Gum problems, tips and advice.


• When your gums bleed and you also notice swelling, the swelling, pain or bad breath persists.

• When injuries occur under your dentures.
What show symptoms

We are not talking here of a peppermint stick, which loses its flavor too quickly, but problems with the essence of your smile, the color of coral tissues that hold your teeth. We speak, of course, your gums. Protect them or you will lose your teeth.

The problem of gum is the most common bleeding. It is a sign of inflammation, what dentists call gingivitis. Gingivitis is a precursor of a disease more serious trouble: periodontitis. Once the gum has reached this stage you can lose your teeth.

Gingivitis is caused by an accumulation of plaque that forms on teeth and gums. Plaque is a sediment of saliva and food full of bacteria. Anyone who regularly goes to his dentist knows it will suffer the effects of plaque if it does not brush or goes floss every day. However, other factors are involved in the problems of gum.

"This symptom is not sexist. Women are much more likely to suffer from gingivitis than men, said JoAnne Allen, DDS, a dentist in private practice in Albuquerque. During their rules, gums women are more swollen and sensitive, "she says. And their gums bleed more easily. This sensibilitté does not predispose women to gum disease, but the situation could worsen if other factors such as poor dental hygiene were present. "

Dr. Allen also points out that almost all women who become pregnant suffer from a temporary gingivitis accompanied by swelling and bleeding that gets worse as the pregnancy ends.

In fact, the baby could inherit the problem of birth of the gums of his father or mother. "The gum problems can be inherited, said Paul A. Stephens, DDS, a dentist in private practice in Gary, Indiana, and president of the Academy of General Dentistry. Some people accumulate little plaque on their teeth, while in others the accumulation is important. "

"Some medications can cause swelling or bleeding gums," said Eric Z. Shapira, DDS, director of the board of the Academy of General Dentistry and a dentist in private practice in Half Moon Bay, California. These include oral contraceptives, antidepressants, decongestants, antihistamines, nasal sprays and drugs against high blood pressure and heart disease.
In addition, gum problems are very common in people with diabetes and leukemia, as well as those who suffer from dry mouth, who smoke or who live under a great stress.

The last two categories, smokers and people under stress, are likely to suffer from ulcerative gingivitis, a disease common among soldiers of the First World War, also known as gingivitis ulcéronécrotique. People who suffer from this type of gingivitis have painful ulcers on the gums, bleeding and very bad breath.

Dentures that hurt

"The sores may appear on the gums if your dentures are not adjusted correctementou if the jaw bone was so damaged that it could not retain the prosthesis firmly in place. The injuries are not always painful, "said Samuel B. Low, DDS, assistant dean and director of graduate studies at the College of Dentistry at the University of Florida in Gainesville. This does not mean we should ignore them.

"These ulcers are a form of pressure atrophy. It's like if you wear a cast for months, the member would have duminué size, "he said. The surface of the gum is off and the bone beneath the gums resolves.

Bleeding gums and injuries compared to most health problems if you make an early diagnosis, they are easy to regress. "Gingivitis is completely reversible if treated early enough," says Dr. Allen. To create the effect of regression on the gums bleed, you'll of floss and a good toothbrush. Also, be sure to properly keep your toothbrush.

Change the angle of your toothbrush. The best way to remove the plaque that accumulates at the intersection of teeth and gums is to use a toothbrush with soft bristles at an angle of 45 degrees when you brush your teeth. It is also moving slowly in a circular motion or saw.
This movement is also effective to remove plaque that has accumulated on the tooth itself.

Brush your daily. "Ideally, you should brush their teeth after every meal," says Bruce Pihlstrom, DDS, professor and director of the Research Center Dental Clinic at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. If this is impossible, make sure to brush at least once a day.

Use dental floss. "The way to use dental floss is to hold the wire, it is waxed or not, C-shaped around each tooth. Make sure to go slightly below the gum line, moving the floss back and front, from top to bottom, until the silk seems clean, "said Dr. Pihlstrom.

"The first time you use floss, your gums may bleed a little. Do not worry: floss produced some irritation in areas infected gingivitis, "he said.

Visit your dentist regularly. "Most people should have their teeth cleaned professionally every 6 months, although other people might want to visit their dentist more often," said Dr. Pihlstrom. They include candidates likely to be disease of the gums, particularly smokers and those with diabetes, those taking drugs that can affect the gums and that family history of gum disease.
Pregnant women more susceptible to gum disease should see their dentist for a cleaning at least 3 times during their pregnancy.

"You will regret if you do not see your dentist on a regular basis: those who expect more than 6 months between visits tend to eventually lose their teeth," says Dr. Allen.

Cases of severe gingivitis

Brushing, the use of dental floss and a biennial visit to the dentist is not effective if your gingivitis is severe or if it has progressed to a stage of periodontal disease. At this point, your dentist or hygienist must, through its equipment, remove the plaque that has hardened substance called plaque, which was located between the teeth and gums had deteriorated.

"The dentist will remove any calculation or dental plaque from the surface to the roots of the teeth, procedures for cleaning called scaling and abrasion. The procedure might require the use of a local anesthetic, "said DTihlstrom. "You may have to provide two or three visits to the dentist."
Consult a specialist. In a case of serious damage, your dentist may give you the name of a périodontiste, specialist of the mouth, gums and bone diseases. "The périodontiste will give you many options," says Dr. Pihlstrom, including bone grafts, repair and renovation of empty pockets parondontales, the restoration of the gum line.

False teeth

If you have lost your teeth and you take now or partial dentures, you should take care of your gums. Here's how.

Continue brushing. It does not dentures false teeth without reason. You must brush, which helps prevent gum disease. You also want to brush your gums and never keep your dentures all night. The gen-cives also need rest.

Get new prostheses. Dentures do not last a lifetime. "This is a serious mistake to think that your dentures will last forever", said Dr Low. When you lose your natural teeth, there is an erosion of the jawbone, which disturbs the adjustment of prostheses.

"Mal adjusted dentures can cause irritation, but people do not seem to react," he said. Your dentist should first check the adjustment of prostheses annually. Chances are that you will change your dentures almost every 5 years.