Toothache occur in diseases such as dental caries or tooth root infection on or after dental treatments

Toothache occur in diseases such as dental caries or tooth root infection on or after dental treatments. The teeth may also by other diseases such as Nasennebenhöhlenvereiterung pressure and schmerzempfindlich be.

Toothaches are generally very unpleasant. You can drilling, knocking, dull or stabbing, and in inflammatory reactions or Vereiterungen cheek is swollen. Often teeth respond well to cold or hot with acrid pain. This may indicate a hypersensitivity of the tooth necks or to an incipient caries disease (plaque and caries) or even periodontosis (gum inflammation) indicates.

Previously unnoticed caries may be too much pressure suddenly toothache, eg when flying, diving or mountain climbing.

Common Causes

Dental treatment.
Gingival inflammation.
Inflammation of the dental pulp, e.g. fallen out with seal.
Tooth root inflammation (Zahnabszess).
Hypersensitivity of teeth.
The breaching of the wisdom teeth.
For children, in addition:

Toothache by resetting the braces.
Misalignment of teeth.
The breaching of the teeth in children (Zahnungsbeschwerden).
What you can do

Avoid toothache in that cold, hot with the teeth come into contact.
For a short time a wet-cold envelope lay on the cheek. With strong swelling Eispackungen hang.
The acupuncture point on the outer corners of the nail bed finger firmly rub.
Short term, until the next dental visit, which helps taking a painkiller (such as with aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen).
If a surgical intervention (eg tooth extraction) is expected Acetylsalicylsäurepräparate should not be taken, since it would lead to increased bleeding.
When you need to the dentist

If persistent or recurrent tooth pain of unknown cause occurs.
For caries, gingival inflammation, root inflammation, pulp inflammation.
What your dentist can do for you

The cause of toothache find and eliminate.
In sharp tooth pain before or after a dental procedure, your dentist may prescribe some painkillers.

Meticulous care and regular dental visits to prevent dental disease and tooth pain.