The majority of the population have no place in the mouth for wisdom teeth.

The majority of the population have no place in the mouth for wisdom teeth. Thus, the wisdom teeth grow "crooked" and are often partially out of the mouth. They can cause cavities on the adjacent teeth as they promote the accumulation of bacterial plaque and food. They can also cause problems in the joints, pain in the ears. They are often removes prevention to avoid damage to teeth and useful to keep a lifetime. It also removes the decayed when they are infected or have caused damage to adjacent teeth. However, it is possible that a person has enough room for wisdom teeth and there is no harm to keep them. In these cases, the dentist suggested to keep them.
People are often afraid when talking to remove wisdom teeth. Have you ever heard your friends say "I cheek swollen like a squirrel? Yet for most people, this intervention is going very well. However, it is normal to have swollen cheeks and have the sensitivity after the removal of wisdom teeth. The swelling often starts the day after surgery and lasts about three to five days and decrease slowly thereafter. Sometimes there may be no swelling.
Sometimes having bruises: people who tend to have bruises in general during shock will be more likely to have. As for pain, it varies from person to person. Most of the time, it is controlled well with pain killers prescribed by the dentist. Usually, sensitivity is more present two to three days and sometimes people do not feel pain following the extraction of wisdom teeth. After a week, most symptoms will be missing.
The teeth that are included or embedded in the bone can cause more swelling and sensitivity that the teeth are already outings in the mouth. Most people return to work tomorrow or there who prefer to take a day or two days off.

Ideally, at the age of 16 should take a panoramic radiograph and evaluate the need to remove wisdom teeth. You can remove wisdom teeth at any age, but more are expected, more teeth are anchored in the bone and you can have complications. The ideal age to remove wisdom teeth is top 30 and bottom teeth for 25 years.