How Invisalign oral hygiene and better health can support

How Invisalign oral hygiene and better health can support
Teeth, which is too narrow or too wide apart, can lead to unhealthy conditions, such as swollen gums, redness and pocket formation, all signs of diseases of the tooth retaining apparatus. While Invisalign ® your teeth almost invisibly moves, it can also have positive effects on health in your mouth unfold.

Healthier gums
The health of the gums can with the use of Invisalign ® in the framework of orthodontic treatment. Because properly aligned teeth can help ensure that the gums around each tooth fixed sitting around, leading to better Parodontalgesundheit lead. In contrast to the fixed braces, you can use Invisalign ® teeth maintain normal, which helps tooth decay and prevent Parodontalerkrankungen.

Effortless cleaning
In contrast to traditional dental braces or braces Invisalign ® has no metal bands or wires, where leftover food and plaque accumulate. The continual observance of good oral hygiene program will also be the presence of plaque development, tooth decay and reduce Parodontalerkrankungen.

Improved chewing and speaking
For some people worse incorrectly positioned teeth and jaws, and language difficulties Kauprobleme. A Bisskorrektur by Straight Line, or alignment of the teeth may help to improve both.

Reduced risk of trauma, and abnormal wear and tear
Properly aligned teeth can be less tension in the supporting bone and jaw joints are preparing.