Self-help toothache

If you have any bite to eat spoiled and it is even unpleasant to talk, is not only extremely painful, but the symptoms may also indicate an inflammation. Since this necessarily needs to be addressed, you should first make an appointment at the dentist agree. To help you but in the meantime not to suffer a toothache, I have some tips for you.

The best natural remedy for toothache is clove, chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint and marjoram. These will be in the form of oils and tinctures (pharmacy) or a concentrated tea on the affected areas gepinselt. You can also chew a clove.

With throbbing pain in the jaw helps a cool cover. At night, you should not sleep on a pillow, because the heat spread of bacteria favors. To prevent infections, stir a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth after every meal order from.

What protects teeth against Periodontitis Who thoroughly cleans, takes periodontal bacteria habitat. Important helpers during cleaning: toothbrush: medium to soft, with a small head, hence the posterior molars reached ...