Toothaches are among the worst pain.

Toothaches are among the worst pain. They arise when the nerves in the teeth due to pressure, injury or chemicals will be irritated. Furnished by the teeth of a particular nerve Seitenäste (Trigeminusnerv), also for various masseters as well as oral and nasal mucosa is responsible.

These neurons are extremely sensitive and even the smallest irritation to unpleasant sensations. For some teeth out of solid enamel no longer exists, which protects the tooth. If, for example, by far the most sensitive cervical dentin, so that sufficient light tapping of unprotected body with a fingernail to trigger pain. Too hot or cold drinks and sugar in some people cause a short tow. The cause may be tiny, barely visible cracks in his tooth enamel.

The most frequent trigger: caries

The most common triggers for tooth pain but caries. The pain sets in, when the agent to have finished dentin. This is a warning! Now treatment is due. Even leaky fillings or crowns solve pain, because the sensitive positions directly below or at leaky borders crown caries formed. Sometimes there is also still a dense filling caries, the tooth remains unseen damage.

Inflammation: Thickness Backe

Pathogen to penetrate into the interior of teeth (deep caries), can ignite the pulp (pulpitis): The tooth starts to thump and the pain is strong to unbearable. Particularly often this is done at night because the heat of the bed to the inflammation process. Untreated pain these days, and heard only if the pulp has died.

But even dead teeth can cause trouble. If a tooth is already dead, may also be swollen cheeks and gums. The inflammation may be different from the tooth root out even in the jaw bone spread. At this point, reinforcing the pain again, the cheek and lymph nodes to swell ( "thick jaw"), the patient gets a fever and is significantly weakened. Due to the strong swelling may also be affected tooth a piece emerge and thus longer appear. Such inflammation must be treated professionally hurry.

Other causes

Toothache can also have other causes. These include:

Inflammation of the gingival pockets (periodontal disease);


Abnormal teeth at night grinding (bruxism);

Children: The Breakthrough of teeth or wisdom teeth;

Injuries caused by accidents: bite on a hard object (eg fork), fall, ausgeschlagene teeth;

Medical treatment: Drilling, poorly insulated metal panels, chemical stimuli by cleaning or glue works, too high, while Aufbeißen disturbing fillings;

The spread of inflammation of the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinusitis) on the jaw bone.

Fake a toothache

For some diseases can be the pain in the jaw and then radiate pretend toothache. These include:

Angina pectoris,

Heart attack,






Emergency measures

The cause of the pain can only be an expert to determine and remedy. The way to the dentist is essential. As a rule, pain patients get an appointment very quickly. The time until then it is but with a few tools to survive.

In a cold and reduces inflammation moist cloth or ice eingewickelte (otherwise too strong cooling) the swelling and relieve the pain a little. Heat, alcohol, nicotine or caffeine, the opposite effect and should be avoided.

Avoid necessarily physical effort.

Soothed with the right medicine and Infertility cloves are old house funds: They are easy to placate anti-inflammatory and also the pain.

Ibuprofen, paracetamol and Azetylsalizylsäure (ASS) are well protected against toothache. Their full effect on the tablets for about 30 to 60 minutes, with effervescent tablets is a little faster. ASA, however, also inhibits blood clotting, bleeding wounds it much longer. Before and after surgery - including a tooth extraction - ASA is therefore inappropriate.


If tooth pain and inflammation beyond the usual practice time to help the dental emergencies. Opening times and addresses of duty dentists learn about dental associations or local newspapers.