FAQ - gum disease

Here are some frequently asked questions about gum disease. Click on a question to see the response of the Canadian Dental Association (CDA).

Question 1
Gum disease are they frequent?

Question 2
How gum disease they start?

Question 3
How can I prevent gum disease?

Question 4
How do I know if I properly clean their teeth with brushing and flossing?

1. Gum disease are they frequent?

They are very frequent. In Canada, gum disease affects seven out of ten people at a time in their lives. Dental problem is the most prominent. They can grow almost without pain until the real problem. That's why it's so important to prevent them and prevent them from worsening.

2. How gum disease they start?

The affections of the gums begins when plaque adheres to the visible part of the gingival sulcus or below. If we do not remove it daily to clean their teeth with brushing and flossing, plaque hardens to form tartar, which facilitates bacterial infection at the point of attachment. At first, the dental condition called gingivitis.

The gums may take a reddish hue, but you may not feel anything. Gingivitis worse, pockets of infection form. We can notice a swelling of the gums and it may be that they bleed a little when you brush your teeth, but still without pain. Over time, the infection destroys the gum tissue and, possibly, you may lose one or more teeth.

3. How can I prevent gum disease?

Here are the key. The most important factor in the fight against gum disease is prevention. The key is to keep your teeth and gums clean. Brush your teeth as it takes at least twice a day and clean them with dental floss at least once a day.

The proper technique to clean their teeth with brushing and flossing is just as important as the frequency of care. Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleaning, do you consider the mouth and eradicate any outbreak of disease of the gums.

4. How do I know if I properly clean their teeth with brushing and flossing?

The toothbrush: Brush your teeth gently, paying attention to the junction between teeth and gums. Clean all surfaces of teeth. Use the tip of your brush to clean the front teeth, top and bottom.

Flossing: Take a length of floss about 45 cm and wind to the major. Taking every time a section, surround each tooth with wire forming a C, and then rub the tooth two or three times, from the base. Repeat the technique to each tooth.