The extraction of wisdom teeth is to remove third molars top and / or bottom.

"Most of the time they are taken because they may disturb the proper alignment of teeth due to lack of space. This is what happened to Marc: "To my fifteen years, the dentist was after me to spend a radio for another part of the teeth, that my future wisdom teeth were badly positioned and might ask difficulties when their thrust. He therefore advised to get things done without delay extraction by a stomatologist. " And Magali: "Following a dental radio, my dentist noticed that my wisdom teeth were being released but not the place to stay in my small jaw. Since they pushing my molars, he had to act quickly! "
"Sometimes it is because they are misplaced, included in the bone, isolated or cause pain or infection, as evidenced by Sonia:" It is I who asked to be made. My dentist has approved because my teeth were included and source of many problems (pain, infections ...)".
Or finally, because wisdom teeth are too decayed to be treated as explained Tiphaine.

The process of extraction:
Usually the intervention goes under local anesthesia in the office of the surgeon or dentist stomatologist. Sometimes, especially when the four wisdom teeth are removed at the same time, that there is a general anesthetic. In this case, a short hospitalization is required and a preoperative consultation with an anesthesiologist. This was chosen Cindy: "I removed the 4 at once. I had a general anesthetic. I preferred to remove all of a sudden because I was afraid it happens j'appréhende evil and that another operation thereafter. "
The duration of the intervention is variable. It consists of an incision in the gum and the release of the tooth in question. The wound is then closed due to surgical son.
Although the intervention is common, it is often a source of concern. Many patients arrive with fear. This was the case for Tiphaine during his first speech: "I was shaking and had difficulty breathing. The 1st time it was horrible, it lasted long, I had the impression that the dentist was m'arracher jaw! The 2nd against both, it was really fast (10 minutes) and without problems, especially stress-free as soon as I felt the dentist was very competent. " Especially when the extraction presents risks for Sonia: "I n'appréhendais not the operation itself, but rather the fact that one tooth was in a disadvantageous position compared to nerve ... The surgeon warned me that there was a risk of nerve damage, even the cut! " But worry most of the time, everything goes very well and without pain, as explained Valerie: "I had a slight apprehension that proved totally unfounded because I have not felt the only discomfort was numbness of the jaw after local anesthesia. "

And after? The operating suites are different people and the interventions:
Cindy: "I was not very swollen, I just" good play! "Of course, I ate the compote and puree for 15 days to be sure I does not break a thread. In addition, I cleaned the mouth with a pear to remove residue.
Magali: "I almost did not swollen or blue (hence aesthetically: perfect) the big problem was the pain. A lot of dogs for 15 days: intolerable, typing them in the head against the walls. So My nights have been troubled with frequent awakenings and I had to stay lying all day (there are only so that I stand). Even anti-inflammatory drugs were not effective enough. Côté food: mashed potatoes and soup for 15 days also. It was very difficult to resume a normal diet because the pain was still there. Finally, once I had worse, he continued loss of sensation on the right side of my tongue. Given it does not pass, I went to see my osteopath who gave me the jaw in place (it had been shifted and compressed a nerve). That said, everything is back in order, I have no legacy . It was a bad time to go for me but the reactions are different from person to person. "
Marc: "healing was very fast, without too much discomfort to eat (it was enough to chew on the non-operated) and an effective analgesic avoided me suffer greatly."

After the intervention, the dentist will give you a sheet with all the information to follow: apply ice on the cheek, avoid foods and drinks too hot, relax, take the medicines prescribed by the doctor, make mouthwash After 48 hours, and so on. In most cases, everything goes. To report any problems: bleeding, pain that persists despite treatment, plays abnormally blue ... you should contact the dentist directly. Moreover, even if the retrieval is done by local anesthesia, are planning a work stoppage.