Periodontal disease

Are you suffering? Periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease is the leading cause of the collapse of the teeth in 75% of adults. C? Is an infectious disease that affects the tissues supporting the tooth (called the periodontium) and gum? Alveolar bone.
It may appear at any age. There are several forms of clinical disease. Thus there is, for example, juvenile periodontitis.

THE evolution of disease n? Is not inevitable. If it is detected in time, it can be treated and the teeth will be kept.
Here are directions to help you better understand the signs, causes and factors that promote the disease, and become familiar with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention will be offered by your dentist and your periodontist.

You have one or more symptoms of this disease?

Your gums bleed when you brush your teeth;
It is red, swollen, sensitive;
She takes off or shrinks revealing the roots of teeth;
Teeth move, s? Abolished change position;
Pus appearing between the gums and teeth;
You have bad breath;
Your prothčses (fixed or mobile) seem more well-adjusted.

What causes this disease? How is she?

All clinical forms of infectious disease are caused by bacteria in dental plaque: whitish coating that is deposited daily on teeth brushing, and that must be eliminated.

If not enlčve plaque it hardens and turns into tartar, deposit hard and rough.

Toxins produced by bacteria are going? Attack in the gums causing inflammation, redness and swelling: gingivitis.

If this gingivitis n? Is not treated, over time, it will turn into periodontitis, l? Bone is then achieved.

Are there factors favoring? Outbreak of disease?

Gingivitis s? Often chez l? At the child? Eruption of permanent teeth among l? Teenager who often poorly brush teeth.

Pregnant women under the? Influence of hormones in the blood in large quantities, the gum is more easily inflamed, red and larger volume that? To normal.

There is often a family character in these diseases.

If you are stressed, if you smoke or if you are diabetic, you have more risk of? Be reached.

Diseases affecting the general immune reactions can worsen the disease.

How can we diagnose the disease?

Now you can in the light of your new knowledge you look in a mirror and detect signs described above. But it? Is your practitioner who will examine your gums and probe with a small instrument to monitor attaches to the tooth surface. C? Is finally by X-rays that? He can assess how much? This bone around the teeth.

How can we prevent the disease?

Prevention depends on 2, you and your practitioner:

you, brushing your teeth every day to eliminate plaque on your teeth and between your teeth with the appropriate instruments (adapted brush, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss);
your practitioner who will perform in your mouth 2 times a year scaling-polishing for the perfect? elimination of the plate while making you undergo a periodontal screening and informing you of all products and methods? oral hygiene.

What are the treatment of periodontal disease?

All treatments are based on? Disposal bacteria. Whatever the type of disease that you have, treatment begins by? Teacher? Brushing technique appropriate so that you are able to control every day, thanks to a detector plate, your technique? ? hygiene.

If only the gum is reached, the treatment is to descale, polishing the surface of teeth for that? Again adhčre gum to the tooth surface and find the characters d? A healthy gums.

If? Bone scaling is achieved will be the first phase of treatment. It will then make a surgical treatment Ť ť allowing? Access to bone lesions to be cleaned. In some cases of bone grafts or the establishment of membranes Ť ť promoting reconstruction of? Bone destruction can be proposed.

The last phase of treatment s? Called maintenance. It is back to 3 times a year to see your doctor so that? It controls the stability of results and that? It helps you in your daily cleaning sessions regularly Descaling.

After treatment, you find a healthy periodontium. If you meet your strict maintenance program, you can keep your teeth very long.