks, or chocolate or sweets before going to bed. Do not brush wet after having put the toothpaste, water would dilute the active ingredients. In fact, toothpastes are designed to complement the mechanical effect of the toothbrush. They help to eliminate the surface and dental spaces, food debris and plaque. Their primary goal is not to whiten teeth, but to clean them. The little fun, they leave in your mouth feeling clean and fresh, while fragrance breath. Hmmmm! Then again, a good job is done with good tools. Repeat frequently brush your teeth. Do not wait until it looks like an old feather duster! And do not martyrize your teeth or your gums, brush hard not "décapent" no better than others.
On the contrary: they are bleeding gums weakened by plaque and tartar. In contrast, the hair a soft brush their way more easily in the interdental spaces ... And then ... be efficient: we put too much toothpaste on our toothbrushes. The phenomenon is widespread, with 96% of children are overdose of toothpaste. Adults for that matter! For the American Dental Association, a pea is enough to draw perfectly all the teeth of a child under 6 years. A condition to do so three times a day, after every meal.
Fluorine or not?

Fluorine or not?

To increase the effect of toothpaste, especially if it contains fluorine, keep it in the mouth a few minutes before rinsing. Fluoride protects teeth against acid attack. It diminishes the harmfulness of dental plaque and limit his training. But again, pay attention to the dosage. Natural element, fluorine is found in many foods: fish, spinach and tea contain small quantities. Some waters are naturally high in fluoride and you are in, to varying degrees in most mineral waters ... or tap. The update of the benefits of fluoride has led to add some salt in cooking, to offset the deficits that existed in the 60s.
But marketing has been part of: chewing gum, lollipops and candy try to forget they are being enriched caries fluorine! Fluoride tablets are even offered as food supplements. So certainly, fluorine is essential. Yes, but at reasonable rates. Because ingested in large quantities when the teeth are still in training, it can cause the appearance of tasks. It is dental fluorosis.
Some also ensure that excess fluorine night to the nervous system and is proven, it increases the risk of ostéopétrose, a bone disease which deforms and weakens. Consider fluorine for what it is, a drug that is taken in limited doses and buy in a pharmacy. The problem will not arise overdose more. Even if it does not buy happiness merchants candy or hygiene products "surgonflés" fluoride.

Even the method!
In addition to the toothbrush, you have other means to clean teeth. Floss complements the toothbrush. It enters the spaces between teeth, facilitating the complete elimination of food debris. This process is better for the gums that cures teeth. As for the jets under pressure, it's like a shower for the mouth! They clean thoroughly well, and massage the gum tissue. They also improve blood circulation in these tissues. Especially recommended for prosthetic holders, they may help if you use them early enough to avoid this ...
And to complete the chapter on technology, just a word about electric toothbrushes. A condition of buying a good equipment is better than a gadget. At the outset, the rotary motion is consistent with the dental anatomy. And their small size you avoid overdoses in toothpaste ...
The tooth, living body

The tooth, living body
Teeth poorly maintained, poorly cleaned, treated badly affect the body. We do not know enough, it does not always ... and yet tooth decay, it does not suffer. Cavities lead a series of disastrous consequences for the general statement: headaches, sinusitis, digestive complications, eye pain ... They may worsen considerably especially heart disease and joint pain. And sometimes even the cause. For Hervé Caron, the tooth is a living body, which at its core has a cavity that is responsible for blood and blood vessels, communication through the exit of the root with the general circulation. The blood that is circulating in the tooth throughout the body, it comes from the body and returns it. So from the moment he takes care of contaminants - can be bacteria, microbes - it will circulate throughout the body and we know that some even have a special affinity for germs from dental homes. Including some heart disease, certain joint diseases, digestive, respiratory may have dental origins. "
To maintain healthy teeth, saliva is a natural bulwark. Unfortunately when sleeping, it does almost no saliva and cleaning of natural teeth is no longer appropriate. But what exactly is the role of saliva? Its first role is to make lubrication of food, facilitate its ingestion and mastication. Then it has a protective effect on teeth because it is responsible for mineral elements. "You start to realize that contrary to what we thought, saliva can reach some remineralize caries start. From the moment we have cleaned and if it promotes the secretion of an abundant salivary some caries can be arrested, "said Hervé Caron.

But some medications such as antidepressants, certain diseases damage salivary glands, or radiation therapy reduces the salivary secretion. And the older teeth too. As the tissues that support them! Then appeared the loose own older.
"With the lengthening of life, there is a tissue of the tooth that is fragile, known as the periodontium, ie the fabric of support for the tooth in its alveolar bone. It ages because it is a normal physiological process of retraction of the alveolar bone. Then the fabric is also vulnerable to attacks products processing of sugar by bacteria. And he formed what is called periodontal pockets, ie a space that grows between the grip and the tooth. And it is a vicious circle, because in this area enters the saliva, which will be loaded with products of decomposition, therefore, created by sugar acids. "
Indeed, the loose quite a resorption of alveolar bone and ligament. Gum drops, the root appears. Occurs when the pain and gingivitis, cavities and the neck, at the junction of the tooth and gum. If your parents or your grandparents have suffered from these disorders, you are at risk. But in general, failing health and limescale deposits are the main culprits of the loose.