The adult dental problems

Diseases of the gums

Nine out of ten Canadians have an infection of the gums during their lives. In adults, dental problems is most widespread.

A healthy gums and a good frame hold teeth firmly in place. The line attachment is located in the gingival crevice. The plaque is an invisible film, which was responsible for bacteria, which accumulates every day on the teeth and in the gingival crevice. If not removed daily, it turns into tartar, promoting the development of infection in the attachment. Then, small pockets of infection form in places where we can not detect, destroying gum tissue and bone that hold teeth. If no treatment is given, teeth being uprooted and eventually fall.

Initially, the infection of the gums shows no symptoms. They appear as the situation will deteriorate. The infection starts at a place or two of the mouth, where there was negligence.

The infection of the gums is almost always avoidable. It can be treated and, initially, it may even eliminate it.

See also section hygiene

Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Do not usual, but as needed. Go slowly and pay attention to the gingival crevice, where meet the teeth and gums. A good brushing lasts two to three minutes. Try timing.
Flossing can reach places that are inaccessible to the toothbrush between the teeth and in the gingival crevice. If you do not wire dental floss, you fail 35% of the front teeth. For best results, pass the floss first, then brush your teeth.
Check your gums regularly to detect symptoms of infection:
gums purple, red or sensitive
discoloration of the gums,
bleeding gums every time you clean your teeth with dental floss and brush
Chronic bad breath,
metallic taste in the mouth,
redness on the gums around the teeth,
feeling pressure between the teeth after meals.
If you notice any of these symptoms, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Do you regularly review by the dentist. It can detect infection of the gums from the beginning, before you do notice symptoms. The dentist or dental hygienist, you can clean your teeth and remove tartar before the gum can become infected.
Your dentist may refer more complex cases to a specialist, called periodontist.

When did you spend so dentistry for the last time?

If you've spent over 24 hours without using dental floss, you have more tartar on your teeth that day. Daily use of dental floss can remove plaque in places that does not brush teeth and prevents the formation of plaque in the gingival crevice.

The damaged teeth

The damaged teeth may cause some discomfort and affect appearance. These are all good reasons to visit the dentist, but there's another one: a small chip or even a little can, to your knowledge, cause serious damage.

The dentist has various ways to repair a tooth, as it is chipped, cracked or otherwise. In short, it can repair almost all kinds of damage.

It is also important to fill the space created by the loss of a tooth. They must be installing a prosthesis to prevent other teeth to move. These are then more likely to decay and gums more vulnerable to infection. The lack of teeth may also cause a misalignment of teeth and jaw disorders.

It may also be hurt by the teeth of sport, but wearing a mouthguard reduces the risk. The dentist can shape a mouthguard that will suit your body. Then, if we recommend you wear a helmet with visor or grille mouth, do not hesitate to do so.

Chipped tooth can repair a chipped tooth with resin or a facet (small envelope of thin plastic and natural color that mold on the tooth, as is done for fake nails). We apply a crown on a tooth affected more severely.
Dent damaged Depending on the nature of the damage, it may be necessary to conduct a root canal or put a crown.
Missing teeth Here, you still have a greater choice depending on the circumstances, the dentist may recommend the option to install a removable partial denture, a bridge or an implant.

Wisdom teeth

You probably know someone who has removed his wisdom teeth - you may be. Dentists suggest to extract wisdom teeth when they are Discalced or cause infection or problems with adjacent teeth. Most of the time, wisdom teeth can be extracted under local anesthesia and the patient recovers quickly. If the tooth is included, extraction becomes more complex and may require general anesthesia.

We have all three types of molars, large flat teeth at the back of the mouth used to chew food. The first molars appear around age 7 or 8 years and the second at 11 or 12 years. The third molars or wisdom teeth are the last to grow. They are usually in late adolescence or early twenties.

If your wisdom teeth grow normally and remain well wisely in their place, you do not you worry. As against, often they fall or they exert a pressure that leads to misalignment of other teeth. Sometimes the wisdom teeth remain trapped in the gum. It said then it is included.

Some feel the pain when wisdom teeth start to grow. It is therefore advisable to consult a dentist as soon as they begin to show that it bothers you or not. He will occasionally X-rays of your wisdom teeth to monitor growth.

Tension and grinding teeth

It's simple, learn to relax. Be careful when you tighten the teeth, especially in the day. Do not chew your pencil or pen. Ask the dentist to recommend exercises to relax the muscles of the jaw.

Many are those who shake or teeth grinding of the teeth, especially during sleep. This phenomenon is called and may, over time, dulling the surface of teeth. The problem is primarily due to muscle tension that causes stress.

Most people do not realize that and end up with pain in the jaw or teeth in the morning, or frequent headaches. The dentist is often the only one who can say if you grinding of teeth.

If necessary, it can shape a mouthguard that you wear during your sleep. This protector will not prevent you from grinding teeth or to tighten, but it will ease the pressure. The dentist can also suggest relaxation exercises to help you better control stress.


The disorder of the temporo-mandibular joint (ATM) is often associated with stress and can cause pain in the jaw and teeth. It is a misalignment of the two major bones of the jaw, which may even prevent you open or close the mouth normally. It can cause tension in the muscles of the jaw, difficulty opening the mouth, headache or a crack in the jaw during mastication. Sometimes the bruxomanie affects the temporo-mandibular joint.

The ATM disorder is more common we think. If you experience pain in the jaw, if you have difficulty opening the mouth or frequent headaches, see the dentist.

Your dentist may refer more complex cases to a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery and facial.


The first most common symptoms of oral cancer are red or white patches that appear. They are not bad, but if you find any, consult your dentist immediately. The white patches become cancerous in 5% to 10% of cases. They are more common than red and easier to spot. The red spots become cancerous in 30% to 50% of cases. They are less common but more dangerous.

If you smoke, you may be yourself the source of your problems with teeth or gums. Smoke destroys cells in the mouth. Those who die accumulate, forming a plate whose environment is conducive to infection. Moreover, some chemical components of tobacco weaken the protective cells of the mouth, which prevent infection. Smoking is a major cause of oral cancer, not that smoke stain teeth and fillings and gives bad breath.

Smokers should be monitored for warning signs:

red or white patches in the mouth,
unexplained bleeding, pain or numbness in the mouth,
pain on the lips or inside the mouth, which persisted after a period of 10 to 14 days.
At one of these signs see the dentist. There are surgical procedures ablation of oral cancer and ways to address the many evils of smoking. However, it may be longer and to prevent problems, you will ultimately quit.

The main symptoms

Here is a guide of the main symptoms of dental diseases and their significance. It poses no diagnosis. Only the dentist can do.

SENSITIVITY OF TEETH Teeth may be sensitive to heat, cold, sugar or pressure. The sensitivity may appear suddenly or gradually and is usually the signs of a problem. See the dentist.
Bleeding from the gums CLEANER TO THE TEETH If you start using dental floss every day, it is normal that the gum bleeding slightly. But if it becomes regular or bleeding persists, you may start an infection of the gums. Mention it to the dentist.
DRY MOUTH drugs usually dry mouth. Have dry mouth is not only unpleasant, but it can exacerbate a dental problem. We must speak to the dentist.
BAD BREATH Tenacs The persistent bad breath may be due to food, alcohol, tobacco, excess table, medication or an infection. If you can not rid the toothbrush and dental floss, see the dentist.
DENT motion a blow to the jaw or infection of the gums can lead to loss of a tooth. Whatever the cause, a tooth that motion is serious and we must talk to the dentist without delay.
DENTAL RELEASE A and uncomfortable dentures must be adjusted occasionally or redesigned to suit the shape of the mouth that is changing. Make your check regularly by the dentist.