The wisdom teeth are what are known as third molars.

The wisdom teeth are what are known as third molars. They appeared generally between 17 and 21 years "except in some cases! ". Most often, they fail to develop normally and must be uprooted. Symptoms: When the thrust of a wisdom tooth, the gum affecting the tooth is red, swell and become painful especially when chewing, causing great difficulty to eat. The pain radiates to the jaw. There is an inflammation of the lymph nodes. The gums may be swollen pus, pain can be caused intolerable and the subject sleeps poorly. The mechanism, the output of the wisdom tooth is rarely simple because of the presence of permanent teeth, she still sometimes stuck in the gums and jaw bones. The infection of the tissues surrounding the crown of the tooth is liable to a péricoronarite acute (severe infection péricoronaire bag, which is all the tissues surrounding the crown of a tooth included in the jaw). Treatment: The tooth pain and inflammation may disappear spontaneously. If pain is intense, if the fever sets in, if it is feared infection, it is better to consult a dentist who prescribe a painkiller and antibiotics and anti inflammatory. After radiographic examination of the mouth and jaws, a surgery is sometimes necessary incision of the abscess, extraction of wisdom teeth, then drain pus. Finally, depending on the position of the wisdom tooth and ease of extraction, you will be offered either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Expect a day of rest after the extraction of wisdom teeth, because this intervention can sometimes be painful

Wisdom tooth

Wisdom tooth
Tags: 4 wisdom teeth, tooth abscess on wisdom, removal of the tooth extraction, general anesthesia, after extraction, after the operation, carrie wisdom tooth, healing, wisdom teeth

The wisdom tooth is the third molar, and it does not appear at all. We can count up to 4 wisdom teeth on one person. Unfortunately, it is often a source of pain. Often its axis of growth is not correct or missing instead the mandible. We must then consider the extraction. The dentist will under general or local anesthesia, unlike his colleagues pseudo Middle Age! It all depends on the severity, the number of teeth, but the most was the local anesthetic that is chosen. This is also the case stomatologist, all dentists not involved the removal of wisdom teeth. The operation lasts between 15 and 30 minutes after the operation and the consequences are manifold: light bleeding a few hours, a few days of pain, treated with painkillers, and finally, the most embarrassing, opening the mouth very limited! It must then eat the straw ... After extraction, healing is not a problem if we observe strict hygiene: no smoking, no alcohol, food, soft and warm, nothing spicy, no acid, and finally brushing and mouthwash after every meal.

The extraction of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are third molars. They normally grow between 15 and 25 years. They are most often has four (two top, two bottom), but it is not unusual that there are only three, two or none.

The wisdom teeth can be:
completely exits; they say when they are on arcade.
to half-way we tell them when they are isolated.
completely buried under the gum, then they say they are included.

Your maxillo-facial surgeon may offer the extraction of wisdom teeth for different reasons:

- Because they are causing pain and / or recurrent infections often (péricoronarites). This is often the case with wisdom teeth poorly positioned (too horizontal for example) or wisdom teeth that are not normally break up. They are often included or isolated. But it may also be the case of wisdom teeth completely exits (on arcade) but are decayed and why your dentist can offer more conservative treatment.

- After orthodontic treatment, because they will not have enough space to exit normally and that leaving them grow, they might press ahead on other teeth, eventually disrupt the proper alignment and dental would lose everything or part of the benefit of orthodontic treatment.

The extraction of wisdom teeth can be performed:

- Either under local anesthesia. The operation is performed while in the chair, cabinet, in two sessions spaced a reasonable time (3 weeks in general). You are not hospitalized (e). It starts with one side (wisdom tooth top and a wisdom tooth bottom) and then the other side is made during the second meeting.

- Either under general anesthesia. Hospitalization and anesthesia consultation are essential.

Whatever the mode of anesthesia, the surgical technique remains the same and is:

- Incisa the gum when necessary (or isolated teeth) to explain the procedure.

- Identify the tooth fresh bone around him to allow its extraction. This is often the case for the wisdom teeth at the bottom, more rarely on the top.

- Section sometimes the tooth before extracting it when the extraction is difficult (especially the wisdom teeth bottom).

- Extract the tooth.

- Clean and wash the tooth socket. The tooth socket is the hole that remains after the extraction of a tooth. This cavity is filled with blood in post-operative who s'ossifiera progressively to be fully consolidated 2 months after surgery.

- Suture gum with absorbable son who, by their nature, disappear spontaneously in 10 days to 3 weeks. Sometimes the surgeon suture does not the gums of the wisdom tooth of the top because this suture is often unnecessary.

The duration of the intervention varies according to technical difficulties. It is an average of 5 and 10 minutes per tooth to extract.

Principle of extracting a wisdom tooth below (click on the image below to turn against the animated GIF)

The post-operative care include:

- From mouth to begin only 24 to 48 hours after the operation. Of mouth started too early can have small hemorrhages in evacuating the blood clot which usually stops the bleeding.

- Drugs against pain (painkillers).

- Often anti-inflammatories.

- Sometimes antibiotics.

- The application of ice on the cheeks during the first 24 hours (ice has a good anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous).

- A food warm or cold during the first 24 hours. This reduces the risk of bleeding.

- A diet soft during the first days after the operation.

- Brushing teeth should remain careful and rigorous in the post-operative.

- It is better to stop smoking during the post-operative period. The continuation of tobacco favors developing complications from poor healing of the gums.

The operating suites include:

- Small bleeding that can occur in areas made during the first 24 hours.

- The pain in areas made the transfers with painkillers and anti-inflammatory prescribed and generally disappears within a few days.

- The swelling is common. It is unpredictable and varies from person to person. It is often more pronounced in adolescents.

- Restricting painful mouth is open and frequent fades in a few days.

Any medical procedure, even under conditions of competence and safety data conform to current science and regulations in force, carries risks of complications. Today, any surgeon must inform the patient about risks and possible complications of the intervention it will receive. This information must be clear, fair and understandable. It was pure but allow each patient to weigh the risks involved in relation to the benefits it will withdraw from the surgery so that it could take the decision in his soul and conscience, be operate or not.

This notion is particularly important for certain acts of maxillofacial surgery are surgical comfort (plastic surgery of the face, implants, etc.. ...). The listing "literature" of various complications aims to make you fully participate in decisions that affect the health or well-being and make you accountable.

The complications associated with the extraction of wisdom teeth can be:

Nerve damage:

Two nerves pass near the lower wisdom tooth and can therefore be adversely affected in its extraction.

1) The inferior alveolar nerve travels in a canal bone in the lower jaw passing near the roots of teeth. It provides nerves for each tooth then ends up breaking the bone at the chin to the sensitivity of half of upper lip (on the same side). When is too in touch with the roots of the lower wisdom tooth, it can be stretched and injured during the extraction.

This translates into a loss of sensitivity total (anesthesia) or partial (hypoesthesia) of half the lower lip. This loss of sensitivity is temporary and recovers in a few weeks. The permanent loss of the sensitivity of the lip remain exceptional.

The risk of nerve damage that is easily assessable panoramic radiography because you were prescribed shows the relationship between the bony canal in which circulates the nerve roots and the wisdom tooth from below. Your maxillo-facial surgeon so you can specify whether you are more likely than another to make this type of complication.

In very special cases (when the risk of nerve injury seems very important), the maxillo-facial surgeon may prescribe DENTASCANNER (scanner teeth and jaws) to assess the best anatomical relationship between the and the tooth nerve and clarify the risk involved.

2) The lingual nerve travels to the inner side of the mandible, between the bone and tongue, near the wisdom teeth from below. This proximity can be injured during the extraction of wisdom teeth from below.

This is manifested by a loss of sensitivity total (anesthesia) or partial (hypoesthesia) of half the language on the same side. This loss of sensitivity is temporary and recovers in a few days to several weeks. The permanent loss of the sensitivity of the language are exceptional.

The risk of nerve injury is difficult to measure lingual preoperatively.

Infectious complications:

- An infection of the cavity of a tooth extraction (suppurée alveolitis) or cheek (cellulite) may occur a few days to several weeks after extraction (typically the third week post-operative). This complication concerns almost exclusively the wisdom tooth from below. It seems favored by the stagnation of food in the cavity of a tooth extraction. It sells antibiotic treatment with or gesture to a revision of the cavity under local anesthesia. It rarely requires a second under general anesthesia.

- An infection without pus from the tooth socket (alveolitis dry) can occur a few days after the operation. It is mostly about wisdom teeth and the bottom is painful. It often requires local treatment. The establishment of a wick soaked clove (Alvogyl) quickly divest pain.

- The infection of the bone (osteitis) is exceptional.

Bone complications:

- A fracture of the lower jaw remains outstanding. This risk is more with this age. Indeed, over time, the ligament that surrounds the tooth normally ends up s'ossifier; tooth fusion with bone. It s'ankylose and makes extraction more difficult increasing the risk of fracture of the mandible.

- When this complication occurs, it requires at the same time procedure (under general anesthesia), the establishment of a plate and screws osteosynthesis and / or a lock jaw.

- A fracture of the bone surrounding the upper wisdom tooth may occur. It is immaterial and does not require specific treatment.

Dental complications:

- The loss of an amalgam (fillings), a fractured tooth or unsealing of a crown are possible. These complications mainly the second molar teeth that are located just forward of wisdom teeth.

- Some wisdom teeth, especially below, sometimes difficult to root extract, also very close lower alveolar nerve. The desire to extract all costs to root fractured fragment may be a danger to the nerve. The best is often the enemy of the good ", it is sometimes better to leave in place the small piece of root. There was no action in most cases.

- Necrosis (death) of the adjacent molar tooth wisdom can occur when the extraction was difficult in the weeks or months and require a decay of this molar. It is an infection of the latter or pain chewing and / or percussion of the tooth.

Sinusiennes complications:

This type of complication relates exclusively to the wisdom teeth that are high in close contact with cavities located above the upper jaw: the maxillary sinus.

- A communication between the maxillary sinus and mouth can occur during the extraction of the upper wisdom tooth when it is very close to the maxillary sinus. It closes automatically in 10 days to 3 weeks in most cases. But his persistence may require surgical treatment adapted.

- An abnormal migration (dislocation) of the wisdom tooth earlier in the maxillary sinus may occur. This complication is rare. It can justify when it occurs, we open the sinuses through an incision above the upper canine to recover this tooth and avoid the occurrence of sinusitis. The danger of this type of complication is easily assessable through panoramic radiography has been prescribed and that shows the relationship between the maxillary sinuses and wisdom tooth from the top. Your maxillo-facial surgeon so you can specify whether you are more likely than another to make this type of complication. More top tooth is located, the more this risk is important.

- Similarly, a dislocated tooth wisdom from the top rear of the maxillary sinus (in the pit-maxillary ptérygo) may rarely occur. This can cause pain or infection. However, the first surgery of this region are very complex and this region is very rich in blood vessels and nerves, the tooth, if it can not be captured by simple and atraumatic maneuvers, is generally retained.

Other complications:

- A burning the corner of the lips (angle of the mouth), a sore lips or the inner cheeks are benign complications, which will decline a few days.

- Complications hemorrhagic (bleeding endobuccaux too high) may occur and yield to a simple compression (by biting compresses).

The majority of the population have no place in the mouth for wisdom teeth.

The majority of the population have no place in the mouth for wisdom teeth. Thus, the wisdom teeth grow "crooked" and are often partially out of the mouth. They can cause cavities on the adjacent teeth as they promote the accumulation of bacterial plaque and food. They can also cause problems in the joints, pain in the ears. They are often removes prevention to avoid damage to teeth and useful to keep a lifetime. It also removes the decayed when they are infected or have caused damage to adjacent teeth. However, it is possible that a person has enough room for wisdom teeth and there is no harm to keep them. In these cases, the dentist suggested to keep them.
People are often afraid when talking to remove wisdom teeth. Have you ever heard your friends say "I cheek swollen like a squirrel? Yet for most people, this intervention is going very well. However, it is normal to have swollen cheeks and have the sensitivity after the removal of wisdom teeth. The swelling often starts the day after surgery and lasts about three to five days and decrease slowly thereafter. Sometimes there may be no swelling.
Sometimes having bruises: people who tend to have bruises in general during shock will be more likely to have. As for pain, it varies from person to person. Most of the time, it is controlled well with pain killers prescribed by the dentist. Usually, sensitivity is more present two to three days and sometimes people do not feel pain following the extraction of wisdom teeth. After a week, most symptoms will be missing.
The teeth that are included or embedded in the bone can cause more swelling and sensitivity that the teeth are already outings in the mouth. Most people return to work tomorrow or there who prefer to take a day or two days off.

Ideally, at the age of 16 should take a panoramic radiograph and evaluate the need to remove wisdom teeth. You can remove wisdom teeth at any age, but more are expected, more teeth are anchored in the bone and you can have complications. The ideal age to remove wisdom teeth is top 30 and bottom teeth for 25 years.

The term "wisdom teeth" comes from the fact that they appear to 17-18 years

The term "wisdom teeth" comes from the fact that they appear to 17-18 years, the age of wisdom. But this is indicative because these teeth may appear to that age there but also to 20, 30 40 and even 80 years!
These teeth are behind the molars at the end of the jaws.
They are supernumerary teeth
They have a bad reputation because when they are talking about it are terribly wrong.
These are those below which poses the greatest problem because they are located in the corner of the jaw and have little room to grow.
They are tilted forward and they are growing pressure on adjacent teeth.
Moreover their roots are practically in contact with the dental nerve.
If the upper teeth pose fewer problems because the shape of the upper jaw is different and the wisdom teeth will have more space.
These teeth we make them because it happens to come not from their embryo sac when they appear, as he arrives for the other teeth, and in this case there is an infection and extremely painful péricoronarite .

Most people have 4 (one in two) but the other half have a number ranging from 1 to 6, or even no!
It may even have two that grow in place of one;;;;

Why opt for their extraction?
Because it does not cause nearly as trouble!
They are located at the mouth are making their brushing assez difficile. In addition when they grow they tend to rely on adjacent teeth and so they promote the emergence of dental caries in place of contact not accessible to brushing!
They can also be extracted as a preventive measure to adolescence, if radio shows that the seeds have a position which may impede the adjacent molars.

Wisdom teeth

An adult is usually thirty-two teeth The last four confer wisdom: it is of course the wisdom teeth, those appearing to 17 or 18 years.

The number of teeth may actually be different, because if some people will never have time wisely, others having one, two or three.

Once the teeth have fallen, in childhood, permanent teeth grow gradually. They are more adapted to the solid diet of adults.

There are two dental arches in the mouth, up and down the other. Each is composed of fourteen teeth: two central incisors, while before, then two more side to side.

They are followed by two canines, one on each half-arch, which are more pointed teeth that can "shred" meat, for example. Two premolars and two molars complement the half-arcade. They promote chewing.

For some people, wisdom teeth, otherwise known as third molars, appear in late adolescence. There are two top and two below, if they have a place to grow. The tooth grows in effect from the gum.

The alveolar bone is the origin of each tooth. The base of the tooth is called "Crown". Ligaments and gums maintain it and help push law.


In some cases, their development is disturbed by the lack of space, then they grow partially. Part of the crown only fate, while the other remains in the gum: it says it is retained in the bone.

Sometimes wisdom teeth do not grow or crosswind, causing significant pain and misalignment of other teeth as they jostle them for spot on the arcade.

The abnormal growth mainly wisdom teeth of the lower arcade. These are the ones who most often an abnormal situation in the alveolar bone.

In addition to the pain and the misalignment of teeth, the consequences are numerous. The most common infection of the gums, which occurs around the crown, is the péricoronarite. It occurs on a tooth that is half out of the gum. To curb inflammation, antibiotics and cleaning of the gums are essential.

On the other hand, wisdom teeth are often difficult to achieve through toothbrush. The cavities are very common.

These teeth may also cause damage to the teeth around them, transmitting an infection or tooth decay.

All these reasons extracting wisdom teeth by a dentist.

The operation

It is usually done under local anesthesia in several stages. We remove two teeth and later, the other two. General anesthesia is also possible to remove all four at once.

But the removal of wisdom teeth is less and less. As often removes the premolars in children who begin orthodontic treatment, wisdom teeth then have enough space to grow normally.

Extractions of wisdom teeth

Why such an intervention? the extraction of wisdom teeth (or not included) is indicated when pain, infection, cysts, of cavities, ... Ideally, this extraction should prevent the above diseases and some dental malpositions and their consequences (disorders of the temporomandibular mandibular, caries, periodontitis (inflammation of the gums), unsightly appearance, ...) being practiced among youth Between 12 and 18 years in general. At this age, the roots have little or no trained and act procedure is simpler, faster healing, complications and sequelae very exceptional.

What is the achievement: The operation is practical under local or general anesthesia according to various criteria: operating difficulties, many teeth to extract, alleged collaboration, general diseases, ...

What is the situation immediately after the intervention? If you had local anesthesia, you come home after the intervention. in case of general anesthesia, you go in your room after a stay in the recovery room, the return home is expected to be the same evening or the next day.

What are the incoveniente that can be observed?

spontaneous pain (from a few hours to several days), of varying intensity
swollen cheeks, usually appear within 24 hours and disappear in a few days
masticatoire discomfort for a week, mainly after extraction of wisdom teeth lower.
What are the operational risks?

The anesthesia risks (risks more theoretical than practical)
Risks related to act Procedure:
bleeding, bruising, infections: Rarely
fracture of the mandible: Rarely, mainly in adults, usually predictable
Communication buccosinusale not exceptional but mostly moving toward healing
nerve injury dental lower mainly in adults, usually predictable (radiography)
nerve injury sub-orbital: rare, lingual nerve injury: very rare but not predictable.
What are the possible aftermath post?

above the nerve damage resulting in a deficit more or less the sensitivity in the territory with occasional tingling sensation, in most cases, this deficit is transient, very exceptionally it may be accompanied by pain.
buccosinusale communication can be fistuliser but it made when the tooth was extracted fully included.
in case of mandibular fracture, a pseudoarthrosis is still possible but rare.
loosening of the tooth neighbor (possible in adults) may require its decay.
Cautions: Convalescence takes a few days a week (pain, swelling, discomfort masticatoire), the total healing can take 6 to 8 weeks.

An inability to work a few days a week, depending also on the occupation, is expected. You should avoid sports for 10 to 15 days.

A consultation postoperative control will be 2 to 3 weeks after surgery.

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth
Origin of "wisdom tooth"
Indications from the extraction of wisdom teeth
Recovery during the first 24 hours
Recovery after 24 hours
Cost of tooth extraction
See also

Wisdom teeth are third molars placed after the latest in the series of teeth. If they erupt, they leave between the ages of 16 and 24 years. They can be very useful for chewing if they are well aligned. But often the wisdom teeth are not completely output, which is included in the jaw, and must be extracted.

Origin of "wisdom tooth"
It is thought that these teeth are called wisdom teeth because they appear so late, much later than other teeth, at an age where people are supposedly wiser than when they were children, when other teeth erupt .

Indications from the extraction of wisdom teeth
There are several situations where dentists advise to extract wisdom teeth, or following an infection, or to avoid future complications.

When the jaws are not wide enough to allow the wisdom teeth to erupt in an alignment that is useful for chewing.
When wisdom teeth are erupted in part because this situation provides a door opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause infection. The teeth partially exits are also more susceptible to cavities and gum disease because they are more difficult to clean.
A misaligned wisdom teeth may damage the crowd or second molars as maintaining hygiene is more difficult in this region, making teeth more vulnerable to tooth decay.
To reduce the risk of formation of cysts. These can be formed around a tooth included.
The best time to extract wisdom teeth at the end of adolescence, since the roots can not be completely trained, making treatment less complicated.
Sometimes a wisdom tooth does not completely, creating an extension of gum called seal. In normal situations and ingestion chewing food, this seal can be irritated and infected causing péricoronarite. This condition is manifested by redness, severe pain, bad smell and difficulty opening the mouth.

If the lid does not disappear, it is recommended to extract the tooth wisdom not to cause complications of péricoronarite.

In certain circumstances, if the wisdom tooth is out, but a seal is present, it is possible to operculectomie, ie removal of the extension of gum without extraction the wisdom tooth.

Recovery during the first 24 hours
The prolonged bleeding stops bleeding shortly after extraction, but runoff or seepage of blood can occur up to 48 hours after the procedure. The bleeding can be controlled by placing a cotton gauze on the site of extraction and closing the mouth to create pressure. A wet tea bag can also replace cotton since the tannic acid in them is using the clot formation. Avoid spitting or rinsing during the first 24 hours so as not to dislodge the clot and cause alveolitis.
Pain There may be pain for a few days, then take the pain that the dentist has prescribed or advised to take.
If swelling extraction was complicated, there can be swelling of the face, even a color change on the skin. To reduce the swelling, put a bag filled with ice on the face for 10 minutes every half hour.
Foods must eat food warm and soft during the first 24 hours. It must also avoid hot liquids and alcoholic beverages.
Hygiene can continue to brush your teeth, but we must avoid the region extractions.
Recovery after 24 hours
Swelling After applying ice for the first 24 hours, he must apply heat using a damp towel and warm. The swelling reaches maximum after four days and then slowly decreases.
Water and salt must wait 24 hours before being rinsed with water and salt. Rinsing is recommended after each meal and before sleep.
Usually stitches a visit with the dentist is taking a week after the extraction of wisdom teeth to verify the healing and remove the stitches. But if they are absorbable, they can fall by themselves after a few days.
Smoking It is important to refrain from smoking during the 48 hours after tooth extraction to avoid severe complications.
The complete recovery takes three months to settle. But after a two-week recovery was fairly made for the use of the mouth is comfortable to the sites of extractions.
Alveolitis Following extraction of a tooth a clot forms in the bone cavity. Sometimes the clot is dislodged or delays to form, creating the condition called alveolitis. This situation is characterized by intense pain, a bad taste in my mouth and sometimes the difficulty opening the mouth. It is exacerbated by smoking. The alveolitis is a temporary condition that lasts a few days, perhaps comforted by the dentist with a wick apposant soaked eugenol.
Paresthesia Very rarely, during the tooth extraction, the nerve is affected, causing a loss of sensitivity is happening especially in the language or lower teeth. The loss of sensitivity is rare and usually temporary, although it can only be permanent.

The adult dental problems

Diseases of the gums

Nine out of ten Canadians have an infection of the gums during their lives. In adults, dental problems is most widespread.

A healthy gums and a good frame hold teeth firmly in place. The line attachment is located in the gingival crevice. The plaque is an invisible film, which was responsible for bacteria, which accumulates every day on the teeth and in the gingival crevice. If not removed daily, it turns into tartar, promoting the development of infection in the attachment. Then, small pockets of infection form in places where we can not detect, destroying gum tissue and bone that hold teeth. If no treatment is given, teeth being uprooted and eventually fall.

Initially, the infection of the gums shows no symptoms. They appear as the situation will deteriorate. The infection starts at a place or two of the mouth, where there was negligence.

The infection of the gums is almost always avoidable. It can be treated and, initially, it may even eliminate it.

See also section hygiene

Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Do not usual, but as needed. Go slowly and pay attention to the gingival crevice, where meet the teeth and gums. A good brushing lasts two to three minutes. Try timing.
Flossing can reach places that are inaccessible to the toothbrush between the teeth and in the gingival crevice. If you do not wire dental floss, you fail 35% of the front teeth. For best results, pass the floss first, then brush your teeth.
Check your gums regularly to detect symptoms of infection:
gums purple, red or sensitive
discoloration of the gums,
bleeding gums every time you clean your teeth with dental floss and brush
Chronic bad breath,
metallic taste in the mouth,
redness on the gums around the teeth,
feeling pressure between the teeth after meals.
If you notice any of these symptoms, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Do you regularly review by the dentist. It can detect infection of the gums from the beginning, before you do notice symptoms. The dentist or dental hygienist, you can clean your teeth and remove tartar before the gum can become infected.
Your dentist may refer more complex cases to a specialist, called periodontist.

When did you spend so dentistry for the last time?

If you've spent over 24 hours without using dental floss, you have more tartar on your teeth that day. Daily use of dental floss can remove plaque in places that does not brush teeth and prevents the formation of plaque in the gingival crevice.

The damaged teeth

The damaged teeth may cause some discomfort and affect appearance. These are all good reasons to visit the dentist, but there's another one: a small chip or even a little can, to your knowledge, cause serious damage.

The dentist has various ways to repair a tooth, as it is chipped, cracked or otherwise. In short, it can repair almost all kinds of damage.

It is also important to fill the space created by the loss of a tooth. They must be installing a prosthesis to prevent other teeth to move. These are then more likely to decay and gums more vulnerable to infection. The lack of teeth may also cause a misalignment of teeth and jaw disorders.

It may also be hurt by the teeth of sport, but wearing a mouthguard reduces the risk. The dentist can shape a mouthguard that will suit your body. Then, if we recommend you wear a helmet with visor or grille mouth, do not hesitate to do so.

Chipped tooth can repair a chipped tooth with resin or a facet (small envelope of thin plastic and natural color that mold on the tooth, as is done for fake nails). We apply a crown on a tooth affected more severely.
Dent damaged Depending on the nature of the damage, it may be necessary to conduct a root canal or put a crown.
Missing teeth Here, you still have a greater choice depending on the circumstances, the dentist may recommend the option to install a removable partial denture, a bridge or an implant.

Wisdom teeth

You probably know someone who has removed his wisdom teeth - you may be. Dentists suggest to extract wisdom teeth when they are Discalced or cause infection or problems with adjacent teeth. Most of the time, wisdom teeth can be extracted under local anesthesia and the patient recovers quickly. If the tooth is included, extraction becomes more complex and may require general anesthesia.

We have all three types of molars, large flat teeth at the back of the mouth used to chew food. The first molars appear around age 7 or 8 years and the second at 11 or 12 years. The third molars or wisdom teeth are the last to grow. They are usually in late adolescence or early twenties.

If your wisdom teeth grow normally and remain well wisely in their place, you do not you worry. As against, often they fall or they exert a pressure that leads to misalignment of other teeth. Sometimes the wisdom teeth remain trapped in the gum. It said then it is included.

Some feel the pain when wisdom teeth start to grow. It is therefore advisable to consult a dentist as soon as they begin to show that it bothers you or not. He will occasionally X-rays of your wisdom teeth to monitor growth.

Tension and grinding teeth

It's simple, learn to relax. Be careful when you tighten the teeth, especially in the day. Do not chew your pencil or pen. Ask the dentist to recommend exercises to relax the muscles of the jaw.

Many are those who shake or teeth grinding of the teeth, especially during sleep. This phenomenon is called and may, over time, dulling the surface of teeth. The problem is primarily due to muscle tension that causes stress.

Most people do not realize that and end up with pain in the jaw or teeth in the morning, or frequent headaches. The dentist is often the only one who can say if you grinding of teeth.

If necessary, it can shape a mouthguard that you wear during your sleep. This protector will not prevent you from grinding teeth or to tighten, but it will ease the pressure. The dentist can also suggest relaxation exercises to help you better control stress.


The disorder of the temporo-mandibular joint (ATM) is often associated with stress and can cause pain in the jaw and teeth. It is a misalignment of the two major bones of the jaw, which may even prevent you open or close the mouth normally. It can cause tension in the muscles of the jaw, difficulty opening the mouth, headache or a crack in the jaw during mastication. Sometimes the bruxomanie affects the temporo-mandibular joint.

The ATM disorder is more common we think. If you experience pain in the jaw, if you have difficulty opening the mouth or frequent headaches, see the dentist.

Your dentist may refer more complex cases to a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery and facial.


The first most common symptoms of oral cancer are red or white patches that appear. They are not bad, but if you find any, consult your dentist immediately. The white patches become cancerous in 5% to 10% of cases. They are more common than red and easier to spot. The red spots become cancerous in 30% to 50% of cases. They are less common but more dangerous.

If you smoke, you may be yourself the source of your problems with teeth or gums. Smoke destroys cells in the mouth. Those who die accumulate, forming a plate whose environment is conducive to infection. Moreover, some chemical components of tobacco weaken the protective cells of the mouth, which prevent infection. Smoking is a major cause of oral cancer, not that smoke stain teeth and fillings and gives bad breath.

Smokers should be monitored for warning signs:

red or white patches in the mouth,
unexplained bleeding, pain or numbness in the mouth,
pain on the lips or inside the mouth, which persisted after a period of 10 to 14 days.
At one of these signs see the dentist. There are surgical procedures ablation of oral cancer and ways to address the many evils of smoking. However, it may be longer and to prevent problems, you will ultimately quit.

The main symptoms

Here is a guide of the main symptoms of dental diseases and their significance. It poses no diagnosis. Only the dentist can do.

SENSITIVITY OF TEETH Teeth may be sensitive to heat, cold, sugar or pressure. The sensitivity may appear suddenly or gradually and is usually the signs of a problem. See the dentist.
Bleeding from the gums CLEANER TO THE TEETH If you start using dental floss every day, it is normal that the gum bleeding slightly. But if it becomes regular or bleeding persists, you may start an infection of the gums. Mention it to the dentist.
DRY MOUTH drugs usually dry mouth. Have dry mouth is not only unpleasant, but it can exacerbate a dental problem. We must speak to the dentist.
BAD BREATH Tenacs The persistent bad breath may be due to food, alcohol, tobacco, excess table, medication or an infection. If you can not rid the toothbrush and dental floss, see the dentist.
DENT motion a blow to the jaw or infection of the gums can lead to loss of a tooth. Whatever the cause, a tooth that motion is serious and we must talk to the dentist without delay.
DENTAL RELEASE A and uncomfortable dentures must be adjusted occasionally or redesigned to suit the shape of the mouth that is changing. Make your check regularly by the dentist.

The extraction of wisdom teeth is to remove third molars top and / or bottom.

"Most of the time they are taken because they may disturb the proper alignment of teeth due to lack of space. This is what happened to Marc: "To my fifteen years, the dentist was after me to spend a radio for another part of the teeth, that my future wisdom teeth were badly positioned and might ask difficulties when their thrust. He therefore advised to get things done without delay extraction by a stomatologist. " And Magali: "Following a dental radio, my dentist noticed that my wisdom teeth were being released but not the place to stay in my small jaw. Since they pushing my molars, he had to act quickly! "
"Sometimes it is because they are misplaced, included in the bone, isolated or cause pain or infection, as evidenced by Sonia:" It is I who asked to be made. My dentist has approved because my teeth were included and source of many problems (pain, infections ...)".
Or finally, because wisdom teeth are too decayed to be treated as explained Tiphaine.

The process of extraction:
Usually the intervention goes under local anesthesia in the office of the surgeon or dentist stomatologist. Sometimes, especially when the four wisdom teeth are removed at the same time, that there is a general anesthetic. In this case, a short hospitalization is required and a preoperative consultation with an anesthesiologist. This was chosen Cindy: "I removed the 4 at once. I had a general anesthetic. I preferred to remove all of a sudden because I was afraid it happens j'appréhende evil and that another operation thereafter. "
The duration of the intervention is variable. It consists of an incision in the gum and the release of the tooth in question. The wound is then closed due to surgical son.
Although the intervention is common, it is often a source of concern. Many patients arrive with fear. This was the case for Tiphaine during his first speech: "I was shaking and had difficulty breathing. The 1st time it was horrible, it lasted long, I had the impression that the dentist was m'arracher jaw! The 2nd against both, it was really fast (10 minutes) and without problems, especially stress-free as soon as I felt the dentist was very competent. " Especially when the extraction presents risks for Sonia: "I n'appréhendais not the operation itself, but rather the fact that one tooth was in a disadvantageous position compared to nerve ... The surgeon warned me that there was a risk of nerve damage, even the cut! " But worry most of the time, everything goes very well and without pain, as explained Valerie: "I had a slight apprehension that proved totally unfounded because I have not felt the only discomfort was numbness of the jaw after local anesthesia. "

And after? The operating suites are different people and the interventions:
Cindy: "I was not very swollen, I just" good play! "Of course, I ate the compote and puree for 15 days to be sure I does not break a thread. In addition, I cleaned the mouth with a pear to remove residue.
Magali: "I almost did not swollen or blue (hence aesthetically: perfect) the big problem was the pain. A lot of dogs for 15 days: intolerable, typing them in the head against the walls. So My nights have been troubled with frequent awakenings and I had to stay lying all day (there are only so that I stand). Even anti-inflammatory drugs were not effective enough. Côté food: mashed potatoes and soup for 15 days also. It was very difficult to resume a normal diet because the pain was still there. Finally, once I had worse, he continued loss of sensation on the right side of my tongue. Given it does not pass, I went to see my osteopath who gave me the jaw in place (it had been shifted and compressed a nerve). That said, everything is back in order, I have no legacy . It was a bad time to go for me but the reactions are different from person to person. "
Marc: "healing was very fast, without too much discomfort to eat (it was enough to chew on the non-operated) and an effective analgesic avoided me suffer greatly."

After the intervention, the dentist will give you a sheet with all the information to follow: apply ice on the cheek, avoid foods and drinks too hot, relax, take the medicines prescribed by the doctor, make mouthwash After 48 hours, and so on. In most cases, everything goes. To report any problems: bleeding, pain that persists despite treatment, plays abnormally blue ... you should contact the dentist directly. Moreover, even if the retrieval is done by local anesthesia, are planning a work stoppage.

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth
On average, adults have thirty-two teeth, sixteen and sixteen top to bottom. All teeth have a name and a specific role. The forward teeth (incisors, canines and bicuspid) are ideal to take food and shred into pieces. The back teeth, the molars, are used to grind food into a consistency that can swallow. However, most mouths are made so that they can contain only 28 teeth. This can be extremely painful when 32 teeth trying to find room in a mouth that can contain only 28. The last four teeth are third molars, also known as wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth are the last to appear. When they are aligned properly and that the gum tissue is healthy, no need to retrieve. Unfortunately, in general, this is not the case. We must extract wisdom teeth when they can not grow properly in the mouth. They may grow sideways, emerge partially gum or even remain trapped under the gums and bone. The teeth can take different positions in the bone when they try to find a path that will promote the eruption.

The misplaced teeth can cause several problems. When they grow partially opening around each tooth growth of bacteria which eventually causes infections, swelling, stiffness, pain or illness. The pressure caused by wisdom teeth that grow can cause widespread pain throughout the area. The most serious problem occurs when tumors or cysts form around the wisdom teeth, which can damage the bones of the jaw and teeth healthy. In general, extraction of teeth that cause problems rule the situation. It is recommended to extract the teeth as soon as possible to avoid such problems and risks associated with surgery.
By an examination and X-rays of the mouth, your doctor can determine the location of your wisdom teeth and predict whether or not any problems. Studies have shown that patients examined and treated early have fared better than others. In general, a dentist, an orthodontist or doctor made the first examination of patients in this regard by mid-adolescence.

All surgical procedures involve the use of any form of anesthesia. The doctors were trained in this area and they have experience and skills to practice various forms of anesthesia to make interventions less pain. These services are offered in the safest framework, using modern surveillance equipment and specialized personnel in the techniques of anesthesia.

How is Toothache

Toothache belong to all of us to the worst pain, because they originate in the vicinity of the so-called sensory organs have. Under a toothache or pain in the head and neck area with the proximity to the eyes, ears, nose and mouth is generally suffers much more than pain in the extremities (arms, legs), even if the pain is no greater strength. Even small irritations are perceived as burdensome.

When injury or inflammation are from the affected tissue (for example, gums, Zahnnerv, jaw bones) the body's own messengers (small chemical molecules) are released, which migrate through the tissue and a binding site on the "nerve pain" (Nozizeptoren) search. Find these messengers appropriate for themselves exactly right (like a key fits into a lock) binding sites, the "Schmerznerv" activated and sends them to the brain activation. In this brain chemical-electrical stimulation as pain perception.

The bigger, the worse
The bigger the injury or inflammation, the more messengers in the affected tissue will be released and the more "nerve pain" can be activated. According to reinforce the stimuli in the brain as pain perception.

How can we prevent a toothache?
Obviously, like almost everywhere is the best prevention method. The human body is a very fragile construction of nature, which must be well maintained so that damage may prevent or delay. However, it is even the best prevention someday come to harm, to which the body usually with the warning symptoms "pain" drawing attention. Only the removal of the shutter (healing of the injury, inflammation of decay) can achieve lasting pain elimination. And for the transitional phase, that is until the permanent cure, can pain medications (analgesics) a temporary pain relief or even bring pain relief.

Toothache in principle have different causes. The mechanism for toothache, however, is the following: the nerve supply to the tooth pain is responsible for the situation responsibility, which extends to the dentin. The outermost layer, the enamel is insensitive, but for certain factors such as cold permeable.

Injury and inflammation
Toothaches are usually small by injury or inflammation in the area of the teeth and gums caused. Periodontosis is such an inflammation, leading to painful changes in the gums leads. But also caries, where it is too tiny injuries (holes) of the tooth enamel comes, allows bacteria in the tooth challenge, and finally an inflammation on Zahnnerv to cause.

Caries and pulpitis
The most common causes of dental caries are pain and / or a nerve inflammation (pulpitis):

Caries is a destruction or dissolution of the tooth hard substance, which can be painful when they reached the dentin.

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the pulp (nerve inflammation), it can be done by force or caries (trauma) arise. There are a reversible and irreversible pulpitis.

A reversible pulpitis can eliminate the cause disappears, or in an irreversible pulpitis go. In the first case of the tooth still responded to cold. Is an irreversible pulpitis before responding to the tooth is often not on the cold test.

An irreversible pulpitis should in any case with a root filling supply. Failing this could lead to inflammation of the root tip spread into the bone, and it creates a apical periodontitis or apical cyst.

Obviously, all these processes of the injury until the pain perception also by a dental surgery (operation) caused. Just come here all the situations described in the same way to other tissues throughout the body. A cut through a kitchen knife on effect through the thumb injury and inflammation of the tissue and the release of messengers ultimately nothing more than the "violation" of dental caries or enamel by the operation wound after a drawn-tooth.

Causes of tooth pain

Most of the triggers for tooth pain, a untreated dental caries (tooth decay caused by bacteria). Even inflammation, which e.g. at the root of tooth or jaw bone at the tooth root tip, you can cause pain.

Similarly, a periodontitis (inflammatory disease of the tooth bed) with a toothache lead. For this suffering is not the dental caries, but the inflamed gums the cause of the pain. The breaking of teeth in children and the wisdom teeth in adults can be painful.

Faked a toothache
For some diseases can be a pain in the jaw and then radiate pretend toothache. These include:

Angina pectoris
Heart attack
What to do with a toothache?
Obtain the nearest treatment appointment with your dentist. As a pain patient you are preferred.

For severe pain, consult your dental emergencies. Until you can treat with analgesic tablets alleviate their grievances. Also cold and damp cloth or wrapped in ice bags (otherwise too strong cooling) to alleviate the pain a little. Sage tea and chewed cloves are old house funds: They may also placate anti-inflammatory and pain.

Take the dentist appointment even true if the pain in the meantime have waned. Without treatment because of the tooth comes the pain again sometime.

Toothache prevented
Important for the health of their teeth is the correct and regular maintenance. They groom at least twice a day the teeth and use dental floss in addition to the spaces be cleaned, where mostly unnoticed leftovers accumulate. The thorough cleaning, which means the complete removal of Zahnbelages, takes at least three minutes.

To do twice a year to control!
Let your dentist Putztechnik a more effective show.
A healthy and preferably sugar-free diet promotes dental health.
Use toothpaste fluoridhaltige
The basic dental care starts in early childhood. Educate your child proper oral hygiene and to go with your child to the dentist regularly.

How to alleviate toothache

Often, certain foods or teas, and wraps and hot or cold applications such as baths used.

Even with a toothache can alleviate the worst symptoms and so the waiting time to shorten visit to the dentist. The first warning signs of incipient tooth pain when you look at the revenue base of sweet, sour, hot or cold food a slightly migratory grief alike. Inflammation and swelling in the area of the teeth, the fiercest of pain accompanied by the distress of our ...


The pain you can positively influence. You may want Mother Nature to negotiate, because the nature holds with its herbs, fruits and vegetables, with the sun, air and water are many healing therapies and treatment options for us. The naturopathy waits with many options, one must know they only understand and apply.

There are many useful tips to the tooth pain to defeat, such as this: take a sip from the best cognac and rinse the mouth so vigorously. If you do not have cognac in the House, also met juniper berries.

a clove as close as possible to the painful place to chew. Another old house recipe reads, fresh cabbage leaves from the thick midrib cut out, leaves with a rolling pin soft walking, flaps on a leash and those with the leaves on the cheek on the painful press agency.

When the first teeth break through the gums, it is also too small injuries to the children very painful can be. In this case it may help if they are a piece of apple in a cold washcloth and put the child pointed to bite. The cold is soothing and the apple tastes.

Besides herbs, there is the possibility of acupressure.
You must with the thumb nail on the index finger right next to the foreign press fingernail. That hurts, but the pain disappears in the tooth.

More dental pain points: Place the thumb firmly on both sides of the midline of the skull. Press the middle finger just before the earlobe into the skin, squeeze your finger on the thigh before the hip firmly into the meat and then massaging the thumb side of the wrist. Finally, you can also on the lower third of the leg and behind the outer ankle firmly with thumb and forefinger to massage hilltops.

Regardless of which method and House Appropriations against toothache they decide. We wish good improvement with the House Appropriations hopefully effective.

Stop a toothache!

Do you have a toothache? Chances are if you are reading this, you probably do. Most people, unless they have a toothache, there is seldom a second thought. Once you have a toothache but it soon will be the most important thing in your life. For most people, the pain from a toothache is like nothing else. It throbs constantly, and often described as if someone stabbing you in the tooth, and to make it worse, turning the blade. Those suffering from a toothache, as can be relentless. So, if you're reading, I must assume you are more interested in the moment, with the elimination of pain to toothache, you can share your dentist (which I recommend), as the prevention of the disease. I will share with you right here, one of my top "healing" of toothache pain. If you try, you will be absolutely amazed at how quickly and well it works. You may have doubts, but I can assure you it works. Here is my favorite toothache cure - an onion! If you do not have onions in your refrigerator (I'll bet you do), go to the store, right now, and receive a bag with sweet onions. They want the variety, most edible in their raw state. Now cut a good size chunk and chew. You must thoroughly chew the onion on its healthy properties. You'll notice, almost immediately, the pain begins to decline, albeit not completely eliminated. The small onion has some pretty amazing properties. A thoroughly masticated onion releases juices will destroy that 100% of the bacteria in the mouth, leading to tooth decay. Researchers believe that eating a piece of onion each day actually prevent tooth decay. To prevent tooth decay in the first place, as well as the elimination of toothache pain, consider an eating an onion per day.

The Ice helps to relieve the pain and inflammation

Pain of the teeth or jaws, something is wrong. You may have tooth decay or periodontitis. Sometimes betrays the way of punishment, not what might be in order.

Initially, it is perhaps only a slight pull, then comes the pain even more violent back then. If the pain is strong and remains, you should go to the dentist. Because persistent pain in teeth and pines indicate that something is wrong. If you are in great agony not do anything, it may be that teeth or die in the worst case of the jaw bone damage.

Toothache arise whenever the edgy is. This is a nerve inside the tooth. Normally this space is well sealed: To Mark the tooth sits around the tooth enamel, he believes everything happens in your mouth, from Zahnnerv away. Where the tooth enamel finish protects the gums to the teeth. The tooth roots deeply seated in the jaw and bone and tissue surrounded. Only when one of these layers of protection inflamed, perforated or destroyed,

Pochende punishment means that the tooth may die

If the tooth necks free, you can hot coffee, cold soda or candy dissolved in saliva through the tiny open Kanälchen dental neck until Zahnnerv penetrate and irritate him. They are then drawn perceive pain.

Does it only hurt when you eat sweets, you might be because of the aching tooth already in one place is rotten. Because sugar caries can reinforce the pain. Has been a sensitive tooth pulp reached in which the nerve is embedded, it starts to be painful thump. Then you should go to the dentist. Because the pain will worsen, the decay will always deeper into the tooth inside eat until the tooth dies.

Is leaking has become a filling, can bacteria in the column between dental fillings and slip. In this niche caries may arise, then you may respond to sweet and sour with pain. But even without caries can be a lack of filling torment: the gap can heat or cold to penetrate Zahnnerv - also acknowledged that the nerve with pain signals.

Even the gums may hurt

If the inflamed gums, you may be a little hurt - but it has not. Such gingivitis developed mostly by plaque, by cleaning, you can prevent worse. You do nothing, inflamed gums may be the more and more, it swells, bleeding and dissolves the tooth. Ill then even the entire surrounding tissues including the roots and the jawbone, you have a Paradontitis. That hurts.

Do you have pain only when chewing, it could be that a bridge, filling or prosthesis does not fit properly. Perhaps she is at any point too high, too low, too long or too short. Because then your teeth are not properly intertwined attacks, increased the pressure when you chew at certain points. The Zahnnerv can irritate the affected tooth. It may even be that the pain until the ear or radiate into the jaw joint. It loads on the tooth permanently, he may die: This is pretty painful, mostly concerned feel the throbbing pain.

Too much pressure like teeth generally are not. He takes to respond to the corresponding tooth or jaw with pain signals. The reasons for the pressure can be very diverse: They grind their teeth or pressing the teeth are often heavily together, the bite can be overloaded. Perhaps are also growing crooked teeth or jaw hidden wisdom teeth the culprit: You can beset other teeth and wegdrücken.

Tablets and cloves alleviate the pain

Suddenly emerging against a toothache, you can take tablets. The free sale painkillers with the active ingredients paracetamol, acetyl-Salicyl acid (ASA), or ibuprofen are all equally good. Effervescent tablets relieve pain more quickly, because the active ingredient rapidly in the cells arrived. Hold the pain, they are strong or they return again and again, you should go to the dentist.

If the tooth necks sensitive, you can paste for sensitive teeth may well do so. They contain substances such as potassium nitrate, fluoride compounds or strontium chloride. Whether these substances, which distribute the pain, but is still quite unclear. Perhaps even the seals Putzsand, in all toothpastes contained, the small tubes in the tooth neck, so that neither hot nor cold to the nerve can penetrate.

Those who prefer using natural ingredients cured, it can house resources to fall back, for example, cloves. They are chewed. This presses the herbal ingredients beyond. They dampen the pain and inhibit any existing inflammation. Have the same effect damp cloth or ice bags, you lay on your cheek.

Dental caries

The cavity is the main reason for seeing the dentist.
In fact, tooth decay affects all ages and early intervention is needed to avoid degradation of the tooth in question.

But what is a bunt?
The decay is the disintegration and dissolution of tooth enamel and dentin.
The damaged area on the tooth takes on a dark color.
Caries is the disease's most frequent, 95% of Europeans have decayed teeth.

Hole in the enamel and dentin
Brown tint
Sensitivity to hot, cold and sugar.

Flora important is housed in the mouth, consisting of a hundred species of bacteria and fungi, made through the air, drinks and food.
This flora is normally provided to protect the health of the oral cavity, but it contains within it some pathogenic varieties that await the time to proliferate.
Among them are cariogenic bacteria, whose species is the most aggressive streptococcus mutans, which transformed the sweet acid can attack the calcium in tooth enamel and dentin dig (known ivory) to the dental pulp.
Sugary foods are not solely responsible for the development of caries.
Other factors such as poor diet, the amount of saliva (unless there is more cariogenic bacteria grow) and its acidity, the quality of the enamel depends on the state of mineralization of the individual episodes of fatigue and illness, pregnancy, nursing, dental plaque and tartar where microbes found refuge, a poor dental hygiene and poor chewing may also be involved.

Evolution of caries

The evolution of a cavity has been slow. It is initially painless.
When bunt moved within a tooth, it becomes sensitive to the pressure'abord (avoid chewing on the side of the tooth cariée), followed by hot and cold.
When it really hurts, it means that the decay has reached the dental pulp is innervated.
Most cavities develop at the neck (for the gums), where plaque accumulates in the grooves on the surface of molars, in areas of interproximal contact.
This means that all places accessible by brushing.
That is when the cavity is still painless it is better to seek treatment, hence the importance of regular visits to the dentist to stop the work of bacteria responsible for dental injuries.
The care of oral health depends on individual initiative, but the deep cleaning of the affected part and filling, under the jurisdiction of the dentist.
If the instruments used in dentistry are more precise, more powerful and more smooth and that injections of anesthetics have become more frequent, vibration and noise of the wheel are always unpleasant.
Dental care is still a source of apprehension for the patient.

The surgeon proceeded in stages.
As a first step, it must widen the tooth to extract the cariée all damaged tissue, soft, invaded by bacteria, and make clear the gap, clear, clean, fit to receive a dressing disinfectant odor and the taste of clove.
In a second step, it must close the tooth with an amalgam or composite material.

But which one to choose?

The mercury amalgam

Formerly it was called sealing.
It contains at least 50% of mercury, a soft metal which are incorporated nickel, silver, copper, tin.
His plasticity facilitates the installation and its adherence to the walls of the tooth.
His strength is good and its cost is modest.

Composite materials

Composite materials are newer than amalgam.
They contain particles of glass, ceramic or zirconium integrated into a synthetic resin.
They do not contain mercury.
Their resistance is lower pressure, acidity and wear faster.
In addition, they easily fit under the relief of the dental cavity which can make the filling of the tooth and sealing more random.
They called for strict drying, hard finish.
As for cost, it is a little higher.

The gold fillings or ceramics.

There are also gold fillings or ceramics.
Ceramic is reserved for front teeth because it is too fragile to be used in the restoration of molars and premolars.
Gold and ceramics are used in a technique known as "inlays," tailor-made teeth.
The dentist makes a mark of the dental cavity to send to a dental prosthesis that will flow into the material the documents. Then the inlay is tested and determined in the cavity with a special cement.
In contrast, there are "onlays, which are used but also poured out of the tooth in the form of a crown for example.
This type of filling is more expensive, especially when gold.
A final possibility is a dental cement called cement stone.
Non-metallic, of various (mostly made of silica and phosphate), low resistance to commonly used for fillings temporary, pending a lasting solution.

What can you do yourself to prevent tooth decay?

It is important to have good dental hygiene.
Brush teeth for 3 minutes is required after every meal.
It is vital not remanger brushing after the last of the day.
It should also regularly clean the space between the teeth using dental floss.
Food can also have healthy teeth.
Indeed, food and wine farms, chewed completely, clean teeth.
Minerals and trace elements reinforce each other.
The whole grain bread is healthier than white bread.
We must correct the wrong position of the teeth (orthodontics).
Fluoride helps strengthen the enamel. In Switzerland and the United States, fluoride is added to drinking water, and found in these two countries a decline in dental caries.
Infants up to two years receive a supplement of fluoride, often associated with vitamin B, in the form of tablets issued by the pediatrician.
There are also toothpastes, solutions, chewing gums and table salt containing fluoride.

Evolution caries

A tooth can contaminate cariée tooth neighbor.
In the case of destruction of enamel, the bacteria get into the gum and then in the flesh, leading to inflammation of the tooth (pulpits).
The small dots of decay time treaties are safe.
But inflammation total tooth can lead to a serious deterioration of health, such as heart disease or rheumatism.

Cavities in children

The lack of dental hygiene leads to an average of two cavities in six years, four to ten years.
We must not think that caries of primary teeth are unimportant.
Hygiene habits should be acquired as soon as teeth appear.

Brushing teeth correctly

Use a brush with a small head.
Brush first molars from the bottom up, in a circular motion on the inside and outside, then the incisors.

The proportion of people with at least one untreated tooth decay when considering health reaches a maximum between 20 and 24 years, regardless of sex

The proportion of people with at least one untreated tooth decay when considering health reaches a maximum between 20 and 24 years, regardless of sex (48.8% male, 41.7% women) .
This proportion decreases with age, but is still higher among men than among women. This decline with age resulting from the decrease in the number of teeth present. The latter rose from 28 teeth present to the class 15-24 years to 17 for men and 15 for women over 60 years.

At any age, people in precarious situations are more frequent untreated tooth decay than non-precarious. The prevalence of caries decreased with age more sharply in the precarious than in non-fragile. Consequently, the gap between the two groups is narrowing.

The investigation Précalog CREDES also showed a strong association between dental and insecurity: the lack of dental care is highest among people in precarious situations. The major reasons for not visiting the dentist, according to the study Précalog, due to feelings of uselessness of these visits (41%) and financial reasons (40%).

The study conducted by a sample of 1997 data of the ESC of Insurance had also shown that people in precarious situations had more decayed teeth and more teeth than non-precarious. While the average number of these teeth is not very different between casual and non-insecure, that of decayed teeth differs greatly depending on the precarious, it doubles in precarious compared to non-precarious.


Regional variations

Between 15 and 24 years, the prevalence of tooth decay than 50% of men and nearly 50% for women in Picardy, Burgundy, Auvergne, Limousin and PACA. The regions least affected are Aquitaine, Poitou-Charentes and Pays de la Loire.

Between 25 and 59 years, areas of high prevalence of dental caries are located on a central axis of Picardy in Languedoc-Roussillon. The minimum is still observed in parts of western and south-west.

After 60 years, the geographical variability remains very close to that observed between 25 and 59 years.

Précarité and Geography

Between 15 and 24 years, the most affected regions are essentially the same among non-insecure and in precarious. However, for the latter, the North-Calais Pasde and Lorraine also caries rates very high, especially among boys. Between 25 and 59 years, there is always similar geographical variations in precarious and non-precarious at different levels naturally.

A vaccine against dental caries.

A vaccine against dental caries.

Ah, teeth and bad teeth, who does not suffer, "which was not afraid to go to the dentist?

In the future, this suffering and fear will no longer take place ...., Thanks to researchers at the Portuguese Institute of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Porto, they have succeeded in developing a vaccine against cavities Dental, the latter was successfully tested on lab rats.

It is not good news, especially for children.

researchers at the Portuguese Institute of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Porto believe they have succeeded in developing a vaccine against tooth decay, one of the most common health in the world. The vaccine has been tested successfully on lab rats.

Dental caries is one of the most infectious diseases prevalent in humans and are among the most costly diseases in the world because of the prevalence. The group of oral bacteria Streptococcus mutans is the major causative agent of human dental caries. In this group, Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus are the species most commonly isolated in humans. Streptococcus sobrinus produces a protein responsible for immunomodulatrice virulence (VIP), which suppresses the immune response specific to the host against microbes.

The researchers hypothesized that the immunization VIP could induce specific protection against the microbe responsible, and have tested on rats infected with Streptococcus sobrinus. The model of caries in rats has been widely used to determine the protective immune to this disease because it is developing very similar to human beings.

All the rats involved in the research conducted at Porto have been subjected to a Diet, Cariogenic and received drinking water mixed with sugar. They were then orally infected with S. sobrinus. Some animals have been immunized repeatedly by intranasal administration of the vaccine. After the experience, the extent of carious lesions of enamel first, second and third molars of all rats (the rate of decay) was evaluated microscopically and the levels of infection with S. sobrinus were measured.

The group has immunized, compared with the control group, a rate of carious lesions of enamel below 50%. The researchers also assessed the colonization of S. sobrinus in the oral cavity of rats. Result: VIP immunized groups have a net reduction in the levels of S. sobrinus, while non-immune group retained high levels of bacteria throughout the study.

The potential benefits are considerable: the painful and expensive fillings could soon be a thing of the past. The benefits would be enormous for those who have no access to dental care, including many poor people in rich countries and the majority of people in developing countries.

The discovery was patented in Portugal, and researchers have applied for a patent. The next step of research will be the development, also on rodents, a preventive vaccine. For now, the results have been obtained through a therapeutic vaccine. The ultimate goal of scientists is to intervene effectively to pre-immunization, ie before infection develops.

The Portuguese team is now looking for funding that will enable it to conduct tests on primates, and subsequently on human beings. The human vaccine could be marketed early next decade. Future

Dental caries

Decay is formed as a result of the combination of three factors, namely food, the formation of tooth plaque. Nutrition plays two distinct roles in oral health: first, nutrients consumed affect the development and maintenance of tissues of the mouth, and secondly, property and food composition influence the plaque and the amount of saliva. Good nutrition helps produce enough saliva. Saliva helps to neutralize the acid produced by bacteria to help the process of remineralization of the tooth. Decay occurs when periods of demineralisation exceeds that of mineralization. The diet plays a direct role in preventing tooth decay as saliva, fluoride and good oral hygiene. The acidity of the saliva influences the development of caries. One need only think of people who do not brush your teeth daily and with no more cavities than those who do it three times a day. Their acidity is probably lower than others.
Among the factors associated with the incidence of tooth decay is the sugar content of food texture (liquid, solid food that adheres to the teeth), the retention time in the mouth (which increases the time bacteria can feed), the time interval between meals / snacks (decreases time remineralization / demineralization), the frequency of consumption of sugary foods and the consumption of foods during a meal.
Heredity parents also plays a role in the quality of teeth of the person. Plaque in turn is the result of food debris, saliva and bacteria that attach to the tooth. The bacteria in plaque assimilate sugars, multiply and secrete an acid that attacks tooth and leads to the formation of cavities.

Bottle syndrome
A type of tooth decay among young children is bottle syndrome. Bottle syndrome is characterized by severe dental caries. If a child is having a bottle during naps and at night, the liquid flowing from the bottle accumulate around the teeth and produce acid, responsible for large cavities. Milk, formula milk and fruit juices contain sugar. The bottle should not be left to the child during her sleep, so to prevent the liquid can stay around the teeth

Symptoms and signs
Caries fits in areas difficult to clean. It is like a black stain the enamel of the tooth. It attacks the fabric of the crown (enamel, dentin and cementum) and form a hole. If the decay reaches the pulp, the person will feel the pain. More decay progresses, the tooth becomes more sensitive. It will be particularly sensitive to cold, heat and sugar.

Treatment and prevention
It would be wrong to think that we repair a bunt just to the aesthetic side. If it does not decay, it will reach the dentin (ivory), allowing bacteria to reach the pulp and cause infection of the bone (abscess). It should therefore be treated as soon as possible to avoid damage to make the most important. Dental cavity is first cleaned to remove all traces of bacteria and sealed by a restoration, for example, amalgam.
The research, health practices today, prevention programs and education have greatly contributed to reducing tooth decay and preservation of the teeth of the majority of adults. Not so long ago, it was not uncommon to wear dentures at the age of 30 years. Apart from the wisdom teeth, it rarely extract teeth. They are repaired or replaced with prostheses (crowns, bridges, etc.).. However, the new repair methods create some slackness on the part of people: they are now convinced they can eat everything and they do not brush their teeth regularly since the dentist is here to repair excesses.
Whatever our dietary habits, oral hygiene is very important in the prevention of dental caries. Brushing teeth is a major means. A good brushing should take about two to three minutes. It must be strong, frequent (2 to 3 times daily, especially at bedtime) and correctly, ie from root to tip over the entire surface of the tooth. We must wash the brush between each use - a washing in the dishwasher can remove bacteria that may be there - and change it regularly. The toothpaste should be used sparingly (the size of a pea green) so that the brush between good contact with the teeth and not that it glides over them. Gargle with mouthwash can help prevent dental plaque, but note that this is not a surefire way. The use of thread (silk) dental is recommended, particularly adults who are more likely to experience periodontal disease. The floss will remove the pieces of food trapped between teeth and hard to access with the brush. Of course, regular visits (1 time per year) to the dentist to help prevent and treat cavities.

The use of fluoride is an excellent way to prevent cavities. He joins in dentin and enamel during tooth formation of the tooth and acts as a shield. That is why it is recommended to provide fluoridated water to children, drops or tablets of fluoride during the first 12 years of their lives. The dentist will benefit from the annual visit of your child to apply fluoride to teeth. You should know that fluoride affects the teeth in training and has no effect on adult teeth.

Cleaning teeth in children
If your child is too young to use a toothbrush, clean his teeth and gums with your finger that you have wrapped in gauze moistened or a small washcloth. When your child is older and brush his teeth alone, we need help from time to time and see if his brushing technique is adequate. Visual inspection is the best way to control dental hygiene habits of a child. Look around food particles between teeth and teeth. Do not forget to visit your dentist regularly to clean your child's teeth and to monitor the progress of his teeth.

Food preference
During a meal, the last food intake has a great influence on the duration of acidification of dental plaque. The anticaries foods are rich in fiber, nuts, eggs, meat and cheese. Studies are increasingly taking to demonstrate that the cheese would be a means of prevention against cavities. It is alkaline, contains calcium, phosphorus and casein, a protein substance that protects tooth enamel and prevents demineralisation. In addition, cheese stimulates saliva production, which helps to dilute the sugars and eliminate them from the mouth. Happens when you take a snack and you can not brush your teeth, finish your meal with a piece of cheese, vegetables or nuts.

Foods to avoid
The diet rich in carbohydrates is a major cause of tooth decay. The foods most cariogenic are the sticky and sweet confections, cakes or chocolate bars and sweetened soft drinks during long sirotées infants (bottles in bed) or by young children. It is therefore preferable to eat these foods quickly rather than stretch their consumption throughout the day. Foods rich in starch (complex carbohydrates: bread, cereals, pasta ...) can also be harmful if they remain long in the mouth or if consumed frequently during the day. The fruit sugars are also cariogenic action. In addition, foods that do not contribute to production of saliva are more likely to cause cavities.

A peptide from cow's milk to fight tooth decay

A peptide from cow's milk to fight tooth decay

An anti-microbial agent, the "kappacin" recently discovered by researchers of the Cooperative Research Center for Oral Health Science (CRC OHS) at the dental school at the University of Melbourne, would be an effective weapon against tooth decay . Of toothpastes and mouthwashes containing it are being tested for marketing purposes.

An anti-microbial agent, the "kappacin" recently discovered by researchers of the Cooperative Research Center for Oral Health Science (CRC OHS) at the dental school at the University of Melbourne, would be an effective weapon against tooth decay . Of toothpastes and mouthwashes containing it are being tested for marketing purposes.
More than 700 species of oral bacteria have been identified. In special circumstances, the abnormal proliferation of certain bacteria in dental plaque causes tooth decay. The breakdown of sugars foods placed on the teeth by bacteria produces acids that dissolve the enamel crystals composed mainly of calcium phosphate.
With the financial support of the Dairy Australia, researchers have isolated and characterized a new antimicrobial peptide derived from cow's milk protein, the kappa-casein. This peptide called kappacin is negatively charged, unlike most antimicrobial peptides. It is also devoid of amino acids that promote positive charge destruction of certain antimicrobial peptides by proteolytic enzymes. It seems that the peptide acts by modifying the bacterial cell membrane. The "kappacin" also seems to have more effective action against Streptococcus mutans-the bacterium that is largely responsible for dental caries-against other benign bacterial plaque.
The effect of "kappacin" is reinforced by the presence of divalent metal cations. The "kappacin" does not have the side effects of mouthwashes such as the color of teeth and a strong metallic taste.

Go see your dentist once a year

We must go at least once a year with his dentist, at least for a routine visit. Your dentist can see small cavities possible start on enamel, it is nothing to treat.

Caries prevention

In terms of decay, still the best prevention: Avoid eating sugar and brush your teeth after each meal.

Do not eat between meals

It is true that we must avoid eating sugar, sweets, cakes, jam, sugary drinks, ... especially between meals and especially at night before bed.

During the meal, there is nothing not to take a sweet dessert if they can brush their teeth afterwards.

The teeth

Children are very prone to cavities, the teeth are the first teeth appear.

The teeth are important, first of all they can eat as big and then they are the way of teeth.

They are beautiful, white, like porcelain, they are fragile, take care for them.

Small children eat a lot (too much) of sugar products, particularly bottles of soft drinks, sweets, cakes, .... They like that.

Some have their bottle (from soft drink) in the mouth all day, sleeping with others. What happiness for the bacteria in dental plaque!

It is we adults who are responsible for their cavities.

While not completely eliminate sugar from their diet, be reasonable: no bottles of soft drinks at the end of field, especially not in the evening by going to bed. No candy going to bed.

The bottles are given at meal times, for against, between meals, it is logical to give them water only if they are thirsty.

It is a habit to give them at an early age, in addition, apart from the prevention of caries, it is the right way to feed them.

Dental caries

Dental caries
Dental caries is a disease caused by the deterioration of the enamel and dentin of a tooth, resulting in the formation of cavities.

Formation of cavities
Decay occurs when carbohydrates (sugars and starch) content in bread, cereals, milk, soft drinks, fruits, cakes and candies, remained on the teeth. Bacteria living in the mouth digest these foods, turning them into acid. The bacteria, acids, food debris and saliva combine to form plaque, which dissolves the enamel and dentin of a tooth cavities forming.
Three factors play in the formation of cavities: heredity, hygiene and nutrition. But it is certainly food plays a role promoting the most important.
Dental caries can form in places where hygiene is more difficult, ie in the grooves of the teeth, the region between two adjacent teeth, the crown of a tooth, or the outline of an old filling.
The cavity formed by the decay grows over time and eventually invade the flesh itself. If at this stage no treatment is practiced by the dental caries entails the destruction of the tooth and could lead to an infection of the underlying bone, causing an abscess.
The symptoms vary depending on the stage of evolution of the cavities, and the speed of this development.
Initially, ie when the decay is only the tooth enamel, the pain is intense and sometimes little absent.
From the moment when the decay starts approaching the pulp ie dentin, thus enlarging the cavity, the first teeth are sensitive to the cold and then hot pain become increasingly intolerable as the hollow tooth decay.
Radiography allows to identify early signs of decay.

Caries requires care early. Small cavities require simply fillings (fillings). The first cleaning of the cavity dental bur, the dentist then proceeded to shutter using a product such as a restoration composite (white fillings).
In the presence of a particularly advanced decay, a root canal and a crown would be required.
The tooth extraction occurs only when it is a very advanced decay, which destroyed a large part of the root of the tooth.
A regular brushing teeth remove plaque. Brushing should be careful not too pressing enamel so not to use it.
The addition of flossing perfect brushing.
A balanced diet low in sugar and is effective in the fight against the onset of decay. Abstentions sugar, just before going to bed, is strongly recommended as well as meals.
Regular monitoring, twice a year, teeth by a dentist is recommended.

What is tooth decay?

The cavity is a hole in a tooth. All teeth can be achieved at any age.

This is the culprit sugar

Decay occurs under the influence of the presence of acids in the mouth and teeth.
The bacteria normally present in the mouth and in dental plaque convert sugar products in acid attacks tooth enamel (which is outside of the tooth and see), then attack the dentin under the enamel and the interior of the tooth, where the nerves, where it can be very bad.

The toothache

Once the dentin is reached, the pain may appear.

We should not expect to have a toothache to go to the dentist.

The more you wait, the more profound will decay over your tooth is damaged and the treatment will be long and the high risk of having a false tooth.

For teeth in good shape

For teeth in good shape

Smile, eat, talk, our teeth are working and should be in perfect health. The oral hygiene starts at an early age and do not stop ... ever! Brushing several times a day, balanced diet, annual visit to the dentist ... these are the three golden rules to live with teeth and gums healthy throughout his life.

No more fear of the dentist!
Today dentists prefer that prohibiting educate. Without doubt they reason, since the oral health of English is improving dramatically. And if today 40% of children 12 years old are free of cavities, the goal is to be 80% in 2010. However, it remains an obstacle! As everyone knows, is fear. We are in fact 85% feared the meeting to the dentist.
The vibrations of strawberries or some devices are reflected in the head, causing a fear unconscious. This is why dentists inspire fear, more than all other health practitioners. They are ill-loved and feared by many patients. Hervé Caron dental surgeon in Paris. For him, there are several kinds of pain: "There is pain before treatment, those in the care and after. Pain during treatment and after care are part of the doctor-patient cooperation. Pain before treatment, we will say that 80% or 90% it is the responsibility of the patient. If pain is that it has been most often neglect. A tooth does not deteriorate in one fell swoop in one night. So pain can be prevented by screening and regular follow-ups. Now the pain during the task, we can not always avoid it. You should know that now we can do a lot of care under anesthesia. We are not going to say that the total insensitivity to a dental chair exists. But compared to what people think or what they have experienced, it has no report. "
Today, the dentist can fully take over all the pain associated with the oral sphere. Because the techniques of care and pain treatment have made enormous progress. The fear of the dentist can often be equated with the fantasy. But it should not be scorned for it.
And if you do not want to be afraid to go to the dentist, it's simple! Just brush your teeth three times a day. You will have healthy teeth and healthy. So when you go to your annual visit of control, you will not fear, because you will not hurt you ... But brushing is not a formality that you can send to rush. It should last from 3 to 5 minutes. In the ideal, do it three times a day after meals. And twice, it's really a minimum.

The method!
Do not matter how "there are teeth on the top, bottom, right, left, front, basically, all you need to brush. We will apply a very simple method which is used a mnemonic. It said the method BROS. Ie B as low, I brush first down and then I paint a top. After R, by a rotary or roll, that is my toothbrush made rotary motion in a circle on the surface and roll from the gum to the tooth, therefore, from bottom to top to bottom and from top to bottom to the top jaw. Then O, ie as oblique, ie that the hair, the strands of the toothbrush are inclined at an angle of 45 degrees on the gums and from this position they will start back to the tooth. "In the evening, once brushed his teeth, no sweets or drinks, or chocolate or sweets before going to bed. Do not brush wet after having put the toothpaste, water would dilute the active ingredients. In fact, toothpastes are designed to complement the mechanical effect of the toothbrush. They help to eliminate the surface and dental spaces, food debris and plaque. Their primary goal is not to whiten teeth, but to clean them. The little fun, they leave in your mouth feeling clean and fresh, while fragrance breath. Hmmmm! Then again, a good job is done with good tools. Repeat frequently brush your teeth. Do not wait until it looks like an old feather duster! And do not martyrize your teeth or your gums, brush hard not "décapent" no better than others.
On the contrary: they are bleeding gums weakened by plaque and tartar. In contrast, the hair a soft brush their way more easily in the interdental spaces ... And then ... be efficient: we put too much toothpaste on our toothbrushes. The phenomenon is widespread, with 96% of children are overdose of toothpaste. Adults for that matter! For the American Dental Association, a pea is enough to draw perfectly all the teeth of a child under 6 years. A condition to do so three times a day, after every meal.
Fluorine or not?

Fluorine or not?

To increase the effect of toothpaste, especially if it contains fluorine, keep it in the mouth a few minutes before rinsing. Fluoride protects teeth against acid attack. It diminishes the harmfulness of dental plaque and limit his training. But again, pay attention to the dosage. Natural element, fluorine is found in many foods: fish, spinach and tea contain small quantities. Some waters are naturally high in fluoride and you are in, to varying degrees in most mineral waters ... or tap. The update of the benefits of fluoride has led to add some salt in cooking, to offset the deficits that existed in the 60s.
But marketing has been part of: chewing gum, lollipops and candy try to forget they are being enriched caries fluorine! Fluoride tablets are even offered as food supplements. So certainly, fluorine is essential. Yes, but at reasonable rates. Because ingested in large quantities when the teeth are still in training, it can cause the appearance of tasks. It is dental fluorosis.
Some also ensure that excess fluorine night to the nervous system and is proven, it increases the risk of ostéopétrose, a bone disease which deforms and weakens. Consider fluorine for what it is, a drug that is taken in limited doses and buy in a pharmacy. The problem will not arise overdose more. Even if it does not buy happiness merchants candy or hygiene products "surgonflés" fluoride.

Even the method!
In addition to the toothbrush, you have other means to clean teeth. Floss complements the toothbrush. It enters the spaces between teeth, facilitating the complete elimination of food debris. This process is better for the gums that cures teeth. As for the jets under pressure, it's like a shower for the mouth! They clean thoroughly well, and massage the gum tissue. They also improve blood circulation in these tissues. Especially recommended for prosthetic holders, they may help if you use them early enough to avoid this ...
And to complete the chapter on technology, just a word about electric toothbrushes. A condition of buying a good equipment is better than a gadget. At the outset, the rotary motion is consistent with the dental anatomy. And their small size you avoid overdoses in toothpaste ...
The tooth, living body

The tooth, living body
Teeth poorly maintained, poorly cleaned, treated badly affect the body. We do not know enough, it does not always ... and yet tooth decay, it does not suffer. Cavities lead a series of disastrous consequences for the general statement: headaches, sinusitis, digestive complications, eye pain ... They may worsen considerably especially heart disease and joint pain. And sometimes even the cause. For Hervé Caron, the tooth is a living body, which at its core has a cavity that is responsible for blood and blood vessels, communication through the exit of the root with the general circulation. The blood that is circulating in the tooth throughout the body, it comes from the body and returns it. So from the moment he takes care of contaminants - can be bacteria, microbes - it will circulate throughout the body and we know that some even have a special affinity for germs from dental homes. Including some heart disease, certain joint diseases, digestive, respiratory may have dental origins. "
To maintain healthy teeth, saliva is a natural bulwark. Unfortunately when sleeping, it does almost no saliva and cleaning of natural teeth is no longer appropriate. But what exactly is the role of saliva? Its first role is to make lubrication of food, facilitate its ingestion and mastication. Then it has a protective effect on teeth because it is responsible for mineral elements. "You start to realize that contrary to what we thought, saliva can reach some remineralize caries start. From the moment we have cleaned and if it promotes the secretion of an abundant salivary some caries can be arrested, "said Hervé Caron.

But some medications such as antidepressants, certain diseases damage salivary glands, or radiation therapy reduces the salivary secretion. And the older teeth too. As the tissues that support them! Then appeared the loose own older.
"With the lengthening of life, there is a tissue of the tooth that is fragile, known as the periodontium, ie the fabric of support for the tooth in its alveolar bone. It ages because it is a normal physiological process of retraction of the alveolar bone. Then the fabric is also vulnerable to attacks products processing of sugar by bacteria. And he formed what is called periodontal pockets, ie a space that grows between the grip and the tooth. And it is a vicious circle, because in this area enters the saliva, which will be loaded with products of decomposition, therefore, created by sugar acids. "
Indeed, the loose quite a resorption of alveolar bone and ligament. Gum drops, the root appears. Occurs when the pain and gingivitis, cavities and the neck, at the junction of the tooth and gum. If your parents or your grandparents have suffered from these disorders, you are at risk. But in general, failing health and limescale deposits are the main culprits of the loose.

Sensitive teeth and leukoplakia

The teeth that hurt when they come into contact with drinks or food hot, cold, sweet or acidic teeth are sensitive. One in three adults has already experienced this problem.

Causes, symptoms and consequences
The cause is usually attacked a tooth or gum infection. At the root of the problem, there is often a root laid bare in the wake of a recession gingivale.La root is not wrapped by a protective layer of enamel and is therefore more vulnerable to cavities. When enamel and dentin crumbling, external pins can affect the nerves of the tooth causing some bad douleur.Une method of brushing, brush too hard and wearing braces or partial dentures can use the tooth surface and increase the sensitivity of the teeth. We call this erosion wear dentaire.La pain caused by sensitive teeth often prevents people who suffer from brushing your teeth thoroughly. Result, the problems only increase.

First, always tell the problem with a dentist. This can make a "sealing" of teeth. This operation involves applying a layer of synthetic varnish on the teeth to protect them. The deep grooves and cavities in teeth are obturés.Vous can make your own problem by using a gel or mouthwash fluoride. It strengthens and protects teeth. The specially developed mild toothpaste and toothbrushes also less hard to repair the teeth.

Leukoplakia is a condition thick white on the cheek, gums or tongue.

Causes, symptoms and consequences
The chronic irritation of the lining due to the consumption of tobacco and alcohol at a prosthesis unsuited to a broken tooth or a bite of the cheek, is often one of the causes of this problem.
Normally, it is not painful except that it sometimes gives a sense of irritation.

In tackling the problem, the disease will disappear by itself.
It can be eliminated in some cases by a laser.
It is worthwhile to examine leukoplakia by a dentist. Indeed, it is cancer in 3 to 5 per cent of cases. It is recommended to check every 3, 6 or 12 months, depending on the type, location and magnitude of the problem.

Dentists recommendations

Without wanting to alarm you, when I saw the same catastrophic event.

Needless to say, these people did not know about the defects as they are not skilled professionals and they can not distinguish good from bad prosthesis.

Add to this the choice prosthetic little that could be adapted to them, certainly influenced by the dentist.

Finally, to cap it all, given the exorbitant price of prostheses, they paid a fortune their prosthesis.

Other people, who never had dentures, came to see me because they need dental advice, for example:

- For aesthetic problems: teeth, overlapping, teeth, too yellow, etc.
- For decayed teeth to be replaced by prostheses, etc..

And they are afraid of being abused on tariffs on prosthetic choice, on the longevity of the prosthesis on its quality ...

They also feel that their dentist inflated prices and they ask me my opinion on the subject.

In talking with them, I had some surprises and even in some cases, I was speechless!

Today, I propose immediately accessible information that is to say that you can access at any time (evenings, Sundays, holidays ,...)

The information that I am willing to reveal is unique for an obvious reason. No dental supposed do reveal the existence of defects on both sides, bad choices prosthetic possible from dentists and their prohibitive tariffs for fear of upsetting and losing customers dentists.

After all, nobody broke her own home.

You can find this information anywhere else!

Basically you, you're probably in the process to ask you ... "why, he tells us what others did not dare?"

Simply because my clientele is composed of dentists. Otherwise, I would you like all the others!

But this is not the only reason that pushed me in this.

This is the story of my neighbor "Christine" I was shocked.

One Sunday evening, someone knocks on my door.
It was my neighbor Christine. It was panic.
She had just lost all his upper front teeth.
His bridge suddenly fell, leading to its roots were still stuck.

It took great courage and humility to see me in such an embarrassing situation. I was embarrassed for her.

Imagine a beautiful lady of 42 years who appeared in 30 or 40 years!

She had her hand at all times in front of her mouth, she could not articulate (phonetic problems associated with the loss of his teeth), his face had increased and had lost chewing function.

It took him to make urgent provisional prosthesis. The next day, as part of her work, she managed a very important to 80 people.