Everything that you have dentition process need to know your baby

Everything that you have dentition process need to know your baby

The Dentitionprozeß can be a difficult period for the baby and the parents. The process starts at different ages depending on each baby but usually by the age of the 3 most children have their primary teeth in the right place. If one years until your baby has not yet received his first tooth, would be wise to your doctor and dentist to see.

There are 20 mainly or "baby" teeth, each child during their lifetime, with 10 in the upper jaw and 10 in the lower has. Normally, the appearance of the baby teeth, as follows: the upper and lower cutting come first, then the upper lateral cutting in a few months later, followed shortly thereafter with the lower lateral cutting. The top-side and Unterseitenmolaren are the following sentence, usually by the right to come around 18 months. The cuspids or Eyeteeth, usually follow soon after the molars. At approximately two to two and a half year, appears the second set of molars.

Normally there is no set order in which baby teeth appear - again this depends on each baby from. It is unusual for a child, all twenty teeth not to receive.

Some babies can be made with a worn front tooth (this happens in about 1 in every 2000 cases). In this regard, it is even wise, a pediatric dentist to consult. This situation may affect breastfeeding process, ie, a pediatric dentist as soon as possible, be consulted, especially if you intend to breastfeed.

Here are the signs that your baby can teethe: The expansion Chen Gummed - you are in a position to outline the teeth to see, because they are trying through his gums and press.

Cry at the end and go night-time.

More than normal much fuss.

"Clingy" behavior.

An increase in the quantity of Geiferns seen.

On fingers, and other objects Dentitionringen chew.

Swollen, red, inflamed gums.

Poor appetite.

Interrupted sleep.

There is some debate about this, but it is now that dentition not cause fever, sleeping out there or reduces immunity to infection generally recognized.

Dentition is very painful - if you have the inside of your cheek bitten, which you, this can be painful - imagine now that a baby is at a soft smooth surface (gums) and suddenly they have a hard and sharp tooth, which by their swollen gums pressed. In general, it is the first tooth, most of the inconvenience caused.

If the baby Dentitionprozeß through, sometimes they get their hands on their mouths - this brings a little relief when the gums have the pressure that is applied to them. You can easily massage your baby to the inconvenience of the dentition to reduce - clean your fingers and rub the gums firmly - this may be uncomfortable for your baby's first, but they are accustomed to, and appreciate the massage, do more it.

Give your baby, something to chew on is cool - this again provides relief during a limited time available. Wet washcloths (you can soak it in apple juice if you wish), that in the freezer for 30 minutes or so have been abandoned - may be your baby to chew. Just remember that whatever you use to check whether your baby is not to strangle him can. Other things that your baby can chew on, include a chilled banana or a frozen Popsicle. An old woman history tool recommends that you have something to Spiritus dab your baby's gums - it is strongly recommended that you not do this.

While primary teeth at a time's sake, are determined by the permanent teeth replace you, they are for several reasons - including chewing and speech is very important. Once these teeth are inside, you can combine them with a special baby toothbrush clean.

Be sure your baby never be allowed to fall asleep with a bottle. This leads to tooth decay. Whether a baby with the bottle fed or cared for, he is "baby bottle tooth decay" vulnerable. Such decay occurs when freshly sprouted baby teeth are exposed to the liquids that contain sugar (in general, anything other than water) for long periods of time. Bacteria in the mouth to grow sugar in the tooth enamel and tackle Räum cause. The best treatment for "baby bottle tooth decay" is prevention. Let your baby a bottle as a peacemaker to use or not to fall asleep with a bottle, which contains everything except water. Also be sure, his teeth and gums after each feeding is easy to clean.

You can also see some Dentitionsymptome - these are generally pretty harmless. For example Geiferhautausschlag, where a red rash on the face, lips, chin and the box can be seen. This can be washed with hot water and a cloth and your doctor can Lanolinsalbe as a treatment for this request. Sometimes, other symptoms of mild diarrhea and a cough include excess saliva from the drippings down the throat of the baby causes.

Are here to sign up for your baby's teeth to be interested to use some good tips:

Clean your baby's mouth before Dentitionprozeß. You can use the gums after each wipe with a warm, wet Washcloth recoveries.

Do good for the teeth as soon as they begin to enter. Some parents wrongly believe that because primary teeth are eventually replaced, they are not that important - this is wrong, because they limit the scope for the permanent teeth, not to mention help with chewing and entertainment preserve.

Active clock for space - if you have any soil discoloration or pitting then they sign the premises could be. Try and avoid you, your baby to bring about with milk (or even worse sweet juice) to sleep because it could lead to premises. In addition, meals helps connect with water than this, most children diets away fairly easy to wash.

Run a toothbrush as soon as possible. Additionally, you should fluoride intake of your baby monitor, while this can help prevent tooth decay. It is also important to have a dental check for your baby up to define - shortly after the first year is a good time for the first visit.

The creation of good dental practice from the beginning helps to ensure that your baby good dental hygiene for years into the future.