Back pain, sore teeth

"Back pain, sore teeth" by Jean-Marie Landouzy
The pain caused by imbalances in the jaw and teeth
Editions Quintesssence October 2005
The imbalance of the jaw and the engagement of bad teeth are responsible for multiple diseases painful.

The imbalance of the jaw is responsible for many painful diseases. The symptoms include pain of temporo-mandibular joints with cracks, and sometimes a limitation of mouth opening.

Localized disease to other parts of the body: ear pain, tinnitus, ringing in the ears, ear bite sensation, dizziness, headaches, migraines, facial neuralgia, burning sensation of the tongue, nose, wings, lips, dry mouth, Angulus Infectiosus. And especially back pain expressed by chronic pain in the spine, pelvis and other symptoms.

The origin of this pain is often difficult to find and number of patients suspected of psychosomatic patients when they suffer chronic and desperate to see their pain better.

In recounting the stages of research and peppers them with examples and anecdotes, the author brings us gently in the field of medical knowledge and mechanics of the human body. It clearly outlines the methods of diagnosis and treatment of developing these diseases. When a patient understands the disease, it can better control it, take it and contribute to its cure.