Hardly a person is a lifetime of dental caries spared

Hardly a person is a lifetime of dental caries spared, one of the most common infectious diseases in the industrialized countries. About 90 percent of Germans are once in their lives from the slang caries affected - and rising. Because the cause of this illness are bacteria that are to find favor sugary foods. The increasingly poor eating habits is very much in the sense of decay bacteria. Another cause can produce the quantity or the composition of his saliva.

The caries bacteria settle first in the tooth, from where they are by their acidic metabolites of the protective Kalksubstanz decompose. The tooth surface is now the acids in the mouth defenseless - the acid attack, the continued destruction of the tooth. If the injury to the soft dentine is reached, then the hard substance of the tooth somehow burglarize: It is sometimes very painful tooth defects, the so-called holes. In the final stage, the Zahnnerv affected by the infection, which in the worst case, the loss of a tooth result.

If the decay even before the onset of the defects identified and the dentist with the remineralization of the tooth starts early, the disease can be stopped. Are the already severely damaged teeth, the dentist drills the zücken. The remaining holes are then filled with plastic materials. If the nerve already has been affected, according to the drilling must first root canal treatment.

The caries prophylaxis consists of a thorough oral and dental hygiene, dental fluoridation, regular check-ups at the dentist and a dental healthy, low-sugar diet.