Effective methods to eliminate tooth pain

Everyone knows that dental pain caused by dental infections or other tooth damage. In general, you should at dental pain immediately his dentist. There are also tips for a temporary cure to get:

Akkupressur-method (with the left thumb nail to the point of the tooth press, which hurts)

-Green tea (helps not only beneficial for other diseases, but also in the dental pain)

-Cloves (The Carnation in the immediate vicinity of the inflamed tooth chew)

Pain tablets (low dose)

Thyme-liquor (a small brandy glass fully empty drink)

-Dried rosemary leaves (chew)

Clove-oil (vollsaugen with cotton and then sent to the press office of the jaw where the tooth hurts)

-Steinklee (with 0.5 liters of hot water poured over, let cool and then gargle several times)

-Cretaceous (chalk grated through the nostril pull, on the side where the tooth pain occurs)

-Tea-tree oil (in diluted form gargle)

-Blackberry tea (when the gums bleed)

Linseed-sacs (in hot form against first complaint)

As you'll see, there is some remedy for the unpleasant toothache. There are, however, only short-term methods. You should always, if possible, the dentist immediately. Causes of such pain can be holes in his teeth, bleeding gums, tooth infections, aborted crown, lost fillings etc.

A simple recipe for such pains to avoid the teeth is always enough and easy to maintain. The best three daily teeth cleaning. And also use a dental rinse. Afterwards still beneficial if one still has teeth supplementary, if the pain is more serious and costly dental treatments and more are needed.

Remedy for toothache
Effective methods to eliminate tooth pain
Everyone knows that dental pain caused by dental infections or other tooth damage. In general, you should at dental pain immediately his dentist. There are also tips for a temporary cure to get:-Akkupressur method (with the left thumb nail to the point of the tooth press, which hurts)-Green tea (helps not only with others ...