It is usually the trigger for a toothache an untreated dental caries


It is usually the trigger for a toothache an untreated dental caries (tooth decay caused by bacteria). Also inflammation, which e.g. at the tooth root in the jaw bone or tooth root to tip, you can cause pain.

Similarly, periodontitis (inflammatory disease of the tooth bed) for tooth pain. This suffering is not the dental caries, but the inflamed gums the cause of the pain. The breaking of teeth in children and the wisdom teeth in adults can be painful.

Fake a toothache
For some diseases can be a pain in the jaw and then radiate pretend toothache. These include:

Angina pectoris
Heart attack
What to do in case of a toothache?
Obtain the next appointment with your dentist. As a pain patient, you preferred.

For severe pain, consult the dental emergencies. Until you can treat with pain relief tablets alleviate their grievances. Too cold and damp cloth or ice eingewickelte (otherwise too strong cooling) relieve the pain a little. Soothed with the right medicine and Infertility cloves are old house funds: They are easy to placate anti-inflammatory and also the pain.

Take the dentist appointment also true if the pain in the meantime, have abated. Without treatment of the tooth, the pain again sometime.

Toothaches prevent
Important for the health of their teeth is the correct and regular maintenance. Cleaning up at least twice a day the teeth and use dental floss in addition to take to clean, where food mostly unnoticed accumulate. The thorough cleaning, which means the complete removal of the tooth surface, it takes at least three minutes.

To do twice a year to control!
Ask your dentist, a more effective brushing show.
A healthy and preferably sugar-free diet promotes dental health.
Use fluoride toothpaste
The basic dental care starts in early childhood. Educate your child proper oral hygiene and to go with your child to the dentist regularly.