Most people will certainly to the unpleasant toothache remember

Most people will certainly to the unpleasant toothache remember. And often are inadequately cared teeth are the cause, making the most dental caries arose. The best remedy for toothache is, of course, always a pain tablets, but only a temporary relief. And you can not always this Schmerztabeletten because some side effects they bring with them.

Make sure you're at it, the tooth pain often occur when just the dentist's office is closed, so usually late evening or on weekends. Of course there is the possibility of a dental practice emergency reside, but it's not the usual dentist, you know. And even patients who are afraid of the dentist have such dental emergency services will almost certainly not advice. It remains only to endure the pain of this unpleasant and hope that they are not worse.

Against toothache is a herb grown, it means it does not always immediately the harsh chemicals like mace, for example, pain-killing tablets. There are some herbs that are not only against colds, flu or other diseases, but they can be pain-relieving effect on the teeth. Sometimes herbs can completely eliminate these toothache. Some healing herbs against toothache:

Chamomile: Does a general anti-inflammatory. Rinses with chamomile help against painful inflammation of the teeth or mouth.
Goose finger cabbage: It makes a Absud and washes are so often from the mouth.
Parsley: rinses with parsley
Marjoram: A Majoranöl drops to the affected tooth.
Goldmohn: bright yellow, orange and red flowers. Easy to grow summer flower, which also grows in our latitudes. The slightly Narko automation Blattsaft was Californian Indians against tooth pain.
Estragon: Lindert toothache helps with rheumatism and rule complaints against worms in children
Rue: crushed leaves are in dental pain in the teeth filled hollow

Other herbs against toothache, for example, Horsetail, lemon balm, sage, lavender and myrrh. Generally, it is always on the dosage and the application of the pain or to alleviate silent. You will certainly have come to realize that often in most toothpastes contain natural herbs, and not a few companies have heavily on these natural supplements out. If you are unsure of the dosage beziehhungsweise with the approach of these funds, ask quiet times in your pharmacy after. Not all herbs are widely available, it is recommended in parallel with a natural Heilpraxis asking. You'll be amazed at what herbs with other diseases very good results achieved.

Why some plants or Kräuer a good healing power generating, is that these plants are firmly rooted in the ground a lot of threats and dangers to keep, and a few weapons have developed to a successful defense. As you can see, there are alternative methods of healing and it must not always be the pain tablet. Make sure you always have a healthy diet to include the dental health positively to maintain.