Have gold teeth?

My wife insisted on having a gold tooth - something that I dislike at the highest point - and it has repeatedly begged me for that. What is the point of view of Islam on the gold teeth?

Response of the Fatwa Committee of Al-Azhar
There are no problems, an Islamic point of view, that men and women have teeth in gold, silver or platinum since it is necessary. It is reported that the nose of Arfajah `Ibn Sa` d al-Kinane, one of the Companions of the Prophet - God approves all - was seriously injured in battle. He then replaced the damaged by a piece of money. Later, when the silver nose gets used up under the effect of time, the Prophet - peace and blessings upon him - asked him to replace it with a gold nose.

It also reported that many scientists as Ibn Musa Talhah, Abû Rafi `Did Tibbânî Thabit, ISMA he Yazid Ibn Al-Mughîrah Ibn` Abd Allah had gold teeth. Similarly, the Imam al-Hasan al-Basri, Az-Zuhri, An-NAKH `î and imams hanafites do no harm to have gold teeth if necessary.

Ibn Qudâmah reported that the followers of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal did no harm to have gold teeth and money as it was done without excess or extravagance.

Therefore, it is clear that there is no difficulty in filling and cover his teeth with the gold and silver. However, according to the first opinion, the use of gold and silver in the teeth should be limited to cases of necessity while the second opinion (the followers of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal) allows any time, provided it is not motivated by excess or extravagance.

Regarding platinum and other metals, there is no clear evidence that would prohibit its use.