Sensitive teeth and leukoplakia

The teeth that hurt when they come into contact with drinks or food hot, cold, sweet or acidic teeth are sensitive. One in three adults has already experienced this problem.

Causes, symptoms and consequences
The cause is usually attacked a tooth or gum infection. At the root of the problem, there is often a root laid bare in the wake of a recession gingivale.La root is not wrapped by a protective layer of enamel and is therefore more vulnerable to cavities. When enamel and dentin crumbling, external pins can affect the nerves of the tooth causing some bad douleur.Une method of brushing, brush too hard and wearing braces or partial dentures can use the tooth surface and increase the sensitivity of the teeth. We call this erosion wear dentaire.La pain caused by sensitive teeth often prevents people who suffer from brushing your teeth thoroughly. Result, the problems only increase.

First, always tell the problem with a dentist. This can make a "sealing" of teeth. This operation involves applying a layer of synthetic varnish on the teeth to protect them. The deep grooves and cavities in teeth are obturés.Vous can make your own problem by using a gel or mouthwash fluoride. It strengthens and protects teeth. The specially developed mild toothpaste and toothbrushes also less hard to repair the teeth.

Leukoplakia is a condition thick white on the cheek, gums or tongue.

Causes, symptoms and consequences
The chronic irritation of the lining due to the consumption of tobacco and alcohol at a prosthesis unsuited to a broken tooth or a bite of the cheek, is often one of the causes of this problem.
Normally, it is not painful except that it sometimes gives a sense of irritation.

In tackling the problem, the disease will disappear by itself.
It can be eliminated in some cases by a laser.
It is worthwhile to examine leukoplakia by a dentist. Indeed, it is cancer in 3 to 5 per cent of cases. It is recommended to check every 3, 6 or 12 months, depending on the type, location and magnitude of the problem.