When the tooth hurts!

The healthy tooth, covered with a glaze in good condition, is constantly threatened by the plaque, made up of food debris and bacteria, which are deposited on its sides. Not eliminated, this plaque hardens, forming tartar that is causing cavities and gum disease ... and other dental diseases.

Teeth and gums hurt during the following main conditions:

Tooth sensitivity. When the retraction of the gums or the enamel wear strip the base of the tooth, exposing the dentin, this area is sensitive, even painful, especially to temperature changes or in contact with sugary foods.

Gingivitis. It is an inflammation of the gums, which becomes red, swollen and painful, sometimes very strongly, and may bleed. Most often, gingivitis is the result of dental plaque. But it may also have other causes: hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy), allergies, taking certain medications.

In some cases, the fermentation of food stuck between teeth, inflames the gum. These jams food "can cause great pain. In addition, dental inappropriate or too old can damage the mucous membranes and cause pain.

Caries. It is a progressive destruction of the components of the tooth. Some bacteria convert sugars in food acids that attack the enamel surface. Enamel, dentin and pulp successively reached.

At the first stage, a spot appears on the enamel painless. At the next stage, the tooth becomes sensitive to changes in temperature, sweet and acid.

When the pulp (which contains nerves and blood vessels) is reached, the pain is very acute, nagging, creating an impression of "heart that beats in the tooth, and can sometimes extend to the ear.

The cavity is a gateway to infection that can be confined to the jaw, but also spread to various organs and cause serious complications.

The dental abscess. It is an infection that leads to the formation of a pile of pus. This abscess usually develops in the region of the deep root and creates inflammation that can cause painful swelling, sometimes with a fever.

The teething. Between 6 and 10 months, they cause pain associated with fever, red cheeks, irritation of the buttocks, or diarrhea.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist for a balm to be applied to the gum.

In adolescent and young adult onset of wisdom teeth can cause pain for half of the face.

How to relieve the pain?

Some toothpastes effectively reduce dental hypersensitivity. There are also toothpastes appropriate in cases of gingivitis, which can be associated with freezing, with good results in the inflammation and bleeding.

Mouthwashes have anesthetic properties, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agents as appropriate.

Talk to your pharmacist. He will propose a solution for you and give you advice of oral hygiene.

A well-chosen analgesic would ease the pain while waiting for care. Paracetamol and, more importantly, ibuprofen are suitable for this type of pain. Aspirin is not recommended for oral bleeding.

In any case, tell your dentist that you take a painkiller.

Remember that to help ease your pain and make it less nagging, it is better to sit rather qu'allongé. Indeed, elevating the head by the rest of the body can reduce blood pressure in the jaw.

It is essential to consult your dentist if the pain persists.