What is a gum disease?

What is a gum disease?

The gum disease resulting in inflammation of the gums that can progress and reach the bone that surrounds and supports the teeth. They are the consequence of the action of bacteria in dental plaque, a sticky coating, colorless, which is deposited permanently on the teeth. If not removed by brushing and flossing, plaque and bacteria grows not only infect the gums and teeth, but the bones that support the teeth. Eventually, it may take off the teeth and to bring down or force them to extract.

Gum disease goes through three stages:

Gingivitis: This is the initial stage of the disease, an inflammation of the gums caused by plaque at the gingival border. If brushing and cleaning floss can not remove plaque, toxins (poisons) that product will irritate the gum tissue and cause gingivitis. One can observe the bleeding when brushing and cleaning floss. This gingivitis is reversible, bone and connective tissue that support the teeth are not yet achieved.
Periodontitis: Bone and fibers that hold teeth in place are irreversibly injured. Pockets begin to form between the tooth and gum; these pockets hold food and plaque. Appropriate treatment and a personal best dental hygiene are usually sufficient to stop the spread of the disease.
Advanced periodontitis: The disease has progressed, the fibers and bone surrounding the teeth are destroyed, which can lead to migration (movement) and mobility. Your way to bite may be amended and if the established treatment can save teeth, they should be extracted.

How do I know if I have gum disease?

The gum disease can occur at any age but occur most often in adults. If the diagnosis is made at the beginning, they are reversible. Consult your dentist if you notice the following symptoms:

The gums are red, swollen or painful
The gums bleed when you brush or the passage of floss
The teeth appear longer because the gums are hauled.
The gums do more teeth, creating pockets
Changes in position of the teeth during chewing
Pus between teeth and gums
Bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth