There are several causes of toothache pain

There are several causes of toothache pain and different places.
It is usually the trigger for toothache in the traditional sense of an untreated dental caries. The pain is a good area to locate the tooth crown. How does, however, the tooth pain. The inner third of the dentin pulp out of touch is as isolated here Enda sensitive nerves again. The pain is there through fluid shifts caused by osmotic gradients in the inner third of nerve irritation and can transmit the stimulus by Odontoblasten to root out. See caries.
There are also infections that are in the area of the tooth root or jaw bone at the tooth root tip are located. These can be accompanied by swelling, pain and the pulsating feeling comes from the bony jaw. Inflammatory processes lead to more flow in the pulp. Because the outflow is limited, there is an increase of pressure in Pulpenkavum, because the pulp can not expand. See also abscess, root canal treatment, root, endodontics.
The teething in infants or the breakthrough of wisdom teeth is usually severe pain and increased salivation connected. See bite.
Similarly, a periodontal disease to tooth pain. This suffering is not the dental caries, but the inflamed gums the cause of the pain. See the Dental Professional.
Often teeth respond well to cold or hot with piercing pain. This may indicate a hypersensitivity of the tooth necks or to an incipient caries disease, gingivitis or periodontitis indicates. See toothpaste.
Problems with poorly fitting dentures, braces or bruises may be very heavy but well localizable pain. See also pressure body brace.
In order to soothe a toothache, you should avoid cold, hot with the teeth in contact, and no strong masticatory loading takes place. An effective means is to cool the affected area of pain. Tooth pain can often also by general infections such as colds or sore, or exposed tooth necks are caused.
However, if a sudden swelling, or persistent and recurrent dental pain of unknown origin occur, you need to your dentist immediately! See also analgesics, Odontalgie, toothache, throbbing toothache, sensitive to cold pain, palpitations in the dental, emergency service.