Toothache - rightly feared

Toothache - rightly feared

Those who once suffered from a toothache, knows exactly why teeth, their treatment - and it was only the half-yearly review by a specialist - and their diseases are a sensitive topic: Toothaches become unpleasant physical sensations counted.

What is toothache?
Teeth are strong inside and very sensitive nerve endings, which usually by the harsh and insensitive Zahnäußere superbly protected. These nerve fibers conduct all sensations on the three-Gesichtsnerv the trigeminal nerve in the nearby brain. The Trigeminus also contains nerve endings to the muscles and the lining of the mouth and nose are responsible. How can pain in a tooth may radiate into the environment.

If the Zahnäußere, the hard enamel, through injury, bacteria, chemicals, printing or damaged, the nerve fibers are irritated and probing, dull, stabbing pain or knocking arise - and nature of pain varies depending on the cause. The pain often radiates into the upper or lower jaw that can pull towards temples and headaches appear. The pain often lead to massive damage to health and are not affected by long tolerated: Fortunately, this is so, because often, inflammation of the guilt and pain that can affect the bloodstream quickly spread to the brain.

Most severe toothache is a phase advance, in which a single tooth particularly sensitive to cold, heat, pressure or sweets react. These signs, you should always show a warning signal that the enamel of your teeth and you are attacked is urgent for your teeth should do.

What are the reasons for toothaches are there?
In addition to missing or attacked tooth enamel is the most common cause of dental caries pain. Caries is the most common diseases of mankind, but not yet conclusively settled is whether caries is contagious or not. From the dental caries tissue dental enamel and dentin infected - holes emerge. This decay occurs, several factors work together: Sun formed from plaque bacteria and nutrients, depending on the sugary Zahnputzverhalten varying degrees, including the salivary composition and structure of the teeth play an important role.

If one remains untreated caries (because they do not cause pain), they can expand and inside the tooth, the dental pulp, attack, in which the supply structures of the tooth, so nerves and blood vessels, lost.

A pulpitis, ie an inflammation of the pulp, caries, in addition to other causes, such as a thermal or chemical irritation through an extensive repair dental treatment. They can be extremely painful, but also smoothly and painlessly heal spontaneously if the original charm disappears.

If they become a apical osteitis developed, spreading the inflammation of the inner tooth to tooth roots and causes the death of the tooth tissue.

In addition to caries disease and its consequences are also at a periodontitis - that inflammation of the tooth holding apparatus, namely the gums - pain. For ease of gingivitis are often burning pain, however, a strong Periodontitis is often painless tückischerweise: Only the apparent extension of the tooth necks indicates that the gums zurückbildet.

When babies are Zahnungsbeschwerden as a toothache, when the teeth from the gums break - in adults, the same complaints to the passage of the wisdom teeth were observed. Children can also toothache on a tooth indicate misalignment or to a wrong set braces.

But even deformities of the temporomandibular joint pronounced tooth can cause pain. Often express such deformities by nocturnal teeth grinding, of which the person can not be noticed. However, after waking up, he often finds that his muscles tense and his teeth hurt. Incidentally can Zähneknirschen to stress-induced jaw deformities and vice versa can be a jaw misalignment Zähneknirschen at fault!

Another category dentists know so-called atypical tooth pain, which sometimes severe pain is not a tooth and its surroundings can be assigned. The pain kept partly long, and may also from time to time in another place occur.

In addition, other diseases can also be the body pain of the teeth trigger. To sinuses or middle ear infections in the mouth radiate, severe headache and migraine also lead to tooth pain and even a narrowing of the coronary arteries (angina) or a heart attack can only by toothache felt.

Most people will certainly to the unpleasant toothache remember

Most people will certainly to the unpleasant toothache remember. And often are inadequately cared teeth are the cause, making the most dental caries arose. The best remedy for toothache is, of course, always a pain tablets, but only a temporary relief. And you can not always this Schmerztabeletten because some side effects they bring with them.

Make sure you're at it, the tooth pain often occur when just the dentist's office is closed, so usually late evening or on weekends. Of course there is the possibility of a dental practice emergency reside, but it's not the usual dentist, you know. And even patients who are afraid of the dentist have such dental emergency services will almost certainly not advice. It remains only to endure the pain of this unpleasant and hope that they are not worse.

Against toothache is a herb grown, it means it does not always immediately the harsh chemicals like mace, for example, pain-killing tablets. There are some herbs that are not only against colds, flu or other diseases, but they can be pain-relieving effect on the teeth. Sometimes herbs can completely eliminate these toothache. Some healing herbs against toothache:

Chamomile: Does a general anti-inflammatory. Rinses with chamomile help against painful inflammation of the teeth or mouth.
Goose finger cabbage: It makes a Absud and washes are so often from the mouth.
Parsley: rinses with parsley
Marjoram: A Majoranöl drops to the affected tooth.
Goldmohn: bright yellow, orange and red flowers. Easy to grow summer flower, which also grows in our latitudes. The slightly Narko automation Blattsaft was Californian Indians against tooth pain.
Estragon: Lindert toothache helps with rheumatism and rule complaints against worms in children
Rue: crushed leaves are in dental pain in the teeth filled hollow

Other herbs against toothache, for example, Horsetail, lemon balm, sage, lavender and myrrh. Generally, it is always on the dosage and the application of the pain or to alleviate silent. You will certainly have come to realize that often in most toothpastes contain natural herbs, and not a few companies have heavily on these natural supplements out. If you are unsure of the dosage beziehhungsweise with the approach of these funds, ask quiet times in your pharmacy after. Not all herbs are widely available, it is recommended in parallel with a natural Heilpraxis asking. You'll be amazed at what herbs with other diseases very good results achieved.

Why some plants or Kräuer a good healing power generating, is that these plants are firmly rooted in the ground a lot of threats and dangers to keep, and a few weapons have developed to a successful defense. As you can see, there are alternative methods of healing and it must not always be the pain tablet. Make sure you always have a healthy diet to include the dental health positively to maintain.

Each tooth possesses distinct and very sensitive nerves

Each tooth possesses distinct and very sensitive nerves, which pass quickly stimuli. Normally this space is well-sealed to the top pulp sits around the tooth enamel, all the charms of Zahnnerv keep away. Where the enamel finish protects the gums to the teeth. The tooth roots deeply seated in the jaw and bone and tissue surrounded. Only when one of these protective ignited, punctured or destroyed, external factors can irritate the Zahnnerv.


Exposed tooth necks If the tooth nerve through pressure, injury or chemical irritation, we feel pain. Most is an untreated tooth trigger disease, such as caries and periodontal disease, or the result of dental treatment. Particularly unpleasant irritation by a hot or cold food in exposed tooth necks. Since the protection of enamel is missing, could be a targeted pressure on the appropriate place stabbing pain trigger. But the tooth eruption in infants can cause pain as well as a place abnormal teeth teeth grinding at night.

For some diseases can be a pain in the jaw and then radiate pretend toothache. Particularly often occurs when the headaches, sinusitis and ear pain, rarely with shingles and a heart attack on.


Toothache can drilling, knocking, dull or stabbing and at Vereiterungen or inflammation can swell the cheek. Caries agents to penetrate into the interior of teeth, the pulp can ignite. The tooth starts to thump and the pain is strong to unbearable. Particularly often this is done at night because the heat of the bed to the inflammation process. Untreated pain these days, and heard only if the pulp has died. Also dead teeth can cause severe pain and gums and cheeks to swell. The inflammation may be different from the tooth root out even in the jaw bone spread. At this point, reinforcing the pain again, the cheek and lymph nodes to swell, the patient gets a fever and is significantly weakened. Due to the strong swelling may also be affected tooth a piece emerge and thus longer appear. Such inflammation must be treated professionally hurry.

Hardly a person is a lifetime of dental caries spared

Hardly a person is a lifetime of dental caries spared, one of the most common infectious diseases in the industrialized countries. About 90 percent of Germans are once in their lives from the slang caries affected - and rising. Because the cause of this illness are bacteria that are to find favor sugary foods. The increasingly poor eating habits is very much in the sense of decay bacteria. Another cause can produce the quantity or the composition of his saliva.

The caries bacteria settle first in the tooth, from where they are by their acidic metabolites of the protective Kalksubstanz decompose. The tooth surface is now the acids in the mouth defenseless - the acid attack, the continued destruction of the tooth. If the injury to the soft dentine is reached, then the hard substance of the tooth somehow burglarize: It is sometimes very painful tooth defects, the so-called holes. In the final stage, the Zahnnerv affected by the infection, which in the worst case, the loss of a tooth result.

If the decay even before the onset of the defects identified and the dentist with the remineralization of the tooth starts early, the disease can be stopped. Are the already severely damaged teeth, the dentist drills the zücken. The remaining holes are then filled with plastic materials. If the nerve already has been affected, according to the drilling must first root canal treatment.

The caries prophylaxis consists of a thorough oral and dental hygiene, dental fluoridation, regular check-ups at the dentist and a dental healthy, low-sugar diet.

Toothaches are often pain in the first phase by gently pulling on the teeth, gums or jaw

Toothaches are often pain in the first phase by gently pulling on the teeth, gums or jaw. In the further course of the mild pain often in very strong throbbing pain phases, which are a clear signal that it is a sustained injury to the teeth or jaws act. Toothache but can

also symptom of other organic diseases, for example, is known as a toothache symptom of migraines, heart disease or sinus infections. The pain will then often very diffuse and radiate into different regions. Classical diseases of the teeth, the very strong toothache, are mostly decay or periodontitis. Often you can through the localization of a toothache on the disease may be inferred. In periodontitis, the gums often pain to be felt. In many cases, the cause of dental caries for a toothache. Caries is dependent on various causes. Infection with specific bacteria, such as streptococci, untreated, leads to the destruction of the tooth and is very painful. In most cases, the pain is so strong that the road leads to the dentist immediately.

In addition to dental caries, it is often Periodontitis that too strong a toothache can lead. Inflammation of the dental apparatus are holding caries after the number two at the dental diseases in the German-speaking countries. The bacterial infection may be in the worst case, to loss of teeth lead. Visually, you can often periodontitis to the dental pockets that are already in early stages of a toothache can lead. Often a lack of oral hygiene are the main cause for the accumulation of harmful bacteria. Apart from the poor oral hygiene but also other possible causes, including: diabetes, allergies or even a specific genetic predisposition to such disorders can lead tooth. Poor dental cleaning and oral hygiene may also cause gum inflammation (gingivitis), which is extremely painful, especially when biting into solid foods like apples. You can see the gum inflammation, even in the red blood stains, the bite of the leaves.

The gum inflammation is also often heavily swollen and severely reddened. Gingival inflammation, one should also not without pain to be taken lightly and often can be harmful bacterial biofilm even with proper brushing not be removed and it can result in inflammation in gum disease to develop. Gingival inflammation with bleeding often affect people who smoke or a lot of hormonal changes which. Basically, the best prevention against toothache regular dental screening and proper dental cleaning and oral hygiene.

From the baby until the old man, each may be plagued toothache.

From the baby until the old man, each may be plagued toothache. At least at the age of six months of the first tooth breaks through, many small children is associated with pain. Later, dental diseases such as caries and periodontosis (inflammation of the gums) to trigger the pain. And even in old age, when no more teeth in the jaw are, there will be painful gum inflammation. Through meticulous care and regular dental visits, you can prevent dental diseases.

Toothache remedy

Basically, it occurs when a toothache to see a dentist. Most occur at the weekend but, when the dentist the confidence of course, no service, and you do not wish to ambulances. In this case, one can only wait, and try the pain over the weekend to ease somewhat. There are a few old house means it can help quite well:

Who dried rosemary leaves in the home, you can chew it. Through the active ingredient is released in the tooth root is soothing, and leave after a toothache.

Clove also temporarily reduce the pain, it may indicate a cotton swab, and the aching tooth will be spotted.

Another household remedy what everyone knows are likely cloves. This can be between the painful teeth stuck - if they fit in between.

Another tip: Normal cabbage leaves soft roll - just a role for dough take - then wrap in a cloth, and press on the cheek. A chopped onion found in a kitchen towel or handkerchief into a substance, there may be painful to be cheek.

An acupressure can also alleviate the pain: Simply Kuhle between the nose and lips, or on the finger next to the fingernail 1-2 minutes with gentle pressure massage.

A somewhat unusual variant - probably not particularly like each - is the grinding of chalk, on the painful side through the nostril is drawn. How and why the House Appropriations helps in this constellation, up to now nobody knows.

Who has the possibility of fresh chamomile from the pharmacy to obtain, it can crush and gauze appeal. The packet will be warm or cold wetted, and the sore point in the jaw and cheek laid.

Probably the most convenient and easiest method is still the drink of soothed with the right medicine.

Toothaches will include dental disease on or after dental treatment.

Toothaches will include dental disease (eg caries) on or after dental treatment. The teeth may also by other diseases such as Nasennebenhöhlenvereiterung pressure and schmerzempfindlich be. Toothaches are generally very unpleasant. You can drilling, knocking, dull or stabbing his. With a strong Vereiterungen inflammation or swelling of the cheek. Teeth often respond well to cold or hot with pain. This may indicate a hypersensitivity of the tooth necks, incipient caries (tooth decay and tooth surface) or periodontosis (gum inflammation) indicates. Previously unnoticed caries may be pressure for example, when flying, diving or mountain climbing sudden sharp tooth pain.

Top causes

After dental treatment
Inflammation of the dental pulp, for example, when fallen out seal
Tooth root inflammation (Zahnabszess)
Hypersensitivity of the teeth
The breaching of wisdom teeth
For children, in addition:

Toothache by resetting the braces
Misalignment of teeth
The breaking of teeth in children (Zahnungsbeschwerden)
What you can do

Avoid with a toothache that hot or cold directly to the teeth in contact
For a short time a wet-cold envelope lay on the cheek. With strong swelling Eispackungen hang
The short term, until the next visit to the dentist, which helps taking a painkiller (for example, with Acetylalicylsäure, paracetamol or ibuprofen). If a surgical intervention (eg Zahnziehen) is expected, should not be taken Acetylsalicylsäurepräparate, since it would lead to increased bleeding.
When you need to the dentist
If persistent or recurrent pain of unknown cause tooth occur
In caries, gingivitis, root inflammation, pulp inflammation
What your dentist can do for you
The cause of the toothache find and eliminate
In sharp tooth pain before or after a dental surgery prescribe painkillers
Meticulous care and regular dental visits to prevent dental disease and tooth pain.

Jaw and tooth pain - Possible Causes

Jaw and tooth pain - Possible Causes

Caries may be the culprit, if the teeth or jaw pain, and sometimes betray one's particular way of pain, where the shutter is.

A slight pull, throbbing or zwacken, so they make the pain in the tooth or jaw initially felt. Hold them to attend or intensity, a visit to the dentist inevitable.

If the Zahnnerv irritated, created by the unpopular toothache. In and of itself is well protected Zahnnerv: A sheath of tooth enamel and Mark hold Zahnnerv the inside sealed under a protective device. The tooth roots on the other hand, sit as an anchor in the deep pine, surrounded by bone and tissue. Take the time to caries and periodontosis wide and cause holes in the protective or inflammation, it is unpleasant.

Does it in the tooth, then, the tooth pain Hälse free and make the most of cold beverage, hot coffee or after eating sweets wide. Who among caries suffer sooner or later a throbbing on one or more teeth noted.

The deeper the teeth to the pulp moves in order to take the intense pain, and the trip to the dentist should be fast so that the tooth might still be saved. Even with a filling verrutschten bacteria can multiply. Sour or sweet then attracts quite formidable. And who in an inflammatory gum will probably suffer repeatedly with more or less recurrent pain have to do.

Good resources for emerging tooth pain medication with the drugs ibuprofen, acetyl salicylic acid or paracetamol. Hold the pain for hours, however, should you prefer to go to a doctor immediately. Until then, can also means the old house and pull something throbbing pain relief, including, for example, cloves to chew or ice on the affected area to determine.

Against sensitive tooth necks help special toothpastes and mouthwashes. Regular inspections and a thorough daily cleaning will help in any case be such unpleasant pain do not develop it.

Let the toothache not harass

Let the toothache not harass
Who does not know it, the rumblings and throbbing in the tooth? Toothache can add a very nice, and therefore should be treated immediately if they are.
Because sometimes Toothaches are indicators of serious tooth or general ill health. The most common cause is often an untreated tooth decay. Caries is caused by bacteria related to the rotting tooth. Inflammation of the root or jaw area can also cause severe tooth his complaints. Furthermore, the call to periodontitis, where in contrast to the caries but the gum is inflamed and causes pain. The breaking of teeth in children and the wisdom teeth in adults can also be strong with tooth pain. In all these cases, the teeth, gums and jaw causes of the pain.

However, it may also faked a toothache, whose cause serious disease in other body organs is justified. For example, it is possible that patients complain about a toothache, which, in effect, angina, heart attack, headaches / migraines, shingles, or suffering from sinus infections. Also earache often radiate into the tooth region.

If you have a toothache, you should not wait, but just go to the dentist. By delaying tactic often achieved nothing, but makes everything much worse. For severe pain can be the evening or on weekends and dental emergency services to complete. If the toothache meanwhile have abated, the visit to the dentist still displayed.

This toothache does not even arise, it is a continuous care, the tool of choice. Twice a day - if possible after every meal - should the teeth for three minutes and cleaned with dental floss to be cleaned so that the tooth spacing of food waste and bacteria will be exempt. In addition to proper dental care should be at least once a year to the dentist visit in the calendar are. To maintain healthy teeth and bear the correct diet. On sugar, if possible, should be omitted entirely. Will not you have at least just after eating sugar diet teeth are thoroughly cleaned. Does it comply with these rules, it is perhaps fortunate that only occasionally with a painful tooth to have to suffer.

Self-help toothache

If you have any bite to eat spoiled and it is even unpleasant to talk, is not only extremely painful, but the symptoms may also indicate an inflammation. Since this necessarily needs to be addressed, you should first make an appointment at the dentist agree. To help you but in the meantime not to suffer a toothache, I have some tips for you.

The best natural remedy for toothache is clove, chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint and marjoram. These will be in the form of oils and tinctures (pharmacy) or a concentrated tea on the affected areas gepinselt. You can also chew a clove.

With throbbing pain in the jaw helps a cool cover. At night, you should not sleep on a pillow, because the heat spread of bacteria favors. To prevent infections, stir a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth after every meal order from.

What protects teeth against Periodontitis Who thoroughly cleans, takes periodontal bacteria habitat. Important helpers during cleaning: toothbrush: medium to soft, with a small head, hence the posterior molars reached ...

Toothaches: What is going on?

From delicate cervical suppuration to life: Only the specialist can interpret it correctly!

Depending on the origin and from different tissues, depending on the disease that results in a very complex field often difficult differenzierbarer pain conditions:

Affected tissue may be: masseter muscles, temporomandibular joints, nerves, gums, mucous membranes, bones, bones, skin, root skin, cervical, Zahnnerv.

First, the actual tooth pain, which the Zahnnerv or out of the pulp, which is made up of connective tissue, veins and nerves battle there. If there is an inflammation, says the expert pulpitis: Unlike all other tissues of the body, the connective tissue of the pulp does not swell, which is the first normal reaction is, if some bacteria from a deep penetration from caries. Because it is so rigid in the tooth "walled in", and only a fine access to the root tip about one tenth of a millimeter keeps the connection to the outside world. The approach to swelling strangled so the blood supply, and therefore already have a decent enough inflammation to the tooth nerve "to let die. And this death may take months, even years.

If it is clear that the pain from an inflammation of the pulp, a pulpitis, is the crucial question: Reversible or irreversible? Even when einwurzeligen tooth is the "look to the future" is often not safe. Yet far more on several teeth with root canals is that the conditions in the transition from reversible mild irritation on inflammation to irreversible pronounced inflammation often dazzlingly irritating, because different states can coexist. Can survive but only the nerves of all channels together, or none. Therefore, it is a good dentist all possible causes, such as caries and remove the doubt prefer to wait to make sure, before the hope of the survival of the pulp must be abandoned.

For irreversible inflammatory pain speak to heat, spontaneous pain without a cause, pain on pressure, knocking pain, severe pain, long-lasting pain to cold. Hope to ease pain and short on sweet, cold, acidic. Important but really, the pain from this tooth? Sometimes the positioning of the cause difficult.

With pain in masseter muscles and temporomandibular joints, the so-called parafunction in the foreground, so the overload caused by unconscious forces applied in the field of body weight during pressing, rubbing, crunching. This is the chapter "precision, function and durability" below.

Pure nerve pain, called neuralgia, thank God, are rare. It is important here is certainly a hidden cause excluded. Then, the treatment at the hands of specialists. Something else is the pain of so-called Zahnnerv, the pulp, which is in truth from connective tissue, veins and nerves there.

Also inflamed jaw caves can often stabbing to pushing-pulling or throbbing pain that is exactly feel like a toothache. No wonder, the roots of the teeth touch the top of the page so directly to the bottom of the maxillary sinus. Typically there is a pressure in the eye, in front of herunterhängendem head or more will occur.

From the neck of the tooth gums outgoing pain can dazzlingly irritating character and pretend real toothache. While, unfortunately, are the most chronic forms of gum disease (periodontitis) are painless and often not recognized, triggers an acute inflammatory pain often violent, oppressive, or the like to be perceived pochend. Sometimes it is simply a dining eingebissenen rest, but sometimes a deep gum pockets, which pus forms.

Typical very painful inflammation of the mouth are the so-called mouth ulcers, which like in a temporary immune burden "alongside" and occur as The food is very sensitive to touch. After about ten days they will disappear without trace.

Any type of acute inflammation in the bone is doing particularly hurt when the Knochenthaut tense, because the inflammation is the way to the outside bahnen wants. Mostly it is an acute inflammation of a long-existing inflammation, from a dead tooth out. Heat and pressure Averstärken pain, cold eases temporarily. This condition (abscess) is dramatic, but today certainly manageable. More dangerous is it when an inflammation in the bone (osteomyelitis) or in the adjacent connective tissue (Phlegmon) disseminated, without it the body can cause the confusion.

The pain from the root of skin is typical of a fresh wurzelbehandelten tooth with critical defensive position. Since the root only skin can react to pressure, there is no direct temperature pain. However, by increasing the flow of heat also reinforcing effect. Even if a dead root is broken, the pain comes from the root skin.

Exposed tooth necks highly heat-sensitive and can be particularly sensitive to cold, without the fruit of a serious underlying disease. Also sour and sweet for seconds to minutes person being reunited trigger pain. Caused by disclosing Dentinkanälchen that directly lead to Zahnnerv. The closures of Kanälchen succeed more or less with various toothpastes and dental measures.

Anxiety patients at the dentist

Anxiety patients at the dentist

Many patients suffer from dental fear. This feeling is often accompanied by sweating, dizziness, palpitations and nausea until circulatory collapse accompanies. Both men and women, children and adults avoid the ground for many years the way to the dentist office. From long experience, we know how difficult for these patients alone entering the office is. Sensitive handling of patients' anxiety is important to us. They are therefore not a word we hear the criticism. Much more, we will together try to solve your problems and give you a rehabilitated and painless bite as possible.

Dental anesthetic

Thanks to modern equipment and long experience of our doctors is under anesthesia dental restoration to a very safe operation.
The duration of anesthesia can be used without problems in several hours. Even the good compatibility use anesthetics, and the rapid excretion from the body make for low side effects and reduce the risk.

Anesthetic costs

The cost of dental treatment under general anesthesia is usually 250 to 1000 euros.

Frequently asked questions:

For whom, except for fear of patients, an anesthetic in dental restoration carried out?
in-patients in whom the drugs are not syringes
- In patients with severe Würgereiz
- With uncooperative children and adolescents where a dental treatment under local anesthesia is not possible
- For disabled patients
What interventions are most feared by patients?
Long and painful interventions are feared by many patients. These include in particular a number of extractions (wisdom) teeth, and Zahnbeschliffe implantation.
Do I need a release for treatment in general anesthesia?
- Yes, you get this from your family doctor or an internist, after a general examination of your current colleague, blood, ECG and lung X-ray check.
What are the risks and complications can arise?
About the possible risks and complications are you by your dentist and anesthesiologist in a personal conversation informed.
Will I be under anesthesia pain?
While you sleep, we will also local anesthesia except acting anesthetics to give full freedom of pain after waking up to reach.
What side effects can be immediately after the anesthesia occur?
Chills, sore throat because of intubation, tension in the jaw muscles, nausea.
How soon can I leave the office?
Usually after about an hour - the doctor decides anesthesia.
Can I go home alone?
No, you may only be accompanied by the ordination and may leave themselves no road transport.
Can I work the next day to go?
That depends on your being self-starting. We advise our patients prefer one days resting at home.
A vorbildlicheMundhygiene and regular Kontrollenbei your dentist are very important and the easiest undbeste prophylaxis against toothache. When this occurs, then it is in any case, a signal that you should visit the dentist office. Your dentist will provide you and look for the cause of the toothache search. The clinical examination is often supplemented by an X-ray.

If a toothache usually durchKariesverursacht. If the defect in the tooth is not large, the treatment ends with a small filling. Much of the substance of the self-tooth remains intact and the tooth can be preserved for a long time.

Therefore, it is very important even small toothaches exercise to ensure the emergence of major damage can not be permitted.

Root canal treatment, dental extractions, gum treatment belong to the everyday life of a dentist's office. All these therapies should eliminate toothache.

Larger interventions were often avoided if the patient complaints at least respond immediately and contact their dentist would turn.

Toothaches are among the worst pain.

Toothaches are among the worst pain. They arise when the nerves in the teeth due to pressure, injury or chemicals will be irritated. Furnished by the teeth of a particular nerve Seitenäste (Trigeminusnerv), also for various masseters as well as oral and nasal mucosa is responsible.

These neurons are extremely sensitive and even the smallest irritation to unpleasant sensations. For some teeth out of solid enamel no longer exists, which protects the tooth. If, for example, by far the most sensitive cervical dentin, so that sufficient light tapping of unprotected body with a fingernail to trigger pain. Too hot or cold drinks and sugar in some people cause a short tow. The cause may be tiny, barely visible cracks in his tooth enamel.

The most frequent trigger: caries

The most common triggers for tooth pain but caries. The pain sets in, when the agent to have finished dentin. This is a warning! Now treatment is due. Even leaky fillings or crowns solve pain, because the sensitive positions directly below or at leaky borders crown caries formed. Sometimes there is also still a dense filling caries, the tooth remains unseen damage.

Inflammation: Thickness Backe

Pathogen to penetrate into the interior of teeth (deep caries), can ignite the pulp (pulpitis): The tooth starts to thump and the pain is strong to unbearable. Particularly often this is done at night because the heat of the bed to the inflammation process. Untreated pain these days, and heard only if the pulp has died.

But even dead teeth can cause trouble. If a tooth is already dead, may also be swollen cheeks and gums. The inflammation may be different from the tooth root out even in the jaw bone spread. At this point, reinforcing the pain again, the cheek and lymph nodes to swell ( "thick jaw"), the patient gets a fever and is significantly weakened. Due to the strong swelling may also be affected tooth a piece emerge and thus longer appear. Such inflammation must be treated professionally hurry.

Other causes

Toothache can also have other causes. These include:

Inflammation of the gingival pockets (periodontal disease);


Abnormal teeth at night grinding (bruxism);

Children: The Breakthrough of teeth or wisdom teeth;

Injuries caused by accidents: bite on a hard object (eg fork), fall, ausgeschlagene teeth;

Medical treatment: Drilling, poorly insulated metal panels, chemical stimuli by cleaning or glue works, too high, while Aufbeißen disturbing fillings;

The spread of inflammation of the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinusitis) on the jaw bone.

Fake a toothache

For some diseases can be the pain in the jaw and then radiate pretend toothache. These include:

Angina pectoris,

Heart attack,






Emergency measures

The cause of the pain can only be an expert to determine and remedy. The way to the dentist is essential. As a rule, pain patients get an appointment very quickly. The time until then it is but with a few tools to survive.

In a cold and reduces inflammation moist cloth or ice eingewickelte (otherwise too strong cooling) the swelling and relieve the pain a little. Heat, alcohol, nicotine or caffeine, the opposite effect and should be avoided.

Avoid necessarily physical effort.

Soothed with the right medicine and Infertility cloves are old house funds: They are easy to placate anti-inflammatory and also the pain.

Ibuprofen, paracetamol and Azetylsalizylsäure (ASS) are well protected against toothache. Their full effect on the tablets for about 30 to 60 minutes, with effervescent tablets is a little faster. ASA, however, also inhibits blood clotting, bleeding wounds it much longer. Before and after surgery - including a tooth extraction - ASA is therefore inappropriate.


If tooth pain and inflammation beyond the usual practice time to help the dental emergencies. Opening times and addresses of duty dentists learn about dental associations or local newspapers.

There are several causes of toothache pain and different places.

There are several causes of toothache pain and different places.
It is usually the trigger for a toothache in the traditional sense of an untreated tooth decay. The pain is a good area to locate the crown. How does, however, the tooth pain. The inner third of the dentin to pulp out (PräDentin) is touch, since this isolated Endäste sensitive nerves again. The pain is there through fluid shifts caused by osmotic gradients in the inner third of nerve irritation and can transmit the appeal by the Odontoblasten to root out. See caries.
There are also inflammation in the area of the tooth or root in the jaw bone at the root tip are. This may be accompanied by swelling, pain and the pulsating feeling comes from the bony jaw. Inflammatory processes lead to more blood flow to the pulp. Because the outflow is limited, there is an increase of pressure in Pulpenkavum, because the pulp can not expand. See also abscess, root canal treatment, root, endodontics.
The teething in infants or the breakthrough of wisdom teeth is usually severe pain and increased salivation connected. See bite.
Similarly, a tooth for periodontal pain. This suffering is not the dental caries, but the inflamed gums the cause of the pain. See Professional Dental.
Teeth often respond well to cold or hot with piercing pain. This may indicate a hypersensitivity of the tooth necks or to an incipient caries disease, gingivitis or periodontal disease indicates. See toothpaste.
Problems with poorly fitting dentures, braces or bruises can be very violent but well localizable pain. See also print job, Spangenberg.
In order to soothe a toothache, you should avoid cold, hot with his teeth into, and no strong masticatory loading done. An effective means of cooling is the pain of the affected zone. Toothache can often also by general infections such as colds or angina, or exposed tooth necks are caused.
However, if a sudden swelling, or persistent and recurrent pain of unknown cause tooth occur, you need to your dentist immediately! See also painkillers, Odontalgie, toothache, throbbing toothache, pain kälteempfindlicher, knocking in the tooth, emergency services.

Toothaches belong to all of us to the worst pain

Toothaches belong to all of us to the worst pain, because they originate in the vicinity of the so-called sensory organs have. Under a toothache or pain in the head and neck area with the proximity to the eyes, ears, nose and mouth is generally suffers much more than pain in the extremities (arms, legs), even if the pain is no greater strength. Even small irritations are problems.

What is pain?
When injury or inflammation are from the affected tissue (for example, gums, Zahnnerv, jaw bones) endogenous messenger (small chemical molecules) is released, which migrate through the tissue, and a binding site on the "nerve pain" (Nozizeptoren) search. Find these messengers appropriate for themselves exactly right (like a key fits into a lock) binding sites, the "Schmerznerv" is activated and sends them to the brain activation. In the brain, this chemical-electrical stimulation as pain perception.

The bigger, the worse
The bigger the injury or inflammation, the more neurotransmitters in the affected tissue are released and the more "nerve pain" can be activated. According to reinforce the stimuli in the brain as pain perception.

How can you prevent toothache?
Obviously is almost everywhere as the best prevention method. The human body is a very fragile structure of nature, which must be well maintained, so that damage may prevent or delay. Nevertheless, even the best prevention sometime in damage to come to the body in general with the warning "pain" a lot of attention. Only the removal of the shutter (healing of the injury, inflammation of the decay) can be a lasting pain elimination reach. And for the transition phase, that is, until the permanent cure, can pain medications (analgesics) a temporary pain relief, or even bring a pain relief.

Toothaches basically have different causes. The mechanism of tooth pain, however, is the following: the nerve supply to the tooth is responsible for the pain situation, which extends down to the dentin. The outermost layer of the tooth enamel, is insensitive, but for certain factors such as cold permeable.

Injury and inflammation
Toothaches are usually small by injury or inflammation in the area of the teeth and gums caused. Periodontosis is such an inflammation, the painful changes in the gums leads. But caries, where there has been little injuries (holes) of the tooth enamel comes, allowing bacteria in the teeth of aid, and finally an inflammation on Zahnnerv cause.

Caries and pulpitis
The most common causes of tooth pain, tooth decay and / or a nerve inflammation (pulpitis):

Caries is a destruction or dissolution of the dental hard tissue, which can be painful when it reaches the dentin.

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the pulp (nerve inflammation), it can be done by force or caries (trauma) entstehen. There are a reversible and irreversible pulpitis.

Reversible pulpitis can eliminate the cause or disappear but in an irreversible pulpitis go. In the first case of the tooth still respond to cold. If an irreversible pulpitis before responding to the tooth is often not on the cold test.

Irreversible pulpitis should in any case with a root canal filling supply. If not, can result in inflammation of the root tip into the bone to spread, and it requires apical periodontitis or apical cyst.

Obviously, all these processes of the injury until the pain perception also by a dental surgery (operation) will be caused. Just come here all the situations described in the same way to other tissues throughout the body. A cut by a kitchen knife on the thumb caused by the injury and inflammation of the tissue and the release of neurotransmitters ultimately nothing more than the "violation" of the tooth enamel by dental caries or the operation wound after a pulled tooth.

Tooth pain - warning of the tooth

Teeth are contrary to the assumption that many people with a fully vibrant part of the body. This will usually be aware of us when we "toothache" feel. It must be the causes of tooth pain is not necessarily the teeth or jaw concern. There are also diseases of the maxillary sinus or the temporomandibular joint, where the pain to the teeth "broadcast".

The most reasonable measure of dental treatment is pain, as well as all other forms of pain, is to treat the causes and remedy. Painkillers to help only on the days and hours until the dental remedy. Toothache can also necessary as a result, extensive dental treatments occur.

What can you do? Regular dental care is the most important measure for prevention of tooth pain. 3 times daily to clean your teeth after meals, and use regular (1-2 times a year) with your dentist.

Against the tooth pain help painkillers are safe and effective - such as tooth pain DEMEX ® tablets. Going to the dentist, they can not save you. Pain messengers, prostaglandins, play with a toothache an important role. Even the cells of the dental pulp of the tooth and restraint apparatus can prostaglandins released when they are irritated and inflamed. This is the effect of DEMEX ® dental painkillers to. They inhibit the formation of prostaglandins and thereby alleviate the pain, rapid and well tolerated.

Remedy for toothache

A House Appropriations is a simple medical action, the private, often family survived, and with simple domestic resources is feasible. Often, certain foods or teas, and wraps and hot or cold applications such as baths.

Even with a toothache can alleviate the worst symptoms, and so the waiting time to visit the dentist shorten. The first warning signs of incipient tooth pain when looking at the revenue base of sweet, sour, hot or cold food a slightly drawn feels pain. Inflammation and swelling in the area of the teeth, the fiercest of pain are the distress of our ...


The pain, however, you can positively influence. You can use Mother Nature for help, because the nature holds with its herbs, fruits and vegetables, with the sun, air and water, many healing therapies and treatment options for us. The Naturopathy offers many opportunities, you have to know they only understand and apply.

Equally it may be helpful, a clove as close as possible to the aching body to chew. Another old house is the recipe; fresh cabbage leaves from the thick midrib cut out, leaves with a rolling pin walking softly on a linen cloth and put it with the leaves on the cheek on the aching body press.

When the first teeth break through the gums, it is also too small injuries to the children's very painful to be. In this case it may help if they are a piece of apple in a cold washcloth and put the child to leave bite. The cold is soothing and the apple tastes.

Besides herbs, there is the possibility of acupressure.
You must with the thumb nail on the index finger right next to the foreign press fingernail. It hurts, but the pain disappears in the tooth.

More tooth pain points: Place the thumb firmly on both sides of the midline of the skull. Press the middle finger in front of the earlobe into the skin, pressing the index finger on the thigh before the hips firmly into the flesh and then massaging the thumb side above the wrist. Finally, you can at the lower third of the leg and behind the outer ankle firmly with thumb and forefinger massaging hilltops.

Regardless of which method and House Appropriations against toothache they decide. We wish you well soon, hopefully with the House Appropriations effective.

Diseases of the teeth can cause serious tooth pain

Diseases of the teeth can cause serious tooth pain. This pain can in its intensity and severity vary greatly. You can stabbing, drilling, dull, oppressive or his pulse. Toothaches are very often in the context of:

Dental caries
Caries is one of the most common infectious diseases of the industrialized world. Almost every man once in his life affected. Caries may be represented by white or brownish Entkalkungszonen melting patches, dark discoloration or dental defects felt. Similarly, it is the reason for the relaxation or loss of its existing fillings. Steadily ongoing or sporadic pain and severe hypersensitivity to painful for sweet, hot or cold dishes are side effects of advancing cross-border caries. Frequently, however, makes caries a very long time, little or no complaints.
A previously unnoticed caries may be too much pressure suddenly dental pain, for example when flying, diving or mountain climbing.
The periodontal tooth is holding apparatus, which is the anchoring system of the tooth in the bone. Periodontosis is an inflammatory disease and makes redness, swelling, pain and bleeding of the gums (inflammation of mucous membrane of the mouth and gums) the center of attention. Is also characterized by an unusual sweet mouth odor. In some cases, pus from the Zahnfleischsaum, or it creates a palpable bubble pus (abscess) in the gums. In a creeping progress of the disease with schmerzfreiem, unnoticed decrease in the support tissue can Spätsymptome such as tooth mobility and increased tooth loosening occur.
Zahngranulome are small nodules, which are due to chronic irritation or inflammation form. They can occur at different points. If Zahngranulome longer exist, they can damage surrounding tissues and cause pain.
Teeth grinding (bruxism)
Bruxism refers to an exceptionally long, not overly strong and the natural succession Kaubewegungen corresponding bringing the teeth with an empty mouth. Stopping teeth and dental apparatus may occur because of permanent load violated. Bruxism occurs mainly at night. In some cases, up to 45 minutes at a time with a much higher power than chewing geknirscht or lamination. There is tension in the facial muscles on. It is also about pain in jaw, face, or even the entire head. Is the crunch very strong, the teeth are sensitive to pain or loosening. The muscles may be due to the high burden increase significantly and it is painful hardening. At the jaw joints, changes that are opening the mouth difficult. The notice concerned a position change of the articular surface of the jaw than popping noise in the mouth.
Violations of gums and teeth
Especially for children, for example, it may fall by injuries to the teeth, especially in the sections of the front teeth (front teeth) come. Teeth can break off or are in the most extreme case, completely lost.
All complaints, which are related to the teething babies occur are termed Zahnungsprobleme summarized. Teething is not a disease, but can result in significant discomfort with the children and, not least among adults supervising lead. Sleep disturbances, restlessness and increased saliva formation are signs of imminent teething. Infants express their pain by crying. Furthermore, diarrhea, fever and skin rashes show.
Breaching of the wisdom teeth
Occasionally, the breaching of the wisdom tooth pain. Often, the necessary space for an orderly and smooth breaking absent. Does the tooth no chance for orderly breakthrough, it must be removed to further damage to the neighboring teeth to avoid.
Hypersensitivity of the teeth
Many people complain of pain-sensitive teeth. These symptoms often occur after eating cold, hot, sweet or sauern on food and beverages.
Others in this context, relevant areas of application:

Pain (strong to very strong)
Pain (mild to moderate)
When the doctor?
Toothache must not be, in most cases can be managed by a good dental hygiene and healthy eating be prevented. In addition, prevents a half-yearly review and professional treatment is very effective at the dentist the most common causes of tooth pain before. Per year for each insured legally two dental check-ups free of charge.

If in the meantime on a toothache, it is always a reason for a dentist visit, as quickly as possible to the cause of tooth pain and permanent damage.

It is usually the trigger for a toothache an untreated dental caries


It is usually the trigger for a toothache an untreated dental caries (tooth decay caused by bacteria). Also inflammation, which e.g. at the tooth root in the jaw bone or tooth root to tip, you can cause pain.

Similarly, periodontitis (inflammatory disease of the tooth bed) for tooth pain. This suffering is not the dental caries, but the inflamed gums the cause of the pain. The breaking of teeth in children and the wisdom teeth in adults can be painful.

Fake a toothache
For some diseases can be a pain in the jaw and then radiate pretend toothache. These include:

Angina pectoris
Heart attack
What to do in case of a toothache?
Obtain the next appointment with your dentist. As a pain patient, you preferred.

For severe pain, consult the dental emergencies. Until you can treat with pain relief tablets alleviate their grievances. Too cold and damp cloth or ice eingewickelte (otherwise too strong cooling) relieve the pain a little. Soothed with the right medicine and Infertility cloves are old house funds: They are easy to placate anti-inflammatory and also the pain.

Take the dentist appointment also true if the pain in the meantime, have abated. Without treatment of the tooth, the pain again sometime.

Toothaches prevent
Important for the health of their teeth is the correct and regular maintenance. Cleaning up at least twice a day the teeth and use dental floss in addition to take to clean, where food mostly unnoticed accumulate. The thorough cleaning, which means the complete removal of the tooth surface, it takes at least three minutes.

To do twice a year to control!
Ask your dentist, a more effective brushing show.
A healthy and preferably sugar-free diet promotes dental health.
Use fluoride toothpaste
The basic dental care starts in early childhood. Educate your child proper oral hygiene and to go with your child to the dentist regularly.

Important facts-tooth decay

Important facts-tooth decay

It goes without saying that the majority of people use great care with how they look. One must point to the television or a magazine can look only fleetingly, to see just how wonderful grooomed we must strive to be. Our hair is straight so angeredet, and skin must be cleaned, polished and are moistened. However, in considering how much people take care of their bodies they often neglect their teeth. The product range available now fluctuates, but tooth decay is still on the increase.

Our experiences as children at the hands of the dentist often reflect on how we use for our teeth, we are interested in the future. I remember that horrible taste of the fluoride treatments, my parents let me have. I always had regular checks, but still have my teeth decay impose. This is not because I have teeth as a child to look after me, but the fact that such care in recent hinabglitt life. A propensity for sweet nothing helped either.

The cleaning of our teeth for a lot of time insuficient leads to small amounts of food in our mouths, especially around the teeth remain. Sadly, the bacteria in the mouth off away from this and the doubling of a worrying rate of failure. Bacterium produces acid and it is this acid, the most damage caused to our teeth. If the bacteria a large amount of material away from the then "recovered" has, it is obvious that there are more bacteria, and consequently more acid and after more harm our teeth there. Finally, the acid causes premises, and finally the tooth can collapse.

Tooth decay can occur more quickly if you do not make your teeth look. The bacterium, Streptococcus mutans, the defendants. During the middle of a tooth is soft, the enamel, the outer layer, very strong. If the enamel is damaged it will not be long before the center will be addressed. Once this happens, tooth loss is directly threatening.

The brush is not the only form of defense in fighting tooth decay, flossing is also very important and should be a part of a daily program. Because the spaces between teeth are very narrow, food is easy to lock and hence bacterium forms. This area is where most commonly premises, and the correct way of removing the food from here flossing.

Mouthwash is also an essential part of good dental hygiene. It has an antibacterial activity and freshening breath. The antibacterial activity is fighting the bacteria in the mouth is left after they brushed and flossing, then the chances of reducing decay. Some people do not like the taste of the mouthwash, but there is such a great choice, that there is something to meet every taste.

The best way to prevent tooth decay would eliminate all cases responsible for the damage are responsible. This is not always easy or convenient, but by following a simple program, the probability of decay is reduced in size. The first thing to do would be to ensure that at least twice daily and brushes Flosses. Not doing so is the main cause of tooth decay. The following sugar consumption should be reduced, but is attentive, because many food a higher sugar content than that you could achieve. Today there is no need to take fluoride supplements, since this is already in our drinking water supplies is introduced. Last but not least, avoid smoking. Not only tobacco stained teeth, he chances of tooth decay also can increase.

A poor dental hygiene program to have is what finally leads to decay and bad breath. When we learned how to use our teeth properly and followed the advice of our dental care, then we would not need him for treatment as often unpleasant to visit.

How Invisalign oral hygiene and better health can support

How Invisalign oral hygiene and better health can support
Teeth, which is too narrow or too wide apart, can lead to unhealthy conditions, such as swollen gums, redness and pocket formation, all signs of diseases of the tooth retaining apparatus. While Invisalign ® your teeth almost invisibly moves, it can also have positive effects on health in your mouth unfold.

Healthier gums
The health of the gums can with the use of Invisalign ® in the framework of orthodontic treatment. Because properly aligned teeth can help ensure that the gums around each tooth fixed sitting around, leading to better Parodontalgesundheit lead. In contrast to the fixed braces, you can use Invisalign ® teeth maintain normal, which helps tooth decay and prevent Parodontalerkrankungen.

Effortless cleaning
In contrast to traditional dental braces or braces Invisalign ® has no metal bands or wires, where leftover food and plaque accumulate. The continual observance of good oral hygiene program will also be the presence of plaque development, tooth decay and reduce Parodontalerkrankungen.

Improved chewing and speaking
For some people worse incorrectly positioned teeth and jaws, and language difficulties Kauprobleme. A Bisskorrektur by Straight Line, or alignment of the teeth may help to improve both.

Reduced risk of trauma, and abnormal wear and tear
Properly aligned teeth can be less tension in the supporting bone and jaw joints are preparing.

Untreated dental problems can result in deafness lead.

In Peru, 90 percent of the population in varying degrees of dental problems. If these problems are not treated, the tooth can die and must be withdrawn. In Peru pulled teeth are not replaced by a crown. This can cause a malfunction of the temporomandibular joint, which in turn with the onset of hearing loss associated.

"The absence of one or more teeth may lead to an acceleration of hearing loss and self-esteem and social and emotional wellbeing influence." Said Jim Lloclla Romero, national coordinator for dental health strategy by the Ministry of Health in Peru.

According to the specialist women are more likely to suffer hearing loss caused by tooth decay.

In Peru, one in ten suffers older man at a total loss of teeth and 85 percent of the total population suffers from gum disease, the cause of tooth decay is.

Under the theme, "For ever smile", the Government of Peru a campaign in order in the area of dental health enlighten. If this succeeds, you can improve health in relation to the hearing one of the positive effects of this campaign.

One in four adults has halitosis

One in four adults has halitosis

Sugar-free natural yoghurt is an effective remedy for bad breath, because the consumption reduces the sulphide content in the mouth, which is essential for bad breath is responsible. This is the result of a Japanese study, the Congress of the International Association for Dental Research was presented, reported BBC. In addition, the yogurt also enjoy the stop tooth decay and gum disease with a positive impact. Crucial to the beneficial effects are the active bacteria cultures in yogurt.

In an eight-period under study, 24 volunteers with the strict dietary requirements of researchers. These included detailed instructions on oral hygiene and taking medication. In the first two weeks the participants were instructed to yoghurt and dairy products in general to be dispensed with.

After this period, researchers remove the saliva and tongue coating samples and tested the bacteria content geruchsverursachende components. Afterwards, participants were instructed six weeks daily 90 grams of yogurt to eat.

The researchers were able to after the end of the study period by 80 per cent lower sulfide content in your mouth is. In addition, the investigation results showed a significant reduction of gingival inflammation and plaque. The reason for this positive effect is in the active bacteria cultures Lactobazillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus termophilus in yogurt, said the experts.

"The results of the investigation witnessed the positive effect of the yogurt not just for the overall, but also for oral health. Considering that one in four people in halitosis suffers, and almost every adult has once gum problems has suffered, so offer these new findings a new approach for a meaningful and good complementation of Oralhygiene, "said Nigel Carter, chairman of the British Dental Health Foundation.


Xerostomia or dry mouth occurs when the salivary glands produce too little saliva. The saliva is responsible for the sense of taste, swallowing and speaking to the need. It helps to infections and to prevent tooth decay by neutralizing acids and teeth and gums clean. Chemo-and radiotherapy can damage the salivary glands and cause them to produce less saliva. The mouth is then no longer be able to cleanse itself. The acids in the mouth are not neutralized and the minerals of the teeth are lost. Tooth decay and gum disease are the most likely consequences. The symptoms of dry mouth include:

Thick Liquid, tough saliva
Increased thirst
Change in the sense of taste, swallowing and speaking
Wounds or burning (especially on the tongue)
Cuts or cracks on the lips or mouth angles
Changes in the tongue surface
Difficulty in wearing the prosthesis
When chemotherapy is Xerostomia an acute but temporary complication: the salivary glands to work after the end of chemotherapy and recover back to normal within 2-8 weeks. There is the possibility that the salivary glands after the end of radiotherapy not fully recover the production of saliva falls within 1 week after the start of radiotherapy to the head or neck and is associated with the duration of treatment continues to decline. The extent of dry mouth depends on the radiation dose and the number of irradiated glands from. The salivary glands in the upper cheek area, near the ears, are more affected than other salivary glands. A partial recovery of the salivary glands may be in the first year after radiotherapy succeed, they usually recover but not entirely, especially when the salivary glands were directly irradiated. The non-irradiated salivary glands may be active, to the reduced production of saliva glands destroyed offset. A thorough oral care can help, by the dry mouth caused wounds in the mouth, diseases of the gums and tooth decay to prevent or alleviate.

Everything that you have dentition process need to know your baby

Everything that you have dentition process need to know your baby

The Dentitionprozeß can be a difficult period for the baby and the parents. The process starts at different ages depending on each baby but usually by the age of the 3 most children have their primary teeth in the right place. If one years until your baby has not yet received his first tooth, would be wise to your doctor and dentist to see.

There are 20 mainly or "baby" teeth, each child during their lifetime, with 10 in the upper jaw and 10 in the lower has. Normally, the appearance of the baby teeth, as follows: the upper and lower cutting come first, then the upper lateral cutting in a few months later, followed shortly thereafter with the lower lateral cutting. The top-side and Unterseitenmolaren are the following sentence, usually by the right to come around 18 months. The cuspids or Eyeteeth, usually follow soon after the molars. At approximately two to two and a half year, appears the second set of molars.

Normally there is no set order in which baby teeth appear - again this depends on each baby from. It is unusual for a child, all twenty teeth not to receive.

Some babies can be made with a worn front tooth (this happens in about 1 in every 2000 cases). In this regard, it is even wise, a pediatric dentist to consult. This situation may affect breastfeeding process, ie, a pediatric dentist as soon as possible, be consulted, especially if you intend to breastfeed.

Here are the signs that your baby can teethe: The expansion Chen Gummed - you are in a position to outline the teeth to see, because they are trying through his gums and press.

Cry at the end and go night-time.

More than normal much fuss.

"Clingy" behavior.

An increase in the quantity of Geiferns seen.

On fingers, and other objects Dentitionringen chew.

Swollen, red, inflamed gums.

Poor appetite.

Interrupted sleep.

There is some debate about this, but it is now that dentition not cause fever, sleeping out there or reduces immunity to infection generally recognized.

Dentition is very painful - if you have the inside of your cheek bitten, which you, this can be painful - imagine now that a baby is at a soft smooth surface (gums) and suddenly they have a hard and sharp tooth, which by their swollen gums pressed. In general, it is the first tooth, most of the inconvenience caused.

If the baby Dentitionprozeß through, sometimes they get their hands on their mouths - this brings a little relief when the gums have the pressure that is applied to them. You can easily massage your baby to the inconvenience of the dentition to reduce - clean your fingers and rub the gums firmly - this may be uncomfortable for your baby's first, but they are accustomed to, and appreciate the massage, do more it.

Give your baby, something to chew on is cool - this again provides relief during a limited time available. Wet washcloths (you can soak it in apple juice if you wish), that in the freezer for 30 minutes or so have been abandoned - may be your baby to chew. Just remember that whatever you use to check whether your baby is not to strangle him can. Other things that your baby can chew on, include a chilled banana or a frozen Popsicle. An old woman history tool recommends that you have something to Spiritus dab your baby's gums - it is strongly recommended that you not do this.

While primary teeth at a time's sake, are determined by the permanent teeth replace you, they are for several reasons - including chewing and speech is very important. Once these teeth are inside, you can combine them with a special baby toothbrush clean.

Be sure your baby never be allowed to fall asleep with a bottle. This leads to tooth decay. Whether a baby with the bottle fed or cared for, he is "baby bottle tooth decay" vulnerable. Such decay occurs when freshly sprouted baby teeth are exposed to the liquids that contain sugar (in general, anything other than water) for long periods of time. Bacteria in the mouth to grow sugar in the tooth enamel and tackle Räum cause. The best treatment for "baby bottle tooth decay" is prevention. Let your baby a bottle as a peacemaker to use or not to fall asleep with a bottle, which contains everything except water. Also be sure, his teeth and gums after each feeding is easy to clean.

You can also see some Dentitionsymptome - these are generally pretty harmless. For example Geiferhautausschlag, where a red rash on the face, lips, chin and the box can be seen. This can be washed with hot water and a cloth and your doctor can Lanolinsalbe as a treatment for this request. Sometimes, other symptoms of mild diarrhea and a cough include excess saliva from the drippings down the throat of the baby causes.

Are here to sign up for your baby's teeth to be interested to use some good tips:

Clean your baby's mouth before Dentitionprozeß. You can use the gums after each wipe with a warm, wet Washcloth recoveries.

Do good for the teeth as soon as they begin to enter. Some parents wrongly believe that because primary teeth are eventually replaced, they are not that important - this is wrong, because they limit the scope for the permanent teeth, not to mention help with chewing and entertainment preserve.

Active clock for space - if you have any soil discoloration or pitting then they sign the premises could be. Try and avoid you, your baby to bring about with milk (or even worse sweet juice) to sleep because it could lead to premises. In addition, meals helps connect with water than this, most children diets away fairly easy to wash.

Run a toothbrush as soon as possible. Additionally, you should fluoride intake of your baby monitor, while this can help prevent tooth decay. It is also important to have a dental check for your baby up to define - shortly after the first year is a good time for the first visit.

The creation of good dental practice from the beginning helps to ensure that your baby good dental hygiene for years into the future.

What is tooth decay?

What is tooth decay?

Focal demineralization of the tooth is known as caries. The main cause of tooth decay is the presence of acid on the surface of the teeth. The acidity of the decays of the teeth by bacteria in plaque live. Most bacteria, the joint can lead to dental caries are Streptococcus mutans. Bacteria live in our mouth eat the same products as we eat. They live as parasites in our mouth and produce lactic acid as an excretory organ material. The most common bacteria consume sugar and starch. If you eat less sugar as a result is less acid in the mouth. Everyone has millions of bacteria live in their mouth. Bad dental hygiene stimulated the growth of bacterial colonies. Bacterial colony is also known as plaque. Dental plaque is a house for the oral bacteria. Bacterial plaque is the source of Säuresekretion stimulates tooth decay. Teeth cavities can be prevented if proper care is taken. It is a good idea to brush and floss your teeth after every meal. Try it with fluoride a tooth paste. Avoid foods you eat, the sugar and starch, such as cakes, cookies, Caramel, sticky candy, raisins and Taffy. It is a good idea to regularly visit a dentist, because they help you to prevent plaque and cavities. The main symptom of caries is pain. Pain worsens when you drink hot or cold drinks or cold air to breathe. A person with teeth cavities has foul breath and bad taste in the mouth. The teeth are fragile and break easily. Severe tooth decay can cause abscesses, pus-filled sacks in the gums. If some of the above symptoms then it's a good idea to visit your dentist

Inhibitory effect of fluoride on caries


As part of extensive worldwide research has fluoride in the last 50 years repeatedly as a safe and effective means for the prevention of tooth decay proved. The scientific basis for the use of fluoride and its Unbedenklichtkeit are numerous scientific bodies, expert groups and government agencies have been recognized. The use of fluoride has a significant decrease in the incidence and prevalence of dental caries and thus improved quality of life for millions of people effected.

Inhibitory effect of fluoride on caries

The first studies on the importance of fluoride for dental caries was fighting its way to its natural resources and its concentration in the water attached. In addition, it was assumed, the effectiveness of fluoride based on its systematic effects in the form of strengthening the tooth enamel during its development phase. It is now clear that the most important factor in the fight against tooth decay, the maintenance of a constant fluoride levels in the oral cavity is the feeder lower levels of the substance of existing dental caries inhibits demineralisation, while promoting the remineralization of enamel. These findings are of fundamental importance for countries of fluoride in the prevention or treatment. In addition, they confirm that the maintenance of adequate fluoride levels in the oral cavity by local application or by any other measures of central importance to the caries prevention.

Possibilities of fluoride prophylaxis

Trinkwasserfluoridierung. The Trinkwasserfluoridierung is still the most effective public measure to prevent and treat tooth decay dar. The reason is that the human body needs water and the eat. Fluroid in the water comes from all walks of life benefit. The only prerequisite for the Trinkwasserfluoridierung is the existence of a central water supply system for the purpose of reliable control of water supplies. In determining the optimum fluoride level in drinking water in an area are also from other sources to identify quantities of fluoride, or to be taken into account. Recommendations concerning the optimal concentration is based primarily on the local water consumption, which may be climate effects. In addition, play and cultural dietary factors play a role.

Kochsalzfluoridierung. In areas to the Trinkwasserfluoridierung are inadequate, the Speisesalzfluoridierung a possible alternative. Studies have repeatedly shown that the effectiveness of this measure in the reduction of tooth decay is located. For control purposes, the production of fluoridated salt nationally or regionally centralized. To determine the optimal Fluoridkonzentratoin of salt play the local salt consumption, as well as from other sources fluoride quantities play a fundamental role. The packaging should indicate the fluoride content.

Milchfluoridierung. The fluoridation of milk is another, especially in young children as part of school prevention programs applied method of fluoride intake. A number of studies have shown the effectiveness of fluoridierter milk occupied. As a general public health measure, the Milchfluoridierung but no significant importance.

Fluoridated toothpaste. Of the currently available products fluoridated toothpaste is the most widely tested. In numerous controlled trials has been a massive reduction of dental caries and resulting in a significant improvement of oral health. Consequently, fluoridated toothpaste is one of the most important public health measures. Increased efforts should be commensurate with the nationwide use of toothpastes fluoridierten of the population. The swallowing of larger amounts of toothpaste can lead to increased prevalence of sugared form of fluorosis (Zahnschmelzeintrübung) for children. To this risk as low as possible, only small quantities should be swallowed. In some parts of the world fit for children are special toothpastes with low fluoride concentration (550 ppm) available. With regard to its effect kariessenkenden controversial views. It is recommended that each day the teeth with toothpaste at least twice to clean, low enough for rinsing water. The package must contain information on fluoride concentration and the warning that children under 6 years only a small (about pea-large) amount of toothpaste used and in addition to the brushing should be supervised.

Tablettenfluoridierung. Fluoride tablets are both for the individual risk-risk patients as well as for vulnerable groups everywhere recommended that where no other sources of fluoride are available. The effectiveness of fluoride tablets is less thoroughly documented than the other fluoridhaltiger products. Based on the recognized importance of local application of fluoride is recommended that fluoride tablets before swallowing either suck or chew. Improper use increases the risk of Zahnschmelzeintrübung / fluorosis. The optimum dosage must be based on other sources of local fluoride intake, including drinking water, directed. Where dosage requirements already exist, they should also be taken into account. National exist menhrere dosage tables with sometimes varying recommendations. The tables are in relation to other sources of fluoride carefully and regularly update it.

Fluoride mouthwashes. Fluoride mouthwashes are at risk vulnerable people and groups as an effective measure used. The application can be a day or time intervals, depending on local circumstances. Children under six years old should not have access to fluoridated mouthwashes have. In Mundspüllösungen commercially available for individual use have proven to be effective means proved, and its use should be in accordance with the specific needs of the user made.

Application fluoridhaltiger jellies. The dental application fluoridhaltiger jellies is particularly for those with caries risk index. Due to its high concentration of fluoride is the careful handling of these products is needed.

Fluoride varnishes. The Applikaton fluoridhaltiger coatings is in individuals with caries risk patients, or indexed, as a result of dental or medical treatment risk are at risk.

Fluoride from multiple sources. Fluorides are widely distributed throughout nature. They occur in varying concentrations in foods, in natural freshwater and marine water. Today, this substance in any quantities and can pass through the food, beverages, fluoridated drinking water, toothpaste, etc. Mundspüllösungen to be complementary. This plays in the prevention of tooth decay is a crucial factor. However, this also the risk of mild forms of Zahnschmelzeintrübung / fluorosis hand. Therefore, the additional intake of fluoride, a co-ordinated approach is based in the identification and consideration of all available sources of fluoride.

Assess the health risk

Extensive scientific results show that if properly administered fluoride in optimal doses of a safe and effective means for the prevention of dental caries. Excessive intake before tooth eruption may be Schmelzeintrübung / fluorosis lead. The prevention of tooth decay concentrations may be used in some rare cases, a hardly noticeable clouding cause of tooth enamel, the only aesthetic relevance. Recent studies have shown that such geringfügigie changes in the teeth of the fellows either not exercised or not be bothersome. Fluoride is considered the most important public health measure to preserve the oral health, provided that existing guidelines for the optimal dosage will be carefully followed. (Source: FDI opinion, in ÖZZ, 7 / 8 (2001), 24ff. - The FDI is a kind of "World Federation of Dentists" and the world's highest scientific authority in the field of dentistry)

Serves the best preventive oral health

The current editorials devoted to the time of the year in which many people far more sweetened foods and drinks will be consumed as usual, the oral health and its neglect.

Oral health for the national governments only low priority, since they are rarely fatal impact and teeth are also considered unnecessary. Dentists have shown little interest as a supporter of promoting good oral hygiene, and they have been the treatment of oral diseases a real prevention preferred. Until now, the tooth decay (caries) is one of the most common health problems worldwide, and 90 percent of people have this disease, caused by dental problems or pain suffered. In countries with low to middle income status is such tooth decay is not treated. Severe tooth bed inflammation (Periodontitiden) affect 5 to 15 percent of most populations, and oral cancer in men is the most common in Southeast Asia and the world's achthäufigste cancer.

Dental professionals are unevenly distributed around the world. In countries like Britain or Germany at least, is a dentist per 1,000 people present, but this rate in countries with low to middle income status to one to 50 000 population decline, and in Sub-Saharan Africa, it is at almost one to one million. Rural areas are often those who have a dentist on dringensten need. Although these poor countries need more zahnheilkundliches staff, this is in poor regions would be unworkable. Prevention is the key strategy.

Daily use of fluoride is considered to be cost effective, scientifically substantiated approach to reduce tooth decay. The fluoridation of drinking water is a possible, covering the entire population measure, however, is the introduction of the country's infrastructure and the political will depend. The use of toothpastes fluoridierter is useful, however, can affect the cost hindernd. Since in some countries the tax to 50 percent of a total Zahnputzcreme, governments could reduce these charges and also with the manufacturers to produce a better toothpaste agree. The editorial notes: "In the Philippines, for example, have 97 percent of the six-year-old schoolchildren caries. A new program, the promotion of daily washing hands with soap, brushing her teeth with subsidized fluoridhaltiger toothpaste twice a year and a successful end Entwurmung combined, is at an annual cost of only 0.56 U.S. dollars per child as an effective, affordable and sustainable. "

The promotion of oral health could be the countries in achieving development goals relating to children to help. Tooth decay affects the ability of children to eat, sleep and homework to do. Preliminary studies have shown that tooth decay and associated pain and inflammation in the developing countries, malnutrition, underweight and smaller body size could contribute. For children in the industrialized nations in studies could demonstrate that they treated tooth decay in weight and size, respectively. Toothaches also includes the most common causes for absence from school.

The editorial concludes: "All the health staff, including doctors, nurses, pediatricians and pharmacists can work because of preventive measures such as the use of fluorides, and suggest the risk of oral disease reporting. Politically, the commitment necessary to the prevention of oral diseases into programs to prevent chronic diseases, as well as in public health systems to integrate. Good oral health should be a concern to all. "

cavities or tooth decay

1.) cavities or tooth decay
In the oral cavity is a warm moist environment and micro-organisms which will offer an ideal habitat. Some of these micro-organisms form a tough, solid adhesive coating on the teeth. Plaque, consisting of a water-insoluble matrix of many sugar building blocks exists. Such mechanically protects build mainly streptococci sucrose (sugar) in a short time to acids (eg lactic acid, formic acid, acetic acid). Thus, the pH quickly under the critical point of 5.7 and the saliva may no longer be sufficient composition. The tough plaque still favors the whole. The acids can now directly attack tooth enamel and decalcify or demineralize. It can be used for training chalk white points of the so-called chalk stains. The tooth decay is now with the first visible signs. Cancels now initially contiguous surface layer of the tooth enamel, and is the "hole in the tooth caries manifest.

Important factors that prevent dental caries:
- The saliva, the acids abpuffert (weaken) and as a detergent food away. By then swallowing will reduce the harmful germs.
- Fluorides are salts of the chemical element fluorine, for example in the bone (hydroxyapatite) is contained and thus belongs to the essential trace elements. Fluorides eg from toothpastes and calcium and phosphate from the saliva lead in the chalk mark of Apatite training, making the tooth enamel is remineralized or hardened.

Factors for increased risk of tooth:
- Presence of the bacteria Streptococcus mutans-group
- Excessive enjoyment sugar (sucrose) and / or other fermentable carbohydrates
- A long time these substances contact with the teeth
- Individual features such as: - inadequate rinsing and buffer effect of saliva - bad or negligent dental and oral care - the type of micro-organisms

- There are caries risk patients.
- The most common cause is very much one kariesfördernde nutrition, especially regular consumption of sweets. This micro-organisms found in Streptococcus mutans-group against the best living conditions.
Caries tests: The dentist may, by means of special instructions for testing caries increased caries risk.

2.) Periodontitis / periodontosis:
The periodontal disease is a chronic inflammation of the periodontium (tooth holding apparatus). These include the gums, the tooth root surrounding bony dental specialist, as well as the root of skin. Many short tendon fibers of the root skin hold the tooth in the jawbone. As part of the gums called Saumzellen liability directly on the tooth enamel.

Just like dental caries already mentioned, once again, is the bacterial plaque or the plaque is the cause.

The plaque bacteria multiply very quickly and penetrate between teeth and gums On. Toxic metabolites of live and dead bacteria harmful to Saumzellen (Saumhäutchen) and loosen the adhesive tissue. Lymphocytes (inflammatory cells) also increase the tissue permeability, allowing bacteria and their toxins in the connective tissue of the gums can increasingly penetrate. So there is an inflammation of the gums, which is a reddening and swelling of breath. When brushing the gums bleeding quickly, but this is rarely painful.

The dentist called it initially appears harmless, superficial gingivitis as gingivitis. If the plaque is not removed, then the inflammation in the deep. There are gum pockets. By then deposited food bacterial growth will be further encouraged. The inflammation intensity increases and root skin and bones are damaged. The gum differs more and more back and encourages the free dental necks, which are now very sensitive and painful response.

From the gum inflammation or gingivitis, an inflammation of periodontal disease or tooth restraint apparatus developed.

Because of bone degradation are the teeth loosened or mechanically unstable and can fail. Severe forms of periodontal disease are very often associated with reduced body's own immune system (the body's own immune deficiency) in combination. Treatment by the dentist and oral hygiene conscious of the periodontitis patients can bring to a halt. The injured jaw bone, however, can not renew again!

Therefore, early detection and prompt treatment of periodontal disease is extremely important!

Prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes in the gums
1 The most thorough removal of bacterial dental coverings through regular tooth cleaning with the toothbrush and floss is the most effective way to maintain healthy gums.
2 zinc and tin, including salts of magnesium and copper are the opposite tartar formation. Zinkzitrat This will be particularly favorable, as long as it is liable to the plaque. Also pyrophosphates hinder and disrupt the plaque formation. These substances can only control the spread of tartar reduce but not eliminate them. Has the tartar once to correct his teeth fixed, it must by the dentist completely removed.
3, inflammation and bleeding gums preparations (solutions / rinses and toothpastes) with plant extracts such as myrrh, Ratanhia and essential oils (eg essential Salbeiöl) use. Also coming allantoin and vitamin A are used.
4 A local effect on the inflammatory events have Hexetidin and Chlorhexidindigluconat in various commercial products. Both substances inhibit bacterial growth. Lately, the solutions are also good for Zinnfluorids effective.

3) Nutrition
According to the WHO, the dental caries is one of the most common diseases at all, caused by improper eating habits, it is generally eaten too much sugar. This not only leads to tooth decay, but also other diseases such as cardiovascular disease favor. Nutritionally refined sugar is the inferior food attributed because he has no trace elements, minerals, vitamins and fiber.

Therefore, sugar, sweets, and in many fruit juices occurs be avoided. Better products are natural strength. Fruit chewing the increase salivation by about tenfold. This will remove the sugar quickly washed away.

Safe and recommend fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and unsweetened mineral waters. In second place are safe, for example, bread, butter, sausage, cheese, eggs and milk.

Zuckergesüßte beverages contain hidden calories and should therefore be energetic for the most people among us. Are better in any case, sugar-free and calorie-free or low-calorie beverage (about 250 Kjoule / liter). These offer the advantage that even with great thirst no unnecessary calories and simultaneously fermentable substrate for the bacteria in plaque avoided.

Note: Fruit juices and Süßmost (orange juice, grape juice, etc.) are inherently much sugar. Their sugar mixture may be made by the plaque bacteria acids dismantled.

Therefore: If you go to sugary drinks do not want to, you should note the following:
- Quick to drink, making the retention of sugar in the mouth shortened
- Under no circumstances should infants and toddlers to drink from the stand-alone or with a bottle drinking tubes are used.
- Sugar-free confectionery
- `` THE DENTAL SCREEN `` males with sweets, the sugar-free exchange of material, may, with the males with teeth''umbrella''of the action''tooth friendly eV Darmstadt''on the packaging and advertising.

4) The dental care in the different life

- The diet should absolutely be respected now. The best is the breast milk.
- Advisable for bottle-feeding, teas and meals (Gläschennahung) are unsweetened products.
- With the brushing teeth (first teeth from around the 6th month) should be initiated as soon as possible begin.
- Supporting Fluoridgabe (in the form of soluble tablets) in the first and second year of 0.25 mg per day is recommended.
Infant / preschool child
- In a diet with fluoridated Jodsalz (since early 1992 on the market) or fluoridated water (eg Switzerland) and fluoride tablets waived.
- Dental hygiene is still very important because early milk malpositions loss of permanent teeth may lead.
- Toothpastes should always without fruit and sweetener to taste.
- A short children's toothbrush head with wide and short handles and plastic Multituftborsten (three to four and up to 2.5 cm long) is recommended.
- In the third year of life when needed dose of 0.5 mg of fluoride per day and fourth to the sixth year of life 0.75 mg fluoride daily
School children and adolescents
- Generally speaking, the education of children to a reasonable deal with candy individually. Even tooth ends or sugar-free candy is to be preferred. Sugary products should be considered to be eaten. Anyway, then brushing is recommended.
- Support for the dental school through regular dental visits (1 to 2 times per year) is important. Nor should the children of the sense of regular dental care explained.
- Are also preferable short head toothbrushes with Kunststoffmultituftborsten (initially dreireihig to 2.5 cm long, from 10 four years from 2.5 to 3.2 cm long.)
- From the age of seven doses of 1.0 mg fluoride daily.
- It should continue on a healthy diet should be respected. Fruits, vegetables and whole grain products are sticky foods such as dried fruit, banana and sugar confectionery preferable.
- Now gums are also increasingly suffering in the foreground. First signs of periodontal disease can occur. After serving as dental hygiene and fluoride (in toothpastes and specific solutions) the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. It won control of the gums increasingly important. Bleeding gums despite regular brushing teeth? Are gum pockets have been formed? Can blood dark colored dyes tartar detected? This would be warning signals that a visit to the dentist is required so that the early stage of periodontal disease can be stopped.
- Recommended short head toothbrushes are made of plastic.
Older people
- Here it is important to remove old traditions false, because sooner Dental was largely unknown. Even among the elderly fluoride prevents the Zahnentkalkung before.
- Fixed Prosthesis such as crowns and bridges require a very intensive care. For example, the necks of the tooth with care überkronten teeth cleaned. Under the bridge links are easy food finds, for example, Shower with the mouth can be washed away.
- Gebißträger should be regularly Gebißreiniger and then use the cleaner remains removed by rinsing thoroughly. The clean the substances that can irritate the mouth and ignite.
- Pressure on agencies by prosthetic gum on the mouth and mucous membranes help essential oils. These protect against infections and are antibacterial.
The period of pregnancy
- In pregnancy there is a significantly increased susceptibility to gum inflammation. Therefore, it is especially on a careful oral hygiene and healthy diet are respected. An increased risk for tooth decay is not pregnant. Dental caries can not be inherited.

5) prophylaxis
The three main points for caries and Parodontitisprohylaxe are:
As accurate as possible and regular dental and oral care
Zahnbewußte nutrition
Fluoride application
Two options are available to the public on the prevention of tooth and gum disease are available.
1. The individual or personal prophylaxis
In collaboration with the dental surgeries performed, the dentist will carry out protective measures (such as removal of tartar), incipient tooth damage and treat periodontal disease, but especially important advice on personal health and preservation of the teeth and gums give. In the infant and toddler age is a part of this task, so expertise and advice from the pediatrician to take over his. If necessary he will visit the dentist recommended. The recommended measures will be implemented at home.
2. Prophylaxis group
This serves to smooth coverage of preschool and school children and is supported by the school doctor. This can be achieved even children, at home to little or no dental care will be mentored.

6) dental cleaning and oral care
We recommend a so-called Multituft toothbrush (large short-bristle brush head) with a short head, rounded bristles and the strength of medium-hard to soft. From natural bristles is discouraged, because in her hair Channel bacteria can settle. Even plastic bristles are more compact and stable, resilient and hygienic. Children's toothbrushes have a small head and a children's hands are particularly suitable handle.

Attention: toothbrush does not use too long!

A toothbrush, which is used several times a day, should not exceed 2 to 3 months be used! If the bristles of the shape and they are scrubby, the toothbrush is unfit. (200 cleaning operations / toothbrush).

Electric toothbrushes do not offer any advantage over the traditional manual toothbrushes. However, you can help children, brushing playful interesting to learn. The results of both cleaning methods are equivalent.

Whether by hand or electrically cleaned:
- Only with reflection, time and practice can best cleaning results are achieved
- If possible, the teeth immediately after eating sugar candy to be cleaned.

7) brushing
What is important is the technology and Putzdauer: As a rule:
- At least twice daily for 2 minutes and brush your teeth might best after breakfast and after dinner.
The cleaning itself is changing with age: young children with simple circular motion teeth and gums clean.
Schoolchildren should rüttelnde back and forth two teeth on each run.
For adults, the modified Bass technique, according to Figure ...

7.1) after brushing the Bass technique
1. Preparation of the toothbrush at an angle of about 45 degrees per half on gums and teeth.
Optimal massage the teeth and gums. 2. In short powerful movements back and forth herputzen.

Thorough removal of bacterial dental fillings.
3. In the same Putzrhythmus each have 2-3 teeth further back.
Small Putzflächen = better cleaning between the teeth. 4. The relaxation of dental plaque from the gums to wipe crown.

5. As under 3 Cleaning the inner tooth surfaces.
The plaque on the tooth backs can be easily overlooked. 6. Finally, the force Kauflächen about 2-3 teeth cleaning.

Rinsing. Done.

When exposed tooth gaps are so-called interdental brushes room with replaceable cylindrical to conical brush head, the bendable should be strictly advised. There are also dental match with triangular cross section for gentle removal of food waste and bacterial plaque from the tooth spaces usable.

A third and useful tool for cleaning the dental floss. It makes her the effect does not matter whether one or waxed ungewachste products. Ungewachst dental floss is thinner and better glides through narrow gaps. You spleißt in use and thus a larger surface to the desired cleaning effect. Using dental floss can the tooth spaces Plaque free. With the toothbrush to get here is not the goal.

The mouth can shower in patients with orthodontic appliances, etc. very useful. Combined with antibacterial irrigation (eg chlorhexidine gluconate) is an effective tool for people with periodontitis slope.

7.2) toothpastes
In several studies it became clear that bacterial tooth coverings (plaque) less spread when previously with toothpaste and not only was cleaned with water. Thus, toothpaste is more than just a cleaner and no toothpaste means renouncing excipients. For caries prophylaxis me fluoride toothpastes are additional recommended.

Aminfluoridierte products are in their protective effect of the inorganic fluoride products superior. Aminfluoride are surface-active and effective anti-bacterial. Through the combination of network resources and character, they Fluoridierungseffekt the surface tension of saliva contrary, store better in the tooth enamel and lead to an unfavorable distribution of the active substance in the tooth spaces. The Oberflächenaktiviät the Aminofluoride reduces bacterial adhesion to the tooth surface and inhibits plaque growth. These are essential factors of kariesprophylaktischen effect of Aminofluoriden. Additives in toothpastes such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and allantoin Aluminumlactat serve the prevention of gum inflammation. Toothpastes with high Putzkörperanteil lead by Schmiergeleffekt firmly adhering to remove dental fillings. But this caution! Avoid long-term use, so no lasting Putzschäden to the tooth necks can! Sensitive teeth necks with substances such as potassium nitrate, hydroxyapatite, potassium chloride and Trikaliumcitrat products in various trade deals, Essential oils (eg Salbeiöl) in toothpastes may contain, disinfectant and antibacterial effects.

7.3) mouth waters
Mouth waters serve alongside the cosmetic effect of the fresh breath of Keimverminderung in the oral cavity.

Hexetidin and chlorhexidine in the short-term applications well tolerated, have a reasonable time spent on the mucous membranes and reduce plaque sustainable growth.
For the duration of use, these substances are less suitable (interference with the sense of taste is possible, but reversible)!
For Chlorhexidine is obviously a very low resistance rates.
Solutions that are as active metal salts (magnesium, tin and silver salts, Aluminiunchlorat) that are astringent and destroy the enzymatic activity of plaque bacteria.

7.4) Fluorides
In addition to a healthy diet and good dental care is the sole guarantor of fluoride treatment for a reasonable caries prevention. The use of fluoride has increased in recent decades led to a significant reduction of caries in the population!

Because Fluorides harden the tooth enamel and increase the resistance force against the tooth surface acidity.

Fluorides act reparativ at kariösum status (stop incipient caries and make it back)

Fluorides inhibit the growth of plaque bacteria and their metabolism, so that no more harmful acids can be formed.

To ensure high efficiency in the fluoride prophylaxis to achieve should already after birth with fluoride release in consultation with the pediatrician started. The fluoride concentration of drinking water in Germany is generally less than 0.3 mg / liter (the exact values can be obtained from the Waterworks Department). This allows the fluoride content in drinking water by the German Society for Nutrition and the Federal Health Office for not adequately cover held intake!

Age fluoride content of drinking water (mg / l)
Up to 0.3 0.3 - 0.7 above 0.7
1.u 2nd Age of 0.25 mg - --
3. Age of 0.5 mg 0.25 mg --
4.u. 6. Age of 0.75 mg 0.5 mg --
from 7 Age of 1.0 mg 0.5 mg --

A lifelong and regular intake is strictly advisable.
This scheme may be under SCHOLZ 1993 (Dental Forum 1991; Strubelt, O. 1992) attention:
1. Fluoridated toothpaste and systemic fluoridation (eg fluoridated salt)
2. Fluoridated toothpaste daily and weekly Fluoridgel (eg Elmex jelly)
3. Fluoridated toothpaste and 0025% to 0.05% daily irrigation
4. Fluoridated toothpaste daily and 0.1% to 0.2% weekly irrigation

For some time now in Germany salt offered in trade, with fluoride (and also with iodide) is enriched. The fluoride content is 250mg/kg. An overdose is at this concentration and in common use table salt excluded.

Fluorides in Organisums be easily stored, but within a short time through the kidneys. The burden of the brushing teeth with fluoridated toothpaste / solutions and swallowed ausgespülter remains should not be neglected. Even 1500 milliseconds per kilogram toothpaste will be allocated by the legislature classified as completely harmless.

Warning: You should basically just a method of applying Fluoridgabe what the revenue is concerned. Either you decide for fluoride tablets or - tropfen or fluoridated salt. The local administration of fluoridierten toothpastes and solutions (as above recommended), is not affected.

If the water content of 0.7 mg / L fluoride or regular mineral waters with high fluoride content drunk, and should not need fluoride tablets or - or tropfen fluoridated salt used. For infants and toddlers who do not eat salted foods should be the gift of fluoride tablets, and in combination with vitamin D (eg D-Fluoretten), also recommended (see table above)!

Below are some Begriffserklärungen
(ever occurring factors Source: Roche Lexikon Medizin)
Gingivitis Periodontitis (marginalis) Superficialis; superficial inflammation of the Zahnfleischsaums; mechanically by tartar, infectious (sa Gingivostomatitis, stomatitis), toxic (heavy metal poisoning in) or hormone-related or as a local response to general ill health.
Periodontal inflammation of the tooth holding apparatus (Parodontium); sa periodontal disease, but less correct term for Periodontits .- P. marginalis: P. am Zahnfleischsaum or without chronic and progressive in depth - with tooth loosening (later failure), pocket formation.
Periodontosis marginal loss of teeth due restraint apparatus primary regressive, non-inflammatory processes, with rel. small bag of education, but later tooth loosening and loss. Especially cause endogenously; inflammatory Superposition possible. Systematic treatment e.g. with 50 g Parodontoseschiene
Stomatits inflammation of the mouth, usually as St. Simplex only catarrhal with redness, swelling, bleeding, possibly, coatings, halitosis (Foetor ex ore), increased saliva Education (Hypersalivation), difficulty eating. If a self-bacterial, fungal or viral infection (often from a Gingivitits out) or as a response accompanying events or other diseases (such as skin, metabolism, cycles. Infectious Diseases, metal poisoning).
Dental caries caries destruction of tooth structure due to external influences. After several modified-chemical-parasitic theory (Miller 1889) lead sugar (monosaccharides) and the resulting acids Zahndemineralisation and thus trigger the bacterial Z. (or vice versa?); Also important degree of toughness and composition of saliva and its pH . Begins on enamel or tooth at freiliegendem neck on cement; progressing in treatment for non Dentinkaries, possibly continuing pulpitis; leads to defects (cavity) and partial or total loss of the tooth.