Periodontics (treatment of gum)

Periodontics (treatment of gum)

The first sign of gum disease is an inflammation and bleeding in light brushing and using dental floss. The presence of plaque and bacteria that cause infection easily cured with a cleaning and better oral hygiene. Gingivitis is reversible.


There are several levels to periodontal disease. When gingivitis is not treated, bacterial infection seeps between the teeth and gums and destruction of tissue supporting the teeth begins. The increases bleeding, pain and teeth also become mobile. The attachment loss caused by periodontitis is irreversible and leaves the dental roots exposed and sensitive. It is therefore very important to treat this disease as quickly as possible. The damage is much greater for smokers. In severe cases, it is common that we must extract teeth and replace them with prosthetics complete.

Gingival abscess:

A gum abscess is a localized infection between the tooth and gum. This is often due to the presence of tartar or food impaction in the gum. The mere clean by ultrasonic treatment should be sufficient, but antibiotics may be helpful.


Some diseases or a simple injury can damage the gums or mouth and cause an ulcer. An ulcer can be very painful and takes about 2 weeks to heal. The best you can do is to rinse with water or saline used a cortisone cream topically to speed healing. Ulcers are multiple and repeated often a health problem.

Gingival graft:

The gums, defects or weakness of the gums may require a transplant of gum. There are 2 main techniques: a graft taken from the palace or the use of a band of human tissue treated and sterilized. The second technique is increasingly used and gives excellent results.


There are a lot of diseases and conditions related to the oral cavity, such as cancer of the mouth that is taking the lead. Ask your dentist, it is best placed to examine your mouth. It is therefore necessary today to make a more complete examination with panoramic radiography every year or five years, depending on your condition. This radiography allows us to examine almost all head and note any suspicious lesion you refer to the specialist as soon as possible. And once again we repeat smokers! You are the target!