Toothache - rightly feared

Toothache - rightly feared

Those who once suffered from a toothache, knows exactly why teeth, their treatment - and it was only the half-yearly review by a specialist - and their diseases are a sensitive topic: Toothaches become unpleasant physical sensations counted.

What is toothache?
Teeth are strong inside and very sensitive nerve endings, which usually by the harsh and insensitive Zahnäußere superbly protected. These nerve fibers conduct all sensations on the three-Gesichtsnerv the trigeminal nerve in the nearby brain. The Trigeminus also contains nerve endings to the muscles and the lining of the mouth and nose are responsible. How can pain in a tooth may radiate into the environment.

If the Zahnäußere, the hard enamel, through injury, bacteria, chemicals, printing or damaged, the nerve fibers are irritated and probing, dull, stabbing pain or knocking arise - and nature of pain varies depending on the cause. The pain often radiates into the upper or lower jaw that can pull towards temples and headaches appear. The pain often lead to massive damage to health and are not affected by long tolerated: Fortunately, this is so, because often, inflammation of the guilt and pain that can affect the bloodstream quickly spread to the brain.

Most severe toothache is a phase advance, in which a single tooth particularly sensitive to cold, heat, pressure or sweets react. These signs, you should always show a warning signal that the enamel of your teeth and you are attacked is urgent for your teeth should do.

What are the reasons for toothaches are there?
In addition to missing or attacked tooth enamel is the most common cause of dental caries pain. Caries is the most common diseases of mankind, but not yet conclusively settled is whether caries is contagious or not. From the dental caries tissue dental enamel and dentin infected - holes emerge. This decay occurs, several factors work together: Sun formed from plaque bacteria and nutrients, depending on the sugary Zahnputzverhalten varying degrees, including the salivary composition and structure of the teeth play an important role.

If one remains untreated caries (because they do not cause pain), they can expand and inside the tooth, the dental pulp, attack, in which the supply structures of the tooth, so nerves and blood vessels, lost.

A pulpitis, ie an inflammation of the pulp, caries, in addition to other causes, such as a thermal or chemical irritation through an extensive repair dental treatment. They can be extremely painful, but also smoothly and painlessly heal spontaneously if the original charm disappears.

If they become a apical osteitis developed, spreading the inflammation of the inner tooth to tooth roots and causes the death of the tooth tissue.

In addition to caries disease and its consequences are also at a periodontitis - that inflammation of the tooth holding apparatus, namely the gums - pain. For ease of gingivitis are often burning pain, however, a strong Periodontitis is often painless tückischerweise: Only the apparent extension of the tooth necks indicates that the gums zurückbildet.

When babies are Zahnungsbeschwerden as a toothache, when the teeth from the gums break - in adults, the same complaints to the passage of the wisdom teeth were observed. Children can also toothache on a tooth indicate misalignment or to a wrong set braces.

But even deformities of the temporomandibular joint pronounced tooth can cause pain. Often express such deformities by nocturnal teeth grinding, of which the person can not be noticed. However, after waking up, he often finds that his muscles tense and his teeth hurt. Incidentally can Zähneknirschen to stress-induced jaw deformities and vice versa can be a jaw misalignment Zähneknirschen at fault!

Another category dentists know so-called atypical tooth pain, which sometimes severe pain is not a tooth and its surroundings can be assigned. The pain kept partly long, and may also from time to time in another place occur.

In addition, other diseases can also be the body pain of the teeth trigger. To sinuses or middle ear infections in the mouth radiate, severe headache and migraine also lead to tooth pain and even a narrowing of the coronary arteries (angina) or a heart attack can only by toothache felt.